Life without electricity. Would you survive?

I'll admit I'm addicted to this site. I can easily spend a good 4+ hours just looking for posts to add info to. Or be scouring google for info on growing organically. Or some other thing I think will be helpful to me.

I do feel lost when I don't have my phone. But, that's because it's kinda like my only means of contact with the people I know. It's also where I keep my beats. I need my tunes bro. I go loopy if it's too quiet.

I find it hard to hold conversation in real life. My interests are of limited scope. And as such. I don't know how to respond to the usual topics of sports, cars or which chick you'd bang first.

I've been this way since I started school. I spent more time with my head in a book than playing with others.

I don't follow what most people do. Don't get into trends like yoyos and watching the latest tv shows. Or whatever dumb fad is sweeping youtube.

I find it easier to sit and learn things by myself than to be a social butterfly.
Not saying it's a bad thing, but your preference for solitude may change as you get older.
We should build a brigade of robots to chisel stone tablets with all known knowledge. Hard copy backups.
Do hard drives count? Or data discs? We run into a compactness issue with hardcopy and expose ourselves to another disaster like the burning of the Library of Alexandria. I find that prospect awful.
I'll admit I'm addicted to this site. I can easily spend a good 4+ hours just looking for posts to add info to. Or be scouring google for info on growing organically. Or some other thing I think will be helpful to me.

I do feel lost when I don't have my phone. But, that's because it's kinda like my only means of contact with the people I know. It's also where I keep my beats. I need my tunes bro. I go loopy if it's too quiet.

I find it hard to hold conversation in real life. My interests are of limited scope. And as such. I don't know how to respond to the usual topics of sports, cars or which chick you'd bang first.

I've been this way since I started school. I spent more time with my head in a book than playing with others.

I don't follow what most people do. Don't get into trends like yoyos and watching the latest tv shows. Or whatever dumb fad is sweeping youtube.

I find it easier to sit and learn things by myself than to be a social butterfly.

Practice my friend. You realize you need people despite living in a society that encourages you to remain apart and that has become your comfort zone. This I understand despite not having grown up with the internet because I have been cut off from people several times in my life and today I find it very difficult to build relationships. So I have "bar" friends. And that isn't good enough but its a step. You don't have to become an alcoholic like me, but maybe coffee? Or live music. Or art shows. I grew up with my head in a book... it will make you successful in school, a good troll online, and possible help you get promoted at your job. None of that shit is important. Because the ONLY thing in life that actually matters is joy. Having it and spreading it. And as a person, your gonna need some more mammals to nurture your joy. So put down the book and make a friend. Do it for you. Also it will help you stop worrying about shit you can't control... like the coming apocalypse. LOL
well out of all my readings here not one person knew about this

if power goes out u can still drive a car ........there is something called wood gas engines they were used back in ww1

like i said it is just matter of learning history .......and thinking ahead
and yes the wood gas engine could hooked or turned into a electrical turbine ....supping power to a small group of ppl

rem a genny is just some wires and magnets
this is using car parts

your only real worry is a EMP pulse .......but that will only effect electronics turned on /plugged in unless it a high yield low alt det then all are gone (makes arcs )

who wants to live with me i have power shine weed food and medical supplies (thanks to the power i have a libary of more then 1000 books on all subjects from fixing anything military to surgery on body to live stock raising )
well out of all my readings here not one person knew about this

if power goes out u can still drive a car ........there is something called wood gas engines they were used back in ww1

like i said it is just matter of learning history .......and thinking ahead
and yes the wood gas engine could hooked or turned into a electrical turbine ....supping power to a small group of ppl

rem a genny is just some wires and magnets
this is using car parts

your only real worry is a EMP pulse .......but that will only effect electronics turned on /plugged in unless it a high yield low alt det then all are gone (makes arcs )

who wants to live with me i have power shine weed food and medical supplies (thanks to the power i have a libary of more then 1000 books on all subjects from fixing anything military to surgery on body to live stock raising )
Mmmmm. Seems like you could really take care of an old lady. I could also take care of you. A little known fact is that us women don't get more drier as we age. I have not had to use lube since 1976. I am like greased up dolphin. Or a slip n slide full of canola oil. Mmmmm. So moist. So very very moist.
Mmmmm. Seems like you could really take care of an old lady. I could also take care of you. A little known fact is that us women don't get more drier as we age. I have not had to use lube since 1976. I am like greased up dolphin. Or a slip n slide full of canola oil. Mmmmm. So moist. So very very moist.

I have a tear in my eye reading this. I'm having a hard time communicating my emotion. I don't have any of that shit, and my wife is young skinny and hot... but we can kick her to the side if he doesn't take you up on that offer....
Mmmmm. Seems like you could really take care of an old lady. I could also take care of you. A little known fact is that us women don't get more drier as we age. I have not had to use lube since 1976. I am like greased up dolphin. Or a slip n slide full of canola oil. Mmmmm. So moist. So very very moist.

this has got to be a decoy sock to take the heat and attention off the real sock.
Mom? Why would people waste good socks with a rogue solar flare EMP about to doom us back to the Middle Ages? Don't they know that good socks will be hard to find?