Liberal Media Desperately Trying To Cover-up Violent Knockout Game


Well-Known Member the specific context they were being used...
so let's rewind.

as i recall, you were going all armchair patton on us at the time. you claimed that you knew where the information that got bin laden came from.

knowing what a pathetic, lowly piece of work you are, i questioned that claim

then you said something along the lines of "well, obama didn't get it from KFC!"

there is no way to know exactly which context you used it in there, whether as race bait or as armchair patton with his endless acronyms. both are likely coming from you.

but since most americans refer to khaleid sheif mohammed (sp) as KSM, and not KFC, one can only assume that you meant it in the race bait context.

after all, an author writes to an audience, and he knows the audience isn't all armchair patton with PTSD, like him. and he knows the audience thinks of KFC as a fried chicken joint rather than one of the world's best known terrorists.

i think we need to stop focusing on your lies about context (or at the very least, deceptive use thereof), and start focusing on how you were in on the plot to get bin laden. tell us more abou that, armchair patton. use lots of acronyms so we know how special you are, too.


Well-Known Member marginalise sharpton's racism by saying "look it isn't as bad as dukes"...
sharpton isn't as bad as duke in the racism department.

sharpton has made a few choice slurs, and he has apologized for them.

david duke is the former grand wizard of the KKK. he continues to espouse white supremacy to this day. he is a bigger money whore than sharpton.

yet for some reason, you and kynes and desert dude never mention david duke when you speak of "race hustlers".

for some reason, you and kynes and desert dude (et al) all mention al sharpton almost exclusively when talking about race hustlers.



i really don't wonder, there is only one logical way to explain it after all.


Well-Known Member
Alternatively you've yet to back up your claim regarding "you did post in there and then deleted the posts."
only sunni or rolli can verify that claim, which i know to be true.

but the fact that you have only that small area into which to retreat is hilarious. in the thread you just cited, you were still denying that you even joined those groups. that was 11 days ago.

now you have at least admitted joining those groups multiple times, knowing full well what revolting content lied within.

i invite sunni or rolli to put this whole thing to a swift end. perhaps they can even make you wear it (your continuous involvement with white supremacy and holocaust denial) as a sig! that would b great, and save us all a lot of time.


New Member
so let's rewind.

as i recall, you were going all armchair patton on us at the time. you claimed that you knew where the information that got bin laden came from.

knowing what a pathetic, lowly piece of work you are, i questioned that claim

then you said something along the lines of "well, obama didn't get it from KFC!"

there is no way to know exactly which context you used it in there, whether as race bait or as armchair patton with his endless acronyms. both are likely coming from you.

but since most americans refer to khaleid sheif mohammed (sp) as KSM, and not KFC, one can only assume that you meant it in the race bait context.

after all, an author writes to an audience, and he knows the audience isn't all armchair patton with PTSD, like him. and he knows the audience thinks of KFC as a fried chicken joint rather than one of the world's best known terrorists.

i think we need to stop focusing on your lies about context (or at the very least, deceptive use thereof), and start focusing on how you were in on the plot to get bin laden. tell us more abou that, armchair patton. use lots of acronyms so we know how special you are, too.
lets just revisit the thread and prove what a drunk asshat you are...

I do know where some of it came from and it wasn't through torture nor was it from KFC... Stick to what you know best, fetishist; BBW, "cross trolling" and masturbating to pictures of teenagers, filthy pedo...
i'm the one who personally interrogated the guy who led us to the courier. good job on the KFC reference, your racial resentment goes very well with your anti-semitism, holocaust denial, and joining of "like minded" groups of white supremacists.
If you personally interrogated the courier you'd realise KFC is A NICKNAME FOR KHALID SHEIKH MOHAMMED - the very nickname that led him to behead Daniel pearle to prove his AQ status...

Thankyou for proving what a racist, bigoted piece of shit you are "choom boy"...

I guess the author of this book and the intel officers that he spoke to who referred to KSM as KFC are racists too...

Mastermind: The Many Faces of the 9/11 Architect, Khalid Shaikh Mohammed
congratulations, you read worldnetdaily and started calling KSM by the name KFC.

i had no idea of this, as i do not read rags like worldnetdaily.

but do go on and tell us how you were in on the interrogations that led to bin laden. EVERYONE believes you.
Then you backtracked and claimed I got if from worldnetdaily, but I mentioned KFC in April 2013, you had nothing to say...

IMO I don't think torture's as effective as some would think, it can sometimes have the opposite effect and produce a whole bunch of disinfo. that wastes a whole bunch of peoples time...

Look at KSM aka (KFC), waterboarding him didn't produced too much, but I suppose it would depend on how much you could take...
I must be able to time travel...


New Member
sharpton isn't as bad as duke in the racism department.

sharpton has made a few choice slurs, and he has apologized for them.

david duke is the former grand wizard of the KKK. he continues to espouse white supremacy to this day. he is a bigger money whore than sharpton.

yet for some reason, you and kynes and desert dude never mention david duke when you speak of "race hustlers".

for some reason, you and kynes and desert dude (et al) all mention al sharpton almost exclusively when talking about race hustlers.



i really don't wonder, there is only one logical way to explain it after all.
david duke doesn't have his own show on MSNBC....


