Life in occupied Palestine.


Well-Known Member
I find it hard to take accusations of racism or extremism from the pro-Zionist camp seriously when they refuse to acknowledge that the Palestinian people even exist.
There is no racial difference. Two tribes of Israel. And Zionist is racist, anti-semitic, if you are just bandying terms like news wimp.

Now where did you bump your head? Who said there are accusations of racism from the pro-Zion camp? Please put down the news paper and try some original thought. Racism and Religion have nothing to do with this.

And it is very clear that Israel has about 20% citizens that call themselves Palestinians and speak Arabic. So, you are full of shit.

So, sit back down. This is not so simple as race and religion. It is about extermination of Jews. Choke of that. It happened once, and now the same Gestapo forces are going to force a nuke war about it.

Bury your head deeper?


Well-Known Member
Lool where in Sharia does it say to kill non Muslims? And tbh I don't care about Stalins crimes in the past. The US is supporting/committing crimes right now once that and Israel crimes end we can start looking at peace in the Middle-East.
I can quote it to you but why don't you be a man and look it up? Non-muslims are forfeit in Sharia. Put to death.

Wake the fuck up.

Smok3y1, the verse of Koran or Bible have been used to but multitudes to death.

All religions are at once war like and peaceful to those that come to heel. The nice nice is after the opposition is dead.

They rest are dead in a ditch. Look at the practice. The words are twisted by the other words and the dark heart.

The words of scripture condon any and all practices if they further the Faith. Thumb screws? That's for sure.

How about drug experiment to force you to convert? The future of Jihad?

OTH, I have no hang ups. I'm not -phobic. I'll be Islamic. No problem. See how stupid this is. It's not religion. In fact, I'm quite sure now that the very basis of Religion is War.

Christianity and Islam were War on Rome to push back Christians. Abraham was a warrior that united the Tribes.

So, don't hide behind religion. Religion is of, by and for War.


Well-Known Member
Sharia is a very old school, strict and personal. It is very intolerant to women. In the Koran and Sunnah, women are not part of society.
They are breeding property.

And Jihad is defined as a force of Sharia. Even to force oneself into strict Sharia is considered Jihad. To force a Christian, Buddhist, or Hindu is also Jihad.

Sharia (Arabic: شريعة‎ šarīʿah, IPA: [ʃaˈriːʕa], "legislation"; sp. shariah, sharīʿah;[SUP][1][/SUP] also قانون إسلامي qānūn ʾIslāmī) is the moral code and religious law of Islam. Sharia deals with many topics addressed by secular law, including crime, politics, and economics, as well as personal matters such as sexual intercourse, hygiene, diet, prayer, and fasting. Though interpretations of sharia vary between cultures, in its strictest definition it is considered the infallible law of God—as opposed to the human interpretation of the laws (fiqh).

What you burkka boys don't get, is this is not even religion as we know it.

Our big sin as agents of Satan is a secular govt. That we separate Church from State is a monstrous blaspheme only to be put right via Jihad. Death to America.

I don't think they are just kidding. So apologize all you want like the Haw Haw, you are. I see it.


Well-Known Member
Because of Hamas, Arafat, and whatever thug came before and next. And now after all this, you think the Zionist invaded like space aliens.

You want to tear a page from yesterday and call that the invasion of Palestine. I'm telling you this is a festering wound from WW2.

It is extermination, genocide of Jews. Look at the facts. You seek to apologize for Hamas/Gestapo. They hide behind religion and bandy racist, anti-semitic slogans that did not exist before Stalin. They have carried out brutalities that make Zion look like a big Pussy. And when Israel reacts to the ceaseless, senseless violence, then you apologists take over. It is very much like the lead up to WW2. We learned nothing.

The ones that just woke up, last year, it seems learned nothing. Big and bloody history here. You are wrong to blame the Jews. Hamas is warring with them, if they like it or not. The entire thing is bad and complicated, you armchairs. All the claims and promises have been lied about all around.

You can find these subversion technique outlined in Mein Kampf. It's also in the writing of Geo. Soros. It's Ho Chi Min,. It's straight from Sun Tsu. But, this is about extermination of an entire tribe of man. And it hides behind what you think is just a religion and that should have religious freedom.

The fools will suffer. Thus it is always so.


Well-Known Member
Those that refuse to learn are also called stupid. You too, are doomed to witness the repeat of history.

It's mean spirited to make fun of Downs.


Well-Known Member
You want to tear a page from yesterday and call that the invasion of Palestine.

It is extermination, genocide of Jews.
I get it now, you're trolling.

Of course, the invasion of Palestine is the extermination of Jews. That is why the Zionists are in Palestine, occupying it, to kill Jews.


Well-Known Member
Well, yes, I could be considered old term....meaningless. Downs syndrome is not retarded.


Well-Known Member
I get it now, you're trolling.

Of course, the invasion of Palestine is the extermination of Jews. That is why the Zionists are in Palestine, occupying it, to kill Jews.
Maybe you are a bit mentally challenged yourself. Let's go again.

The totalitarians pre-ww2 drove out the Jews
Nobody including USA would take anybody
They ended up in what the UN called the Syrian Mandate
Gestapo came to the Syrian Mandate to stir the persecution of Jews as top cover for the genocide and as war plan for the Reich.
The British Ruled the area of Jerusalem
The Jews, not the Arabs, forced out the British
Many Arabs took off to Jordan, Syria, Egypt, etc
Israel was established by the British and the UN

So, either you have a mental problem or just trolling. The forces that are after exterminating the Jews, now are the same as from WW2.

And before WW1 there was no Getapo based hated for Jews. That was run by the Catholic Church.

So, for the little tiny, weak minds, they are so easily swayed with simple slogans. Zionist occupied Palestine. FOOL.


Well-Known Member
Also you didn't post all of verse 2:193

2:193 (Asad) Hence, fight against them until there is no more oppression and all worship is devoted to God alone; [SUP][170][/SUP] but if they desist, then all hostility shall cease, save against those who [wilfully] do wrong

I'm glad you posted this one. It's often use to support the apology for Jihad. So sad, yes, sad for the dupes of Jihad. It really is one of the most malignant verses.

First, radial Islam is not a religion like we think. No, it is day to day governance via Sharia. Sharia outlaws secular govt. To put men in charge and not Allah....That is a SIN beyond redemption. The penalty is death. And like usual, you can convert and/or die.

So, what your staza says, and the way it is interpreted in Islam btw, even by moderates, is this:

There is no God but Allah.
Fight until the end of oppression of Islam, convert many, sincerely to a lifetime of Ayatollah black list.
Mangle, torture, and abuse all those that do not heel to Sharia Law. Women are in Bukka, the un-converted are dead.

It is the essential call to murderous Jihad, blessed by Mohammad, (all praise to his name) and you think it shows the peaceful intent of Islam.

That's funny and I know where is comes from. It's this propaganda called Moderate Jihad. There is no such thing. Jihad means struggle.


Well-Known Member
The world runs on least the US Congress does.

No alcohol for Islam and no missionary position either. In fact girls cannot be educated and are circumcised precisely so they can't feel pleasure.


Well-Known Member
The totalitarians pre-ww2 drove out the Jews
Explanation for the apartheid going on in Palestine? You seem to think the Zionists are justified in their madness, calling us dupes when you have clearly been served the Zionist victim card.


Well-Known Member
Wonder if they're hashing out the conflict between Arabs and Jews at the local pub

Rapture is about the only thing that can happen that will get everyone to agree. At once.
There's more wisdom in a pub at 1am than Iv EVER seen in any national parliment anywhere in the world.

Don't underestimate the power of a group drinking rounds!