Life without electricity. Would you survive?

Come on. Its an end of the world thread and I shared a booby trap trigger right before that.

Thermite might come in handy if shit hits the fan.
The recipe for thermite is common knowledge among most veterans and even a lot of civilians. No need to even look for it on the web. Just ask around. You probably know 2 or 3 people who know how to make it whether you know that they know it or not.
What ever man. That may be true but not necessarily right.

Nothing wrong with him sharing Thermite recipe. Its readily available and accessible on the webz.

It's always true given the context. In your example, you could be charged with criminally negligent homicide or reckless behavior. After all, you had no intent to cause harm, but you knew full well the recipe you gave could be used for harm.

It's no different than handing a room full of convicted murderers a loaded gun and walking out. No, you didn't MAKE them grab that gun and go kill somebody, but you knew full well who was in the room and knew full well it could lead to no good.

Of course, the odds of it ever being linked back to you (with regard to the thermite recipe) are very long indeed. But if an armored car gets jacked and 5 people killed and that person spills his guts that he got the recipe from you on this forum, you can expect to be hauled away in cuffs in a matter of a few days.
Weird thread. Survival outside of human atrocity would be easy. Half the population on earth still functions almost without electricity (except to charge their Nokia cell phones). You peeps should get out of the developed world once in a while. Water is clean away from humanity, and food is plentiful. Not a prepper, don't need to be. Wife spent most of her childhood living without electricity, and I have lived without it as well. Of course, if your stuck in NYC your probably gonna have a rough go of it....
It's always true given the context. In your example, you could be charged with criminally negligent homicide or reckless behavior. After all, you had no intent to cause harm, but you knew full well the recipe you gave could be used for harm.

It's no different than handing a room full of convicted murderers a loaded gun and walking out. No, you didn't MAKE them grab that gun and go kill somebody, but you knew full well who was in the room and knew full well it could lead to no good.

Of course, the odds of it ever being linked back to you (with regard to the thermite recipe) are very long indeed. But if an armored car gets jacked and 5 people killed and that person spills his guts that he got the recipe from you on this forum, you can expect to be hauled away in cuffs in a matter of a few days.
You forgot the most important piece of this equation. (Assuming the crime isn't tax evasion.)
You won't be convicted if you have a lot of money to spend on a team of good attorneys.
If you don't, you're probably screwed.

Isn't our legal system grand?
Weird thread. Survival outside of human atrocity would be easy. Half the population on earth still functions almost without electricity (except to charge their Nokia cell phones). You peeps should get out of the developed world once in a while. Water is clean away from humanity, and food is plentiful. Not a prepper, don't need to be. Wife spent most of her childhood living without electricity, and I have lived without it as well. Of course, if your stuck in NYC your probably gonna have a rough go of it....
Wow, you make a lot of assumptions.
Water is clean away from humanity?
Ever heard of giardia? It is spread by animals.
I was working in a shop where we did mostly aluminum and steel surface grinding. One of the old timers showed us how to take the slurry, dry it and mix the alum and iron and an oxidizer into it to make something similar, but it was never as violent. He said because the ratios were never right and the coolant residues slowed the reaction. I have a couple gallon buckets around here somewhere of the slurry I saved, just in case.
I worked with magnesium in the military. That's some bad ass stuff right there.
I have about 10 gig's of survival related books and government manuals on my smartphone, that I've downloaded from bit torrent sites.
I guess I'd be kinda screwed out of those with no electricity, lol.
Nah. I mean back it up on a thumb drive and keep it and a spare phone, radios and other electronics in a metal garbage can. Emp won't hurt it. You can recharge it with solar.
It's always true given the context. In your example, you could be charged with criminally negligent homicide or reckless behavior. After all, you had no intent to cause harm, but you knew full well the recipe you gave could be used for harm.

It's no different than handing a room full of convicted murderers a loaded gun and walking out. No, you didn't MAKE them grab that gun and go kill somebody, but you knew full well who was in the room and knew full well it could lead to no good.

Of course, the odds of it ever being linked back to you (with regard to the thermite recipe) are very long indeed. But if an armored car gets jacked and 5 people killed and that person spills his guts that he got the recipe from you on this forum, you can expect to be hauled away in cuffs in a matter of a few days.
Totally different man.

