Life without electricity. Would you survive?


Well-Known Member
@justugh could hook you up :bigjoint:
sure it really is not hard ........just think ahead alittle before the power goes out

1 where to find water and how to bring it back to where u need
2 where your getting your supply of fire wood
3 where u are going to go hunt and who is going to butcher it
4 u need to start digging a root celler for veggie and salted meats to be stored in
5 thing is get as many books as u possible can on every subject as u are not able to look it up on the net

and if u really want to make power for your place u can do it just need to think about how solar wind water peddle power ........hell 1000 bucks can set u up a system that will run a frig or computer and tv

We should all meet up over at whitebb2727's homestead, although he might will shoot us.
he might shoot u all i am pretty sure i am safe .....we will just make some shine and get drunk


Well-Known Member
I bet Amish girls smell great. Hot showers not included. o_O
I've banged a couple Amish girls.
i dont know if i could get with an amish girl... i think they have a family only type thing going for them
Nah. They wild. ;-)
Most farmers still depend on petroleum, which is hard to deliver when the entire trucking fleet is immobilized by a nuclear EMP from space. Beasts of burden would be in high demand!
Don't care about everyone else.
And that's why I think I'd survive.

There are so many fucking idiots that would literally sit down, cry, shit themselves and wait to die.

Maybe we need a thinning of the herd. :lol:
Exactly. I've never panicked in a tight spot and I've been in a number of them.
I also have a propane conversion kit that I never got around to using/setting up for an old truck; save the gasoline for my tractor
Every transformer on a pole has close to 5 gallons of mineral oil that will run diesels.
They'll be worth more once the good toilet paper runs out.
Nah. Glossy print sucks.


Well-Known Member
With solar panels you can use an electronic machine! I have enough clothes making tools for all of us! You get to make the cars run (I can't do that well), I f'n hate indexing distributors!
If you get the distributor out of time enough you can lite a cig or blount , but I don't think I would try lighting a bowl off the carb fire. Just trying to be positive here.