Life without electricity. Would you survive?

Again, and with all due respect, what you 'think' doesn't matter. It's how the law works that does.

These are about the most layman examples I can think of:
  • You can buy rat poison anywhere.
  • You talk to me about how to go about killing someone.
  • I give you a bottle of rat poison.
  • You poison your wife. (or whoever)
  • Your wife dies.
The cops aren't going to give a damn that you COULD have bought the rat poison anywhere. What they're going to care about is the conversation the two of us had that resulted in me giving you the material to do what you had wanted to do.

The same applies to instructions.
  • You want to build a bomb.
  • I give you the plans on how to build a bomb.
  • You build a bomb and kill or injure someone with it.
Law enforcement isn't going to care that you COULD have gotten a bomb plan (and probably a better one) off the internet. All they're going to care about is that discussion between the two of us that led to me giving you that plan, you executing that plan, and the end result of that plan.
You have it all wrong.

You call someone shitfer brains but can't even follow a thread right.

The trigger and Thermite were two different ideas in this thread. One does not apply to the other.

You can't follow the sequence of events and what happened.

You now are grasping at straws.

I suggest you go back and read before you dig deeper.
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You've outlined classic conspiracy examples, and you are correct there. However:
You: how does one make thermite?
Me: this way, recipe
You: you later go take out a Brinks truck
You get caught and say Joe Blow on the internet told me how to make it.
Cops review the convo and see no conspiracy; although if the website was a White racist anti-gov site they might want to cause trouble for it
thank u

knuckle bump or respect .......u understand the law

sorry u got caught up in something i started
I skipped a lot of this because I only have one question. If I told some asshole on the internet to eat a dick and then he went around blowing all the dudes in his neighborhood, would that make me responsible for turning him out?
Nope. If he started biting off cocks, you might have issues, apparently.
Does anyone have a recipe for theradildomite ( exploding hot rubber dicks )

Disclaimer : robbing brinks trucks with thremodildomite is not cool so don't
It works best when using freshly prepared dildonium trioxide. It's like gunpowder that way: few people appreciate you cannot just use any sort of coal in making gunpowder, or dildonium ore in cocksplosive manufacture.
what ppl do with the info is not my responsibility .....every person is in charge of there own action there own life

info is not illegal ......if it was why would i be able to do this

what u know about the law is wrong ., me io been doing this for years if it was i would of been jailed back in the 2000 .......i shared the jolly rogers cookbook on file sharing for years
1 i never said do anything
2 i never named any targets
3 i said be careful because it can burn a hole into power lines water gas underground if u make to much
4 i just shared strait info on how too ....gave a idea to make a trench to stop cars

call a DA and ask i broken no law anywhere
Shit @justugh, this is twice I've liked posts by you! Will wonders never cease LOL
knuckle bump of respect
Right back at you.
That's some nasty shit bro! All of em. That last one could have been really bad too. I almost lost my foot from a fucking nail. 6 weeks in the hospital. I can only imagine the shit that they put on them nails too. Scarey shit all of it.
Guerilla warfare tactics are very effective. Its the reasons for ied's used in Afghanistan.

Yea. I can only imagine a feces covered sharp bamboo spike. Nasty infection.

I almost lost a foot over a nail.
One of my platoon sergeants in the 82nd had been a tunnel rat in Nam. He was really screwed up. Said that they tied up "2 steps" in the tunnels. You shoot the snake, they set off a claymore or just buried you alive by collapsing the tunnel walls.

That's the thing about booby traps, once you find one you have to ask, "How many more are tied into that one?"