I know handing a gun to a room of murders will end bad. The Thermite recipe was given to help.

By your logic we can all be charged. I mean I buy a friend a pocket knife and he goes and slits someone's throat I'm guilty?

I just don't see it. There is no intent when sharing that recipe plus its readily available.

The only reason anyone is giving Amish shit is because they have an issue with him.
Wow, you make a lot of assumptions.
Water is clean away from humanity?
Ever heard of giardia? It is spread by animals.

LOL, yes I have. Nasty fevers. And easily avoided my friend, if you know how. Where I live, not an issue. But where I live sometimes, very much an issue. Again, electricity is not so hard to live without outside the city. Especially in less developed societies where the tractor is a water buffalo. The human gut can survive on almost anything. You do know that billions of people live day to day lives without electricity right? Well, they may have limited community access, but billions live without electricity having an effect on their immediate survival. Predominately white countries would be the only ones truly crippled. Would make for a very interesting future as South America, Africa, and SE Asia would overnight have the stronger economies....
I have some Ansen magnesium rims from my fathers drag racing days from the 60s/70s. There junk cause when I was a teen and found out about magnesium I scraped and sanded the shit out of them to burn the metal. Stupid, they'd be worth some coin now to a restorer.
Yea. They would be worth some money.

When you get magnesium burning its hard to put out. It may not burn as hot as Thermite but its some nasty stuff.
I know handing a gun to a room of murders will end bad. The Thermite recipe was given to help.

Your sole intent in giving it was destruction. We are not presently in any shape where anybody has a use for thermite, other than knocking over a Brinks truck or breaking into a vault. If you seriously believe that spewing a bunch of information like that is defensible because you only shared it for a doomsday scenario that has no basis in reality, then you're delusional.

There's a reason William Powell is bankrupt and damn near penniless.

IBy your logic we can all be charged. I mean I buy a friend a pocket knife and he goes and slits someone's throat I'm guilty?

If you knew your friend was a disturbed person and/or had a history of violence, yes. You could be found culpable. If he had my record (which is non-existant) and went off the deep end and did something nobody could have foreseen, no. Absolutely not.

But buying a friend a pocket knife for a gift and giving out a recipe that has only one use: destruction on an epic scale, is two completely and totally different things.

Personally, I don't give a shit what you do or what you post. I'm simply stating the law. You CAN (and if it is pointed out that you are the source it WILL) get you into a world of shit.
Your sole intent in giving it was destruction. We are not presently in any shape where anybody has a use for thermite, other than knocking over a Brinks truck or breaking into a vault. If you seriously believe that spewing a bunch of information like that is defensible because you only shared it for a doomsday scenario that has no basis in reality, then you're delusional.

There's a reason William Powell is bankrupt and damn near penniless.

If you knew your friend was a disturbed person and/or had a history of violence, yes. You could be found culpable. If he had my record (which is non-existant) and went off the deep end and did something nobody could have foreseen, no. Absolutely not.

But buying a friend a pocket knife for a gift and giving out a recipe that has only one use: destruction on an epic scale, is two completely and totally different things.

Personally, I don't give a shit what you do or what you post. I'm simply stating the law. You CAN (and if it is pointed out that you are the source it WILL) get you into a world of shit.
I'm not the source for one and two I don't believe that simply posting the recipe would result in a conviction.

Destruction in itself is not bad.

I'm not delusional. It is a readily available recipe.

I might need to cut some steel and don't have a torch. Get off of it man. The only reason anyone said anything is because of the poster.
As I mentioned earlier, this "recipe" is so much common knowledge, that anyone could have learned the recipe from several people and checked and cross checked it by comparison with many individuals.

This alone creates "reasonable doubt".
What we have is an argument of law. I see both sides of it.

I believe that info like that is already available and should be. No reason not to have info like that on hand.

Taco can call me delusional all he wants. Ill never understand why educated people refuse to learn from history. Nations fall. It happens. We know this from history.

We also know from history that the depression from the 30's was not the first or the worst.