Let's Use Correct Grammar!

Ok everyone, ok calm down. Lets all wait for Mr. Dick Cheese to come back and explain to us why his spelling is so good but his punctuation is terrible.

Because there is a spell checker in the corner ....... I was thinking the same thing but I'm working on only putting positive out there so I didn't want to piont that out. But since you have I can sure get a chuckle outta it. :mrgreen:
I have collected a wide range of creadits and have studied a wider range of topics.. teaching kids about gardening and nature, small business managment, postpartum depression, Womans lit, art therapy, lots of gender and sociology stuff? Im sure im missing a few things but i should start a thread so you guys can help me choose what to study next
Interesting...... a while back I was trying to imagine what it would be like if we as humans had no verbal or written communication. My thought is that less intelligent creatures are still communicating with each other all the time. We as humans evolved but we still have an instinctual animal area of our brain. Makes me wonder how much we are missing in what our universe is telling us by relying so heavily on what is expressed in words.

something like this.....YouTube - Caveman
well we have always communicated in various ways including writting but the alphabet and actaul written word is where Abrams feels evolution"changed" and our relationships changed? a great part of the book overviews phenomenology. Thats a whole new very long explination
well we have always communicated in various ways including writting but the alphabet and actaul written word is where Abrams feels evolution"changed" and our relationships changed? a great part of the book overviews phenomenology. Thats a whole new very long explination

hum now I have to look up what phenomenology is.... be back in a few
well we have always communicated in various ways including writting but the alphabet and actaul written word is where Abrams feels evolution"changed" and our relationships changed? a great part of the book overviews phenomenology. Thats a whole new very long explination

That sounds like a reasonable assertion. I'm thinking I might have to move this book a little higher on my reading list now.
i have been playing with fun writing now that i am on break. I have been heavily influenced by this book( David Abrams) and this paper is still a bit of a mess but I would love some feedback from you guys. I think after playing with this a bit more it will be part of my book someday!

