Liberty Haze

Love the colors bro .... btw i kniw a few guys on another forum that love to grow those sexy photogenic and colorful strains which got mw to ordering some beans of thise strains. I just ordered blueberry, and blue kush .... also had grand daddy purple, strawberry cough on the list.
I figured hey im growing different strains anyway, why not look for ones with similar effect to what i want PLUS thise extra colors thatll get ya all excited every time ya open up the tent ... i want to grow some res, pink, blue and pirple plants. My last grow was bery pretty when, due to low temps later in flowering, the amnesia mainly threw out lots of pretty colors ..... i also want to grow strains that have diffefent flavors and scents... the bubblicious is very swwet smwlling when ya break it up or grind it. But other strains can have berries pineapples chocolate smells .... i want to grow those haha .... sorry just woke up n got all excited about this when I saw the pretty red/pink color on your girls .... happy growin bro ... lookin awesome ;-)

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Haha, hey Doc!
Mate, I'm right there with you. I was just thinking, after checking my own photos, that my next grow would be to try and grow some interesting colours and smells! If I keep this grow alive to the end, again, I'll be happy that I could reproduce my previous results.. and my next grow would be more about trying different plants, as I'm happy with my system/technique. I've also managed to keep my LH mother alive, so I'll just tend to her in while I grow four or five new strains :)

I check out the "Club 600" thread a lot, on here, and some of the pictures people post look amazing... I really want to grow something like that

Cheers man

Love the colors bro .... btw i kniw a few guys on another forum that love to grow those sexy photogenic and colorful strains which got mw to ordering some beans of thise strains. I just ordered blueberry, and blue kush .... also had grand daddy purple, strawberry cough on the list.
I figured hey im growing different strains anyway, why not look for ones with similar effect to what i want PLUS thise extra colors thatll get ya all excited every time ya open up the tent ... i want to grow some res, pink, blue and pirple plants. My last grow was bery pretty when, due to low temps later in flowering, the amnesia mainly threw out lots of pretty colors ..... i also want to grow strains that have diffefent flavors and scents... the bubblicious is very swwet smwlling when ya break it up or grind it. But other strains can have berries pineapples chocolate smells .... i want to grow those haha .... sorry just woke up n got all excited about this when I saw the pretty red/pink color on your girls .... happy growin bro ... lookin awesome ;-)

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Oh btw i also got barneys farm tangerine dream and pineapple chunck for their flavors n scents ;-) .... also got some barneys farm CBD critical cure beans ... thise are supposed to be only like 5.5%THC and around 8%CBD. I kinda want to make some medicinal tinctures for my parents and some topicals. I figured i cN use that strain by itself for its profile (less of a high for the parents and more of the antiinflammatory and good healing properties of the cbd) or add it to other strains when making topicals or tinctures to increase the % of CBD .... I figured that since im going to grown 4 more strains soon, why not have one thats very high in CBD to experimwnt with it hah ... also the high CBD would be great for my GI symptoms ;-)

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Oh btw i also got barneys farm tangerine dream and pineapple chunck for their flavors n scents ;-) .... also got some barneys farm CBD critical cure beans ... thise are supposed to be only like 5.5%THC and around 8%CBD. I kinda want to make some medicinal tinctures for my parents and some topicals. I figured i cN use that strain by itself for its profile (less of a high for the parents and more of the antiinflammatory and good healing properties of the cbd) or add it to other strains when making topicals or tinctures to increase the % of CBD .... I figured that since im going to grown 4 more strains soon, why not have one thats very high in CBD to experimwnt with it hah ... also the high CBD would be great for my GI symptoms ;-)

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Interesting, man, I've a friend or two who would be very interested in high CBD strains. How are you making the topical?
I just wanted to post a couple of pictures so show the progress, they're getting quite frosty and fat :)

I haven't been able to check on them, so I don't know if they've changed in appearance for a few days...

They've taken on water but almost no nutrients over the last three days, I'm not sure what's going o,n though it's quite cold at the moment, perhaps it's temperature based? I've calibrated my pH/PPM tools and everything looks fine, otherwise so I'm not sure where to go. If it's the same again tomorrow I'll alter the pH up or down, and think about just changing out the reservoir early.

High concentration of the cannabinoids in pure coconut oil. I then use that for many things. This oil mixed with butter (knowing the dosage obviously) for edibles, or straight into your mouth with 1ml being equiv to .1g herbs smoked ... or then i use that same oil topically. You can make salve also by incorporating beeswax etc or Shae butter etc to make different topicals.

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See ehrn it comes to yhe science and pharmacology of allllll of this, it can be a bit complicatrd and also super duper interesting. We are not talking about one compound. Its a profile of compounds that work together for their final compounded and comprehensive effect through out the body (n soul too) ... not just that! We are dealing with different strains that have different physical (let alone chemical n pharmacological n physiologicsl) properties.
The oil isnt psychoactive to start so youf need to activate it which will also change the effect n properties lol. THC-A (socis CBD-A) isnt active and need to be decarboxylated. The active and inactive forms have different properties.
I decarb my herb in 100c (220F) oven for like 20 min. Its not going to activate it fully. But this way my oil will have both THCa (which has good antiinflammatory activity for topical use) and also the active form (if you want your oil fot edibles, decarb it for 40 ... best to experiment becaude different ovens are different. Youd just need to figure out the sweet spot of yours. BadKat does it for 30min n it fully activates hers. When i do it in my oven in mason jars (to hide the smell) its not fully activated naybe the air in the mason jar stays a bit cooler than my oven at 100C. Anyway
I then add little soy lecithin (increases bioavailability) and use coconut oil in a known ration where my final oil having 1g weed per 10ml final coconut oil. This way i know that each ml is .1g hebs. With the extraction efficiency it wont be 100%accurate so each ml doesnt contain .1 herbs accurately. I think theres some loss of oil thats between 15%_40% depending on methodology. Anyway, i add the lecithin ajd coconut oil and heat again in the oven same temp for an hour. I freeze everything oil herbs after it cools down for 24 hours then reheat again for an hour, cool it, strain it with cheese cloth and bam. Thats it. You can freeze again n heat again repeating the cycles to increase the extraction but it will also make the medicine a bit more sedative and narcotic ... the more ya heat it the better it is for pain and insomnia ... otherwise keep it one hour for the more of an active n functional head high

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