Life without electricity. Would you survive?

I too am a boy scout.

Comes in handy. Best friends dad was a green beret. He would take us out and teach us all kinds of stuff. I am very good at survival and evasion tactics.
Yeah it does come in handy. Had to rely on my knowledge of wild edibles once when I was stationed at ft. Bragg. El Tee has us hid way back in the boonies, and refused to send someone to the 1st Sgt. to guide him in to resupply us. That went on a couple days after our MRE's ran out. I didn't go hungry, but the el tee did!! He guided the 1st Sgt in personally. Lmao

Somebody mentioned learning skills from the Army survival manual. I would suggest a '70's edition of the Boy Scout FIELD MANUAL. At least I think that it teaches long lasting skills of survival for the long haul, whether it was intended to or not. Building bridges and lashing all kinds of useful things. Cooking, shelter and other stuff.
This thread ...

.. too many of us are perfectly capable of building AC generators, batteries, capacitors, oxide solar cells
If we really lost power like in a "the day the earth stopped" scenario, and there was no chance of generating electricity, I think I would miss my toothbrush the most. I don't mind brushing with a regular manual toothbrush, but my sonicare has completely spoiled me. We still use regular toothbrushes when we go camping and whatnot but it's just not the same. My teeth feel less clean when I use a regular toothbrush now. Can I survive without power? Yeah, but it would suuuuuuuuck. I'm not sure a lot of people I know now fully realize how much extra work is involved if there is no electricity or vehicles, especially if you have livestock.

As far as a well goes, just build a windmill/cistern if you have an existing well. Then you have all your non-potable water for showering, cleaning and watering crops.
You can build extra tanks for sediment filtration.
The real problem is disinfection, which would probably be viable on a large scale through steam distillation (assuming lack of chlorine) but then you would have to have a shitload of fuel on hand for the fire.
Yeah, he's batshit; however and very important, he knows and admits it. That's a subtle but very important context. He has skills, so why not use them?
Yup and that's why I said whoever lets him in has to babysit him. If I wake up dead there will be hell to pay!
Yes but he's bat shit so if you allow him in you keep him on a very short leash! I do NOT want to wake up dead! If I do I blame YOU.

i am super simple long as i have something to distract me i do not get bored and start thinking of things i like to do

plus aslong as u are a decent human ......u got nothing to worry about from me it is the assholes like some of the the ppl here i would kill just because i did not want them to have kids and pass the assholeness down to next batch

plus honestly wouldn't u like to have a crazy ass like me to sick on the assholes .......i done nothing but learn for the last 37 years about everything i could .....
If we really lost power like in a "the day the earth stopped" scenario, and there was no chance of generating electricity, I think I would miss my toothbrush the most. I don't mind brushing with a regular manual toothbrush, but my sonicare has completely spoiled me. We still use regular toothbrushes when we go camping and whatnot but it's just not the same. My teeth feel less clean when I use a regular toothbrush now. Can I survive without power? Yeah, but it would suuuuuuuuck. I'm not sure a lot of people I know now fully realize how much extra work is involved if there is no electricity or vehicles, especially if you have livestock.

As far as a well goes, just build a windmill/cistern if you have an existing well. Then you have all your non-potable water for showering, cleaning and watering crops.
You can build extra tanks for sediment filtration.
The real problem is disinfection, which would probably be viable on a large scale through steam distillation (assuming lack of chlorine) but then you would have to have a shitload of fuel on hand for the fire.
Two cavils.

1) Water is not steam-distilled. That is a term of art reserved fro using water to perform a low-temp azeotropic distillation of semivolatiles. Example: terpenoid "essential oils" that would otherwise boil at 200 to 300 degrees C.

2) Chlorine and chloramine are volatile. Kick away the first few ml of a direct H2O distillation ... and you have also put paid to chloroalkanes, aromatics, and other solvent/organic contaminants.

A solar (mirror concentrator) still will work to provide drinking water. The less pure water will be needed for bathing etc.
Two cavils.

1) Water is not steam-distilled. That is a term of art reserved fro using water to perform a low-temp azeotropic distillation of semivolatiles. Example: terpenoid "essential oils" that would otherwise boil at 200 to 300 degrees C.

2) Chlorine and chloramine are volatile. Kick away the first few ml of a direct H2O distillation ... and you have also put paid to chloroalkanes, aromatics, and other solvent/organic contaminants.

A solar (mirror concentrator) still will work to provide drinking water. The less pure water will be needed for bathing etc.

Sometimes, I'm like this with you...




Sometimes, I'm like this with you...




I'm turning Japanese I think I'm turning Japanese I really think so
(Japanese hand mixer below)