Nice to know you
@Er3, my brother.
Anytime PM me, we will discuss things, like growing/music/sex, etc.

) and that would be nice, right?
They are only now really beginning to understand the wiring of the Human brain.
what the fuck is that?
are you a pussy?
Man Up!!!!!!.
I lost my brother when I was 12 & my mother when I was 16 & was handed a bottle of Irish whiskey at my mothers wake and told by my Uncle drink up, this will make you feel better & I did feel better for the moment & I never, well hardly ever stopped since.
That was the IrIsh cure for melancholy & pretty sure it still is.
I tried everyfuckingthing imaginable, diet/exercise/religion & alway's found/came back to drugs & alcohol.
Then the emergence of the antidepressant like Prozac or Zoloft in the 80"s (Roher 714's didn't end up working that well

I luckily had my family Dr. whom I had known since I was a child and went to him and explained my situation, which was that I felt I had tried everything, but nothing had worked (Heroin worked a little/made me too sick though) & that I wanted to die.
He asked me if I was suicidal, I said yes & he asked me if I wanted to be committed to a psychiatric facility & I said why the fuck not.
I went in and started treatment.
Yea, we're at the cutting edge of treatment, they are getting it, but it's a slow process.
Those are the cards delt
You can fold, like 2 of my friends did or say fuck you, kill me if you can/I ain't giving up, no fucking way.
That's my choice, for the moment at least