Let's talk... Trump Biden

Friend, I am not punishing you. It's simply not possible for me to do so. We're all just weirdo weed people typing on the internet. You needs moar salt in your diet.
Or maybe a little less edible. Please know my intentions were good.
[ sick though) & that I wanted to
Nice to know you @Er3, my brother.
Anytime PM me, we will discuss things, like growing/music/sex, etc. :) ) and that would be nice, right?
They are only now really beginning to understand the wiring of the Human brain.
what the fuck is that?
are you a pussy?
Man Up!!!!!!.
I lost my brother when I was 12 & my mother when I was 16 & was handed a bottle of Irish whiskey at my mothers wake and told by my Uncle drink up, this will make you feel better & I did feel better for the moment & I never, well hardly ever stopped since.
That was the IrIsh cure for melancholy & pretty sure it still is.
I tried everyfuckingthing imaginable, diet/exercise/religion & alway's found/came back to drugs & alcohol.
Then the emergence of the antidepressant like Prozac or Zoloft in the 80"s (Roher 714's didn't end up working that well :) )
I luckily had my family Dr. whom I had known since I was a child and went to him and explained my situation, which was that I felt I had tried everything, but nothing had worked (Heroin worked a little/made me too sick though) & that I wanted to die.
He asked me if I was suicidal, I said yes & he asked me if I wanted to be committed to a psychiatric facility & I said why the fuck not.
I went in and started treatment.
Yea, we're at the cutting edge of treatment, they are getting it, but it's a slow process.
Those are the cards delt
You can fold, like 2 of my friends did or say fuck you, kill me if you can/I ain't giving up, no fucking way.
That's my choice, for the moment at least :)
Lol, im a strong man and I don't give up easy but I do struggle. Born that way. I'm a huge bruce lee fan so I'm like water man I can crash or i can flow brother. I quit a 14 year methadone habit cold turkey. I was taken by someone mentioning brain chemistry..back to the point I hate me some fucking Trump. I'm from NY and I know who he and his little troll Jared how ever ya spell his name. In my opinion we got hustled by an orangutan.
Duthess county..Poughkeepsie
That shithole? (Only fucking with ya, sorta :) )
(Killed my 1st deer in Dutchess :) )
I'll tell ya what
New Yorkers are the BEST!!!!
We should secede because this country (except for California) would NOT SURVIVE without NY bagels & pizza.
Fuck, if it wasn't for us New Yorkers, the planet Earth would spin off it's axis and plunge into the Sun!
FACT!!!! :)
That shithole? (Only fucking with ya, sorta :) )
(Killed my 1st deer in Dutchess :) )
I'll tell ya what
New Yorkers are the BEST!!!!
We should secede because this country (except for California) would NOT SURVIVE without NY bagels & pizza.
Fuck, if it wasn't for us New Yorkers, the planet Earth would spin off it's axis and plunge into the Sun!
FACT!!!! :)
Whatever, we can show you where we live by only using our hand as a map.
That shithole? (Only fucking with ya, sorta :) )
(Killed my 1st deer in Dutchess :) )
I'll tell ya what
New Yorkers are the BEST!!!!
We should secede because this country (except for California) would NOT SURVIVE without NY bagels & pizza.
Fuck, if it wasn't for us New Yorkers, the planet Earth would spin off it's axis and plunge into the Sun!
FACT!!!! :)
I tell people every year I spent in ny is like a fucking dog year compared to most places. We have been known to influence a few things in ny... Ny is fucked up but a hub for culture and change and yes even liberals but hey some states have to fight for this democracy..shame about Cuomo..men and power Yada. Yada. When I lived there 42nd street was still gutter as fuck!bongsmilie:bigjoint::P
That shithole? (Only fucking with ya, sorta :) )
(Killed my 1st deer in Dutchess :) )
I'll tell ya what
New Yorkers are the BEST!!!!
We should secede because this country (except for California) would NOT SURVIVE without NY bagels & pizza.
Fuck, if it wasn't for us New Yorkers, the planet Earth would spin off it's axis and plunge into the Sun!
FACT!!!! :)
I wish there were a proper Jewish deli out here. I miss those corned beef sandwiches. Two plus inches of thin-sliced pink heaven inside rye bread and brown mustard.
When I lived there 42nd street was still gutter as fuck
42nd & 10th/11th & 12th Ave was/were fucking HEAVEN to me in 1977/78/79, and then that cocksucker Giuliani fucked it all up by making it "family friendly"
What a shame
Oh well, I saw it & had the good fortune to experience it 1st hand (I dropped many a quarter there, if you know what I mean (wink wink :) )



I wish there were a proper Jewish deli out here. I miss those corned beef sandwiches. Two plus inches of thin-sliced pink heaven inside rye bread and brown mustard.
REAL Jewish Rye bread (with caraway seeds) spicy mustard & Corned Beef with a pickle on the side & a seltzer to wash it down.
Yea, definitely in the running for my Last Meal on Earth.
I hear ya :)
. Ny is fucked up
No, it isn't that fucked up really.
I've been fortunate enough to travel a little bit when I was younger, like Rio (very cool place & they have a really neat party every February called Carnival where people run around 1/2 naked :) ), Paris. Luxembourg, Dublin & some places in between,
Other places might be more scenic & pretty, but NONE can match the energy/vitality/electricity of Manhattan.
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I'm a huge bruce lee
Me too :)
He was a GOD to me (I studied Shaolin in Chinatown, NYC for 2 years :) )
This is my ringtone :)

Never liked these things/always hitting myself in the head :)

"Be water, my friend"

"The Art of Expression of the Human Body"

Fucking brilliant, right?
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Me too :)
He was a GOD to me (I studied Shaolin in Chinatown, NYC for 2 years :) )
This is my ringtone :)

Never liked these things/always hitting myself in the head :)

"Be water, my friend"

"The Art of Expression of the Human Body"

Fucking brilliant, right?
The little knobs on the inside of my elbows were nunchuck magnets lol. I like that his style was no nonsense, do away with what's unnecessary. Not to mention ali on TV when I was a kid. Ray Leonard, sphinx bros,even Tyson. Last boxer I followed was Roy Jones jr..no good fighters today sadly