Worms Eat My Garbabge
As the snow piles deep on the earth I see the tops of my tallest remaining phlox and bee balm stalks begin to vanish. This blanket seems to create new life with its death and everything looks so brand new……. How I love and hate winter. The change is amazing and experiencing the seasons makes me feel alive! I would expect to miss the Iris and foxglove but I know they, like myself need their winters rest. I can resist the urge to miss this beauty, my oasis for the small buzzing creatures that are now as quiet as the future buds that lay resting under the frozen winter soil. I can not however resist the urge to miss the taste of food so fresh and sweet as only the earth I have prepared can provide.
I have often wondered if this is a product of my fairly recent farming heritage that runs into my more distant family past. Something within me is humbled so greatly by working the soil and providing a place for plants to thrive that I can not ever get it out of my mind. To start with a small seed, knowing many natural factors will play into the outcome of its final fruits is an incredibly satisfying endeavor. One aspect of living off the land that our culture has grown out of is living according to what the local environment provides. I feel something lacks in the way we look at the world around us in not realizing where things we eat and use on a daily basis come from.
So in part I feel the lack of relationship with our food has caused humans to look at the natural world differently. In an environment that provides us so easily with things that once required so much effort, we easily forget we are destroying the earth out of convenience. this may not provide us with the long term results that will sustain our life here on earth. When I think about those who have never seen the beauty of a seed growing into the food they feed their family and it makes me sad. I feel sad for them but I also feel sad for the human race and I wonder how people will miss what they never know?
For me the need for being “healed” derives from the common way society has come to accept and desire materialistic accomplishments. The things that bring me true joy are on the inside, if I just listen to my inner self I feel happy and whole. My personal therapeutic process of so called healing is simple a process that allows me to always be aware of who I am and what’s important to me. I never want to allow my own true self to be diluted by those around me or forgotten due to convenience. This study had helped me to be more aware of the need to stay intone with myself and I can do nothing more than that in our current society.
Through this study I am more thankful than ever that the world I live in is real, and I am more aware of the need to pause every now and then and thank the mother earth for giving me all the beauty I have tried to preserve in making my home on this amazing piece of land. For me this way of being is still possible and for my children it may be possible also, but how much harsher could we be on the life that allows us life? For me the world would not seem real to without waking up the natural orchestra of wildlife that surrounds me. I would not feel whole without land surrounding me fertile and ready to grow food and organisms not within my eyes ability everything is alive on so many levels. More than ever I see the importance of planting a seed within my children allowing them the lens through which I look at the world, and if they feel inspired to carry on a small part of that I will be satisfied.
If my children never grow a plant without me I know they will always remember the feeling of real garden soil in between their toes, and the taste and smell of vegetables picked warm and ripe while weeding the garden. Someday I hope my children will be able to drive by a Vermont farmer in December plowing his fields and spreading compost on this cold winter day like I did. And at the moment I am not even so sure why this strikes me, I think to myself now there is a real human being. The people left in the world that realize what is most convienitent is not always what’s best. I will save the book American Garden Writing for my children along with the many gardening journals I have kept over the years. When my son goes to school and explains to the children that worms eat his garbage I realize at the age of three my son is in the world planting seeds so to speak.
As this study comes to a close my personal journey has only begun. I see people around me striving to achieve standards that ultimately bring them no true fulfillment. Much of the world is changing and it seems people are looking for something money can’t buy. I have seen and experienced the benefit of searching within yourself and your more natural surroundings to find happiness. This study helped me realize the power of art therapy, various writing, and finding a deeper connection with nature for people who have not been exposed to these forms of therapy. My goals as a person, student, and potential therapist are to incorporate these forms of therapy into everything I do.
My teacher thought my book summary was a bit too confusing because i was very moved and overwhelmed by this book so i wont post that paper but wow all i can say is READ IT!!!! Even just for fun
I'm not sure who wrote it but I tend to agree that "we should put down the dumb stoner torch". As a whole I like to think that I am very careful about my spelling and grammar. However, I do make mistakes. If my peers on RIU correct me, then my spelling and grammar are going to improve. If we do this for each other all the time then we will all benefit. I get that the brain will "fill in the blanks when it comes to misspelling, and I get that some people have obstacles to overcome (i.e. Dyslexia) and this is all right. But I too, like Fdd tend to be a little critical about other peoples spelling and their use of grammar. If I'm arguing with someone on here, and it happens, and they are using abbreviated words or purposely misspell words like those in text messages than I tend to disregard those arguments as weak. Having said that, no one's perfect and we all make mistakes. But, if we help each other then we all benefit. In short, I think that it is a good idea to try and use correct grammar and spelling in all applications.
Hi - I laughed off being called a racist. And I figured you were joking about bad grammar and spelling errors. I laughed when you told me to spell testy wrong - but now I'm a jerk?

I guess I'll just laugh this insult off as well.

Oh hey :? yeah whats up? I thought you were gone. So, whats new?
I can understand the original poster's point. I don't pay particular attention to spelling as much as I do to grammar. It makes concepts easier to follow.

I suspect that most people who post have a desire to be understood. Using good grammar goes a long way to further that effort. I've seen posts where the grammar was so bad that I just don't even bother reading them.

I can usually tell when English isn't someone's native language, and I will generally attempt to follow their train of thought.

Bottom line is if someone can't take the time to write what they say in a way that is easily understood...then it must not be important for me to read.
I have one very small quibble to point out - your use of "materialistic". And I'm only pointing this out since it sounds like a lot of your readership will be interested in philosophy. I understand common usage (as defined by dictionaries) interchange consumerism with materialism, but in philosophical circles materialism means the belief that everything has natural causes and nothing exists except matter, its movements and modifications. A scientific atheist would most likely be a materialist of one degree or another.

Also note that dialectal materialism is one of the cornerstones of the communist theory and i doubt many would accuse them of consumerism :)

Anyway - like I said, you didn't use the wrong word but your potential audience may still cringe at its use.

That aside - wow! Your writing is quite moving, accurate and poetically beautiful. I think that it helps that I come from a rural community and have easy access to relatively remote forests.

I think you should continue honing your craft - hell start a journal but be sure to let us know if you appreciate feedback or not!

So keep up the writing, I think you are quite good and very honest (which shows through in prose writing like this).

i have been playing with fun writing now that i am on break. I have been heavily influenced by this book( David Abrams) and this paper is still a bit of a mess but I would love some feedback from you guys. I think after playing with this a bit more it will be part of my book someday!

Worms Eat My Garbabge
As the snow piles deep on the earth I see the tops of my tallest remaining phlox and bee balm stalks begin to vanish. This blanket seems to create new life with its death and everything looks so brand new…….