Life without electricity. Would you survive?

Hell, that's every single person on here who either directly or indirectly admits to growing pot.


Especially in my case where it is illegal. I already know full well what I'm facing. (First offense, it's a 250 dollar fine and one years probation. After one year if I stay out of trouble my record is expunged.)

But I'm certainly not stupid enough to say, "showing and advising people how to do illegal shit will never get me in any trouble with the law in any way, shape or form"...which is what these idiots are actually saying.
I'm not the least bit excited.

Since you can't be bothered to read, I'll let you in on it. It was HE that brought up thermite. Not me.

I posted this:

To which he replied this:

That's why I posted the thermite example to begin with. You people have been peeing your pants ever since.
LOL. You didn't read. I didn't ever say you brought up thermite, I said you focused on it. My pants, white's, weed's and others are dry. Not sure about yours
LOL. You didn't read. I didn't ever say you brought up thermite, I said you focused on it.

Welcome to the ignore list, shit for brains.

I never said you said I brought it up. You asked why I focused on it. I never did focus on it. I was talking about an example involving fire. It was he that brought thermite into it, so I made an example with thermite and you idiots have been going on non stop ever since. Nothing more.

Later, idiot.

Especially in my case where it is illegal. I already know full well what I'm facing. (First offense, it's a 250 dollar fine and one years probation. After one year if I stay out of trouble my record is expunged.)

But I'm certainly not stupid enough to say, "showing and advising people how to do illegal shit will never get me in any trouble with the law in any way, shape or form"...which is what these idiots are actually saying.
Okay so in a way, I am on the outside looking in. Y'all are familiar with each other more than I am with you or you with me. I could actually straddle the fence right now because both sides have some very valid points.

I still believe that the recipe for thermite is so common that it would be impossible to lay blame on any individual here.

Try this analogy. You grow pot. I read your posts. So then I grow pot and I get caught. I then say well joe blow on the forum was telling me everything I needed to know. Is joe blow now a co-conspirator? Why not? I read everything that old joe posted. He told me step by step how to do it.
I still believe that the recipe for thermite is so common that it would be impossible to lay blame on any individual here.

Again, and with all due respect, what you 'think' doesn't matter. It's how the law works that does.

These are about the most layman examples I can think of:
  • You can buy rat poison anywhere.
  • You talk to me about how to go about killing someone.
  • I give you a bottle of rat poison.
  • You poison your wife. (or whoever)
  • Your wife dies.
The cops aren't going to give a damn that you COULD have bought the rat poison anywhere. What they're going to care about is the conversation the two of us had that resulted in me giving you the material to do what you had wanted to do.

The same applies to instructions.
  • You want to build a bomb.
  • I give you the plans on how to build a bomb.
  • You build a bomb and kill or injure someone with it.
Law enforcement isn't going to care that you COULD have gotten a bomb plan (and probably a better one) off the internet. All they're going to care about is that discussion between the two of us that led to me giving you that plan, you executing that plan, and the end result of that plan.
Remember the time you tried to tell members as a landlord you had the "right" to enter the property and search through your tenants shit? Then after taking shit for it, claimed the only time you actually did it your search turned up enough explosives (200lbs) to level half a city block?

I do

Totally plausible by the way :wink:
Again, and with all due respect, what you 'think' doesn't matter. It's how the law works that does.

These are about the most layman examples I can think of:
  • You can buy rat poison anywhere.
  • You talk to me about how to go about killing someone.
  • I give you a bottle of rat poison.
  • You poison your wife. (or whoever)
  • Your wife dies.
The cops aren't going to give a damn that you COULD have bought the rat poison anywhere. What they're going to care about is the conversation the two of us had that resulted in me giving you the material to do what you had wanted to do.

The same applies to instructions.
  • You want to build a bomb.
  • I give you the plans on how to build a bomb.
  • You build a bomb and kill or injure someone with it.
Law enforcement isn't going to care that you COULD have gotten a bomb plan (and probably a better one) off the internet. All they're going to care about is that discussion between the two of us that led to me giving you that plan, you executing that plan, and the end result of that plan.
You've outlined classic conspiracy examples, and you are correct there. However:
You: how does one make thermite?
Me: this way, recipe
You: you later go take out a Brinks truck
You get caught and say Joe Blow on the internet told me how to make it.
Cops review the convo and see no conspiracy; although if the website was a White racist anti-gov site they might want to cause trouble for it
Again, and with all due respect, what you 'think' doesn't matter. It's how the law works that does.

These are about the most layman examples I can think of:
  • You can buy rat poison anywhere.
  • You talk to me about how to go about killing someone.
  • I give you a bottle of rat poison.
  • You poison your wife. (or whoever)
  • Your wife dies.
The cops aren't going to give a damn that you COULD have bought the rat poison anywhere. What they're going to care about is the conversation the two of us had that resulted in me giving you the material to do what you had wanted to do.

The same applies to instructions.
  • You want to build a bomb.
  • I give you the plans on how to build a bomb.
  • You build a bomb and kill or injure someone with it.
Law enforcement isn't going to care that you COULD have gotten a bomb plan (and probably a better one) off the internet. All they're going to care about is that discussion between the two of us that led to me giving you that plan, you executing that plan, and the end result of that plan.

Could you please provide a citation to these laws you've been going on about? That would be helpful. Thanks so much.
Remember the time you tried to tell members as a landlord you had the "right" to enter the property and search through your tenants shit? Then after taking shit for it, claimed the only time you actually did it your search turned up enough explosives (200lbs) to level half a city block?

I do

Totally plausible by the way :wink:
Could you imagine the criminal charges and lawsuit that would result if you caught a landlord rifling through your personal belongings with a spy cam?
Let's review:

Right there he's giving instructions on how to build an IED that can kill someone.

Then the topic turned to thermite and that leaving instructions could not ever get you into trouble. I simply showed examples where it could and that it should be avoided.

I'm not the nut job planning on blowing people up. The guy that's already done time is.

That was part of the discussion on military field manuals.

Different part of the thread.

Sorry. Try again.

Fact is most seem to agree with my view. Doesn't matter if you think I'm guilty or not. I need just one to agree with me at trial.

Go troll the racist or something.

You walked into this thread without understanding the humor and interactions we have in toke and talk.

Geeze. Go burn one.

I've committed no crime.

Let's say someone in a group conversation wanted to burn down a building but didn't know how to go about doing it. You share with him a paper you find online showing how to effectively burn down a building. The person then follows those directions you gave and burns down the building.

You are guilty of multiple crimes including, but not limited to: conspiracy to commit arson and accessory to arson.

You supplying the plan makes you part of the crime. If not for you, that person doesn't have those instructions. Were people to die in that fire, you would also be charged as an accessory in their deaths.

It amazes me how stupid people really are these days.

what ppl do with the info is not my responsibility .....every person is in charge of there own action there own life

info is not illegal ......if it was why would i be able to do this

what u know about the law is wrong ., me io been doing this for years if it was i would of been jailed back in the 2000 .......i shared the jolly rogers cookbook on file sharing for years
1 i never said do anything
2 i never named any targets
3 i said be careful because it can burn a hole into power lines water gas underground if u make to much
4 i just shared strait info on how too ....gave a idea to make a trench to stop cars

call a DA and ask i broken no law anywhere
Go back and read the damn thread...which you obviously did not.
No. You didn't read.

The trigger I described was in response to being a boy scout which led to field manuals. I then made a comment on a trigger device that my friends dad, a green beret, described to me.

I never once said anything about Thermite. I didn't post the recipe.

You are the one that didn't read correct.

Sorry. Try again.