Life without electricity. Would you survive?

It still is for some of us
I moved to the big city. We cured our own hams and bacon so you have to scrape the hogs. We used a 55 gal drum tilted filled with water. Build a fire under it and at 190° or so dip the pig in for 10 sec or so. After you shot it of course. And slit it's throat. We had a trolley system and butchered for several neighbors as well. I was 7 and my job was to shoot them in the head. A bit of corn down and a 22 short solid close just above the eyes. Straight on, no angle or you'll have a problem. My dad got hit in the arm one year when my uncle came over and wanted to shoot one. I thought he knew. He pulled a pistol out and shot and it ricocheted, the hog it went nuts I'm trying to kill it my dad is coming in with blood running down his arm hollering and my uncle hit the road. It was a hollow point and he still had some fragments in his elbow when he died. I can't imagine my grandkids doing any of this at the age I was. I was shooting kitchen matches out of my BB gun at 5. Killed my first squirrel when I was 7. 22 Marlin glenfield. I haven't hunted in years. Coyotes and such I thin. And I hate that. But I have dogs. Yeehaw!
I moved to the big city. We cured our own hams and bacon so you have to scrape the hogs. We used a 55 gal drum tilted filled with water. Build a fire under it and at 190° or so dip the pig in for 10 sec or so. After you shot it of course. And slit it's throat. We had a trolley system and butchered for several neighbors as well. I was 7 and my job was to shoot them in the head. A bit of corn down and a 22 short solid close just above the eyes. Straight on, no angle or you'll have a problem. My dad got hit in the arm one year when my uncle came over and wanted to shoot one. I thought he knew. He pulled a pistol out and shot and it ricocheted, the hog it went nuts I'm trying to kill it my dad is coming in with blood running down his arm hollering and my uncle hit the road. It was a hollow point and he still had some fragments in his elbow when he died. I can't imagine my grandkids doing any of this at the age I was. I was shooting kitchen matches out of my BB gun at 5. Killed my first squirrel when I was 7. 22 Marlin glenfield. I haven't hunted in years. Coyotes and such I thin. And I hate that. But I have dogs. Yeehaw!

One of those idiots seems to always show up, usually with beer in hand