Light Deprivation Greenhouse


i hope they didn't delet ethe one about using your fat mom's moo moo for a cover. her blimp ass could prolly fly it right in.

it's a sad state when this guy's green housing techniques are an inspiration. starred.:)
you mad bro? lol
not even close-


you're the one with the hoop house. buck stayed up all night for me, and then missed by fifteen minutes.

now i see. this is your lamo fan club.
Rolling it up like a scroll is too much work and will shake off dew on the inside of the plastic onto the plants/buds. However mon used same concept and used pvc as a track. You attach the "scroll" to to bottom back so when you pull plastic over plants it does not go anywhere. Plants in pic on the smaller side you can cover 3 at a time but the more you cover the harder it gets to control plastic sag in the middