Life without electricity. Would you survive?

plus aslong as u are a decent human ......u got nothing to worry about from me it is the assholes like some of the the ppl here i would kill just because i did not want them to have kids and pass the assholeness down to next batch

plus honestly wouldn't u like to have a crazy ass like me to sick on the assholes .......i done nothing but learn for the last 37 years about everything i could .....
Would you decide kill me justugh?

I'm wondering now since you didn't stop by my place on your route to Oregon, after I offered you a place to stay. We could have taken selfies together and had a normal conversation about life. Now I'm going to have to find you at a Renaissance Festival all the way across the country if we are ever to meet.
Bear? Is that you? Why did you screw up so many Gerber knives with that orange you put on them?
Lol wrong bear. My blade fetish is Carter, not Gerber. And I wouldn't dream of painting this bit of art.

~edit~ Apologies. I did not pay attention to whom you quoted. I relaxed into being "the bear" around here.

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Would you decide kill me justugh?

I'm wondering now since you didn't stop by my place on your route to Oregon, after I offered you a place to stay. We could have taken selfies together and had a normal conversation about life. Now I'm going to have to find you at a Renaissance Festival all the way across the country if we are ever to meet.

no your cool abe decent human

i just have a thing for assholes the ones that think they are better then others when they are just sheer human trash
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Lol wrong bear. My blade fetish is Carter, not Gerber. And I wouldn't dream of painting this bit of art.

~edit~ Apologies. I did not pay attention to whom you quoted. I relaxed into being "the bear" around here.


With a name like Cannabineer, I would think that it's a combination of cannabis and pioneer. Not Cannabis bear lmao

Really sweet blade.
With a name like Cannabineer, I would think that it's a combination of cannabis and pioneer. Not Cannabis bear lmao

Really sweet blade.
No prob! I started here with an animated avi (previous platform, argh) of a polar bear dragging its chest on the ice. It took on a life of its own, and now I am "the bear" in this corner of the galaxy. It's quality ego chow for me.
No prob! I started here with an animated avi (previous platform, argh) of a polar bear dragging its chest on the ice. It took on a life of its own, and now I am "the bear" in this corner of the galaxy. it's pretty nice.
Nice evade with the origins of Cannabineer!

Had my road in life taken a slightly different path, I could have been a cannabis pioneer. Time: 1978, I grew some of the very first Columbian Gold anyone in my neck of the woods had ever seen living. Too bad it was confiscated and I was told I was joining the Army or face time. The Army wasn't too bad.

Had it not been for that.....[SIGH*]

Time: 1978, I grew some of the very first Columbian Gold anyone in my neck of the woods had ever seen living. Too bad it was confiscated and I was told I was joining the Army or face time.

Great set-up for a stoner/military film (comedy)! I'd go see it. Seth Rogan?
Great set-up for a stoner/military film (comedy)! I'd go see it. Seth Rogan?
You absolutely would not believe how many soldiers of all ranks smoked pot in the military until they came out with the piss test for marijuana.

You also would not believe how many quit smoking once they did. Addictive? Not in my experience.
I wanted to be a boy scout but it wasn't real big where I grew up and there weren't great people administering it. I got involved young, in the cub scouts, but it was all ran by mothers that just wanted to do arts and crafts,:spew: we never did anything Scout related. A couple friends and I threw in to get the military survival manual and started teaching ourselves. We'd hike all day into the state forest and spend nights on end camping in the woods at 12. Just fishing and hunting rabbit and pheasant with a pellet gun. Or trying to set snare traps, I never got the hang of those. Or we'd play war games, mudding ourselves up for camouflage and hunting each other with the pellet guns, just one pump...:mrgreen:
Sounds fun. Similar to what we did but had good guidance.
L..O...L when BBC is your autocorrect default. :clap:

Ummmm? Not sure how that happened.

I do like big black cocks as evident in my cock threads.
Yah but there is a cost/benefit calculation to be done. The cost of minding him would be high, so the benefit must be demonstrably greater. I am not convinced that that is the case here.
Meh. I really don't think it would be an issue. Crazy doesn't equate to dangerous.

Just saying. Justough has a lot of random, useful knowledge.

I'm saying he is welcome at my pad. If its a problem seek shelter elsewhere.

