Life without electricity. Would you survive?

they sure do no disputing that but the question was if you absolutely had to due to some sort of circumstance could you
humans made it this far and prior to electricity we still carried on , and yes there was plethora of loss , but it happened and here we are
My father was the youngest of 12 boys.......4 never made it to school age.
I hope grubs are good.
I ate a few bbq rats in Vietnam.....
My father was the youngest of 12 boys.......4 never made it to school age.
i completely understand and sorry for your fathers loss
but medical science and knowledge is far more better today than it was years ago

we know how aflu is spread, knowledge is key and plenty would still die, and not get better but if for SOME god forbid reason the power grids go down and the world goes to shit
and youre in the usa canada and not a third world country
there are plenty of supplies to scavenge medical knowledge and books which are far more advanced than before in your fathers day
and the majority of us are vaccinated.
we would undoubtly have a better chance these days than prior
Good thought provoking thread, but I'm not going to lose sleep over it.

I'd be curious to know what it affected in 1859 besides telegraph service.

Did carrier pigeon stock go up?

I would assume scientists and gov't. agencies have already thought about this.

I think an asteroid/comet would be a far greater catastrophic event, just ask any dinosaur.

Remember the Shoemaker-Levy comet on Jupiter a few decades back?

Now THAT would be bye bye for sure. And there were like 9 fucking hits from that one.
damn ppl

just think about history ......electrical power has only been around 100+ years
really it is not that hard to live with out it if u just think ahead and rem to learn from the past

steam powered water pumps for pumping .....same thing for a hot water heater (be little trickier since u can not control the temp but raising the water off the fire with trail and error will get u there just rem to have a pressure release valve on it)

the rest of the stuff is just common sense not throw waste out in the street......wash your clothes down stream from where u collect your water and boil all drinking water .......if u look in history what allowed cities to actually grow was beer ( water was not drunk because ppl would get sick from it ....they drank weak ass beer that was boiled it is what saved ppl from getting sick ) .....then they discovered copper has anti micro proprieties ( meaning the water would be slightly cleaner then what would be and not make ppl sick) ......egyptian figured that out long time ago and they started using it in the 1800s