Life without electricity. Would you survive?

I've got to find me some Vietnamese folks to hang out with. I LOVE bbq. I'm serious. You could bbq a pile of dog shit and I'd probably scarf it down.
That sounds a bit extreme Taco.....I suppose if you were hungry enough .....I'd probably just eat the dog :shock:

But then there goes the supply of shit to BBQ....Man, Riu always has me thinking about such important life decisions.
I living off South Cobb Dr. at the time.

I know it well. Back then, there was nothing after the SCD shopping mall. We used to go out there and drag race on the two lane between there and 285. They shut that down though so we went out to where they were building 575 and drag raced there. At the time, 575 ended at Bells Ferry Road. They had another mile paved after that on the way to Canton, but there was nothing there so they blocked it off at BFR.

The Georgia State Patrol used to meet up with us out there and run with us. I remember one cop couldn't believe my 1970 Monte Carlo blew the doors off his brand new Mustang DUI Interceptor.

Ahhhhh good times.
I wonder how many ships are at sea and planes in the sky that would all just quit working. Being stuck in an elevator wouldn't be real fun either.:-|
I've been stuck in an elevator and it definitely sucks.
Did you know that elevators are now required to be completely escape proof? I guess too many folks got claustrophobic, climbed out James Bond style, then proceeded to fuck themselves up.
You might want to stock up on antibiotics.

Just sayin. :roll:
Got that covered. Told the my Dr I'm a prepper and I get scripts all the time. Every major antibiotic needed.

You can buy fish antibiotics in pill form. Its the same pills from the pharmacy.
I moved to the big city. We cured our own hams and bacon so you have to scrape the hogs. We used a 55 gal drum tilted filled with water. Build a fire under it and at 190° or so dip the pig in for 10 sec or so. After you shot it of course. And slit it's throat. We had a trolley system and butchered for several neighbors as well. I was 7 and my job was to shoot them in the head. A bit of corn down and a 22 short solid close just above the eyes. Straight on, no angle or you'll have a problem. My dad got hit in the arm one year when my uncle came over and wanted to shoot one. I thought he knew. He pulled a pistol out and shot and it ricocheted, the hog it went nuts I'm trying to kill it my dad is coming in with blood running down his arm hollering and my uncle hit the road. It was a hollow point and he still had some fragments in his elbow when he died. I can't imagine my grandkids doing any of this at the age I was. I was shooting kitchen matches out of my BB gun at 5. Killed my first squirrel when I was 7. 22 Marlin glenfield. I haven't hunted in years. Coyotes and such I thin. And I hate that. But I have dogs. Yeehaw!
Put them in a box with salt to cure then hang. Mmmmmm. Ham. We do it also.

Make sausage from damn near every game I've killed.

Lol at the BB gun. I had a pellet gun at 5 and killed squirrels.

There is a video of a bad ass old dude with a sling shot on here somewhere.

He learned from nessacity.
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I wonder how many ships are at sea and planes in the sky that would all just quit working. Being stuck in an elevator wouldn't be real fun either.:-|
All these vehicles with drive by wire systems are going to be careening off roadways. Loose all power at highway speed, no redundant mechanical brakes or steering equals no control. With the way most people are well trained in defensive driving tactics and vehicle dynamics, I'm sure it'll be fine. :clap:

An elevator provably wouldn't bother me, they aren't that hard to get out of. My luck the power would come back on once I'm in the shaft and the elevator would start moving:shock:.
Well I like living in my rural community. I have chickens, garden, and of course my medical grade marijuana, so maybe I have a leg up on some other people. I know friends who have cattle, sheep and goats.

I started learning survival skills when I was in Boy Scouts and have several books on various different kinds of "primitive" skills like bow making, flint knapping, and the like.

We also have horses. 1 for each family member.

How am I doing so far? Lol
I too am a boy scout.

Comes in handy. Best friends dad was a green beret. He would take us out and teach us all kinds of stuff. I am very good at survival and evasion tactics.
I've been stuck in an elevator and it definitely sucks.
Did you know that elevators are now required to be completely escape proof? I guess too many folks got claustrophobic, climbed out James Bond style, then proceeded to fuck themselves up.
I guess that cancels out my last post? I know I've been able to pry the doors open on a few I've tried. And I know a few had access doors in the roof, they were locked, maybe that's good enough to be considered escape proof?

IDK how long I'd wait before trying to get out. Guess it depends if I have outside contacts and know WTF is going on, or not.
I too am a boy scout.

Comes in handy. Best friends dad was a green beret. He would take us out and teach us all kinds of stuff. I am very good at survival and evasion tactics.
I wanted to be a boy scout but it wasn't real big where I grew up and there weren't great people administering it. I got involved young, in the cub scouts, but it was all ran by mothers that just wanted to do arts and crafts,:spew: we never did anything Scout related. A couple friends and I threw in to get the military survival manual and started teaching ourselves. We'd hike all day into the state forest and spend nights on end camping in the woods at 12. Just fishing and hunting rabbit and pheasant with a pellet gun. Or trying to set snare traps, I never got the hang of those. Or we'd play war games, mudding ourselves up for camouflage and hunting each other with the pellet guns, just one pump...:mrgreen:
Lol at the BBC gun.
L..O...L when BBC is your autocorrect default. :clap:

Yup and that's why I said whoever lets him in has to babysit him. If I wake up dead there will be hell to pay!

Maybe that's what I can do instead of the Town Whore gig! I'll be the crazy guy's caretaker and keep everybody safe from him. Could I get a couple of panels and three or four cans of tuna for something like that?

[edit] Also, would it really matter if the psycho and his caretaker were one in the same?
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I have a hundo cannabis seeds in my wallet at all times, they will be worth more then gold if shit goes down.