You are welcome too.
Yeah it does come in handy. Had to rely on my knowledge of wild edibles once when I was stationed at ft. Bragg. El Tee has us hid way back in the boonies, and refused to send someone to the 1st Sgt. to guide him in to resupply us. That went on a couple days after our MRE's ran out. I didn't go hungry, but the el tee did!! He guided the 1st Sgt in personally. Lmao

Somebody mentioned learning skills from the Army survival manual. I would suggest a '70's edition of the Boy Scout FIELD MANUAL. At least I think that it teaches long lasting skills of survival for the long haul, whether it was intended to or not. Building bridges and lashing all kinds of useful things. Cooking, shelter and other stuff.
I have some ww2 manuals that show how to make all kinds of stuff including booby traps.
Great set-up for a stoner/military film (comedy)! I'd go see it. Seth Rogan?
It used to be common and still happens. Jail or military.

Had a buddy join to avoid jail.
Nice evade with the origins of Cannabineer!

Had my road in life taken a slightly different path, I could have been a cannabis pioneer. Time: 1978, I grew some of the very first Columbian Gold anyone in my neck of the woods had ever seen living. Too bad it was confiscated and I was told I was joining the Army or face time. The Army wasn't too bad.

Had it not been for that.....[SIGH*]


The "colombian" that I had on the east Coast in the 70s was probably Brixican.

As for my username, I envisioned it more as "cannabis engineer". I have a thing for solvent extraction.
Sounds fun. Similar to what we did but had good guidance.

Ummmm? Not sure how that happened.

I do like big black cocks as evident in my cock threads.

Meh. I really don't think it would be an issue. Crazy doesn't equate to dangerous.

Just saying. Justough has a lot of random, useful knowledge.

I'm saying he is welcome at my pad. If its a problem seek shelter elsewhere.

You are welcome too.

I have some ww2 manuals that show how to make all kinds of stuff including booby traps.

It used to be common and still happens. Jail or military.

Had a buddy join to avoid jail.
Yeah I know that some of those old manuals have some good info for improvised stuff. Guy who was in Nam showed me a tricky little trip wire trigger using electrical wire and rubber bands. Clue: don't mess with a trip wire. Step over it or go around. Even booby traps can be booby trapped.
Yeah I know that some of those old manuals have some good info for improvised stuff. Guy who was in Nam showed me a tricky little trip wire trigger using electrical wire and rubber bands. Clue: don't mess with a trip wire. Step over it or go around. Even booby traps can be booby trapped.
Use a street sign, another piece of metal and a piece of rubber for a trigger for a bomb or trap.

You use a battery and the sign, rubber and metal. The rubber is put between the sign and metal plate. The electric is run and trap set.

You then later shoot the sign. When the bullet penetrates the sign, rubber and metal plates it completes the electric circuit, setting off the trap.
I have a thing for assholes too, I like the pink ones .

ok then let me rephase it
i have a thing for jackass little mind ppl that think they are the greatest shit on the plant ....the ones that treat others as less then them self .....the ppl that forget the golden rule ...ppl that abuse others to make them self feel better ......the human equal to dog shit (dog shit has no valve for anything it is a waste of space)

Use a street sign, another piece of metal and a piece of rubber for a trigger for a bomb or trap.

You use a battery and the sign, rubber and metal. The rubber is put between the sign and metal plate. The electric is run and trap set.

You then later shoot the sign. When the bullet penetrates the sign, rubber and metal plates it completes the electric circuit, setting off the trap.

damn good man ......think ahead and have some fun with it
rem thermite 50% iron oxycide {rust} 50% aluminum powder mag strip to light off (but it will make trench for cars to wreck in easy while it is burning if they drive tho it is going to fling that plus burning rubber) ........rem make some for engine blocks it will take out any car or armor there is it is fucking thermite .........the one thing u do have to watch out for is the amount u use to large and u might burn a hole in the earth wrong spot hit gas/power/water lines ......or that might be a tactic u want to try
ok then let me rephase it
i have a thing for jackass little mind ppl that think they are the greatest shit on the plant ....the ones that treat others as less then them self .....the ppl that forget the golden rule ...ppl that abuse others to make them self feel better ......the human equal to dog shit (dog shit has no valve for anything it is a waste of space)

damn good man ......think ahead and have some fun with it
rem thermite 50% iron oxycide {rust} 50% aluminum powder mag strip to light off (but it will make trench for cars to wreck in easy while it is burning if they drive tho it is going to fling that plus burning rubber) ........rem make some for engine blocks it will take out any car or armor there is it is fucking thermite .........the one thing u do have to watch out for is the amount u use to large and u might burn a hole in the earth wrong spot hit gas/power/water lines ......or that might be a tactic u want to try
I thought you were talking about butt holes. My bad...