Light Deprivation Greenhouse

lot of deleted posts in this thread, lol. oh my

you gonna do a journal this year bucky? I'm doing greenhouse too this year. your thread the other year inspired me. but I aint building the greenhouse, lol. it's store bought. I do have to put it together though. interseted in doing the liight deprevation myself and vice-versa. greenhouses rock. when I get a picture up of mine, I'll invite you into my private album to take a look... I'm scared though, lol. don't want you to pull a spanky on me and put me on blast :lol:
you gonna do a journal this year bucky? I'm doing greenhouse too this year. your thread the other year inspired me. but I aint building the greenhouse, lol. it's store bought. I do have to put it together though. interseted in doing the liight deprevation myself and vice-versa. greenhouses rock. when I get a picture up of mine, I'll invite you into my private album to take a look... I'm scared though, lol. don't want you to pull a spanky on me and put me on blast :lol:

i will be doing a journal again this year.

since this thread is off to such a great start, i might even do a second journal here for my light dep GH.

but time is of the essence, i want to start vegging by the first week of may and forcing flower starting in mid june at latest for an august crop (and possibly a second october crop). would still need to formulate a good idea on the daily covering, scalp the yard, till, and build.

we'll see if this drunken 3am idea comes to fruition.
the best idea i could come up with is to treat it almost like a shower curtain and use some guides, but i'm not sure if that would even work so easily.
A problem with that is that you always end up with folded up curtains on one or more corners. I would go for something that would raise the 'curtains' on the sides to create darkness (instead if raising to let light in), up to a point where they hook/click on to something. Add some weights to the top of the curtains and release the hook to drop the curtains effortlessly. Couple of servo motors on a timer and you're done.
A problem with that is that you always end up with folded up curtains on one or more corners. I would go for something that would raise the 'curtains' on the sides to create darkness (instead if raising to let light in), up to a point where they hook/click on to something. Add some weights to the top of the curtains and release the hook to drop the curtains effortlessly. Couple of servo motors on a timer and you're done.

that would work for the sides, but what about the top? the problem i keep running into is fighting gravity over that apex.

and the shower curtain idea i'm imagining involves attaching the dark cover on each side (long side, so front and back of the greenhouse) to a piece of PVC that is arched to match the shape of the GH. put that piece of PVC into some guides and attach rope to the top apex and both sides. then, just pull the thing back to open the greenhouse.

the problem i imagine i will encounter is that i may end up pulling it a few feet before it gets uneven and jams up, causing me to have to move each side bit by bit.

fuck, i'll talk to my dad, he usually has some good ideas about these things.
that would work for the sides, but what about the top? the problem i keep running into is fighting gravity over that apex.
Can't you treat the top as two separate sides that meet at the top? To increase the gravity effect you could raise the center of the cover so it would basically have a more pointy top than the greenhouse.
Can't you treat the top as two separate sides that meet at the top? To increase the gravity effect you could raise the center of the cover so it would basically have a more pointy top than the greenhouse.

i could, but i'm imagining how i would go about securing the dark cover on that top seam every night. doesn't seem easy enough for my liking.
when you figure it out, let me know... I hate doing the leg work, lol.

i have a hard enough time just turning off my indoor lights and feeding my starving animals in the morning, the last thing i need is to be getting up on 12' ladders.

we'll figure something out.
i could, but i'm imagining how i would go about securing the dark cover on that top seam every night.
Good point. That could probably be solved by offsetting the railing a little and pull one end slightly over the other so they overlap at the seam. With some pulleys in the right spots and a lever you could make it very easy on yourself. Maybe find someone with knowledge of raising sails :)
I can totally picture it. Accordian like. On rails like a garage door. Only difference being it would have draping below as well.

I wish you luck buck!
so i've mulled this over for days and find myself going back to the simplest solution.

suppose we have 8'x16' GH that is 7' tall with a shallowish hoop house top.

the dark cover is attached on one side to a 16' hollow tube (PVC most likely) that that allows me to roll it up like a scroll.


i roll it up (or even just lift it up) to the 7' vertical sides, one side at a time, and onto a simple retractable holder thing (basically a bit of wood attached to the structure by one screw loose/tight enough so that it will swivel yet hold in place.

to lift it over the top, i make a simple tool, basically some rebar bored through a 2x4, and insert it into the hollow tube. use it to lift one side over the top and onto a holder on the other side.

hell, one of those long handled paint roller type things might do the trick.


lower the cover the rest of the way and roll it all up, neatly out of the way.

installation is the reverse of removal, maybe place a cinderblock or two on the cover to keep it from blowing around since it is not secured like the other side.

would probably take 5-7 minutes max to put it on or take it off each time, and could be done by one person without ladders.

i'm gonna get started on this on monday.

i hope they didn't delet ethe one about using your fat mom's moo moo for a cover. her blimp ass could prolly fly it right in.

it's a sad state when this guy's green housing techniques are an inspiration. starred.:)