New Member
you were in on the plot to get bin laden, so time traveling is certainly within your reach.


tell us more about how they trusted you with that info. i promise not to laugh.
08-14-2013, 06:50 PM;
congratulations, you read worldnetdaily and started calling KSM by the name KFC
04-10-2013, 11:37 PM;
IMO I don't think torture's as effective as some would think, it can sometimes have the opposite effect and produce a whole bunch of disinfo. that wastes a whole bunch of peoples time...

Look at KSM aka (KFC), waterboarding him didn't produced too much, but I suppose it would depend on how much you could take...
WOOOOPS, stormfrontBUCK* caught lying again...


Well-Known Member
04-10-2013, 11:37 PM

[h=1]'Mastermind' – from KSM to KFC[/h]

Published: 06/29/2011 at 12:00 AM

you used "KFC" in 2013.

WND used "KFC" in 2011.

why, exactly, is time travel necessary again?

it seems to me that you, in your official PTSD duties as armchair patton, swooped the term in 2011 and used it in 2013. a perfectly linear series of events.

now, i don't want this discrepancy in your opioid induced line of fails to distract us from the main prize: YOU GOT BIN LADEN!

tell us more about how you were in on that whole thing, like you said.

i'm all ears, like obama.


New Member

'Mastermind' – from KSM to KFC

Published: 06/29/2011 at 12:00 AM

you used "KFC" in 2013.

WND used "KFC" in 2011.

why, exactly, is time travel necessary again?

it seems to me that you, in your official PTSD duties as armchair patton, swooped the term in 2011 and used it in 2013. a perfectly linear series of events.

now, i don't want this discrepancy in your opioid induced line of fails to distract us from the main prize: YOU GOT BIN LADEN!

tell us more about how you were in on that whole thing, like you said.

i'm all ears, like obama.
why didn't you jump on the "racial resent" as you saw it the first time? You didn't claim I got it from WND in April, only when you made another drunk ass out of yourself by claiming racial resentment; just like you jumped the gun with choom boy.

Keep your fake outrage coming stormfrontBUCK*....


New Member
It appears some of the resident racists here- Buckie, Cheezie.. etc have managed to change the subject
away from the outbreak of violent racist hate crimes being committed by so many of our black youths these days.
Perhaps they should do something more to stop racism. Perhaps they should gather signatures requesting Obama
provide free guns to block watch members in some of these cities being tormented by these racist
black punks.


Well-Known Member
Seriously wondering, is David Duke even relevant to mainstream today? This thread, it's the first I've heard of his name in literally years!

Sent from the Rollitup App!


Well-Known Member
we used to play the same game with bulls.

run into the paddock, slap his ass and dash for the fence.

you prove you have courage by touching and running, but in the end if you didnt make it to the fence your amigos would come to your rescue.

it's all a laugh at the end of the adventure, but not for the bull, and not for the black guy who has been ritually shamed by the touching.

it's not acceptable to use anybody for your personal taunts (unless youre slapping a bull's ass...) but it is a far cry from sneaking up on an unsuspecting old lady and rabbit punching her.

edit: and yes, back when i was in school the black kids often double dawg dared each other to try and "steal on the white boy", which is of course, a suckerpunch followed by hoots and often "whatcha gonna do about it!"

i got suspended for fighting a LOT, but eventually they stopped thinking this was a good idea.

the last time, i got kicked out and sent to a "troubled student" school after i "viciously attacked" a gang of 6 black "victims" in a "racially motivated" act of "unprovoked violence"

the witnesses of course didnt support this claim, but i was sent off anyhow, as a "troublemaker"


New Member
Seriously wondering, is David Duke even relevant to mainstream today? This thread, it's the first I've heard of his nans in literally years!

Sent from the Rollitup App!
The race baiting progressives on this board are running out of material, time for reruns I guess.


Well-Known Member
The race baiting progressives on this board are running out of material, time for reruns I guess.

“The dis­cov­er­ies of heal­ing sci­ence must be the inher­i­tance of all. That is clear: Dis­ease must be attacked, whether it occurs in the poor­est or the rich­est man or woman sim­ply on the ground that it is the enemy; and it must be attacked just in the sane way as the fire brigade will give its full assis­tance to the hum­blest cot­tage as read­ily as to the most impor­tant mansion….Our pol­icy is to cre­ate a national health ser­vice in order to ensure that every­body in the coun­try, irre­spec­tive of means, age, sex, or occu­pa­tion, shall have equal oppor­tu­ni­ties to ben­e­fit from the best and most up-to-date med­ical and allied ser­vices available
-Winston Churchill


New Member

“The dis*cov*er*ies of heal*ing sci*ence must be the inher*i*tance of all. That is clear: Dis*ease must be attacked, whether it occurs in the poor*est or the rich*est man or woman sim*ply on the ground that it is the enemy; and it must be attacked just in the sane way as the fire brigade will give its full assis*tance to the hum*blest cot*tage as read*ily as to the most impor*tant mansion….Our pol*icy is to cre*ate a national health ser*vice in order to ensure that every*body in the coun*try, irre*spec*tive of means, age, sex, or occu*pa*tion, shall have equal oppor*tu*ni*ties to ben*e*fit from the best and most up-to-date med*ical and allied ser*vices available
-Winston Churchill
Excellent post my friend, now look up the phrase equal opportunity!
Like I've always said Cheezy, you are your own worst enemy.


Well-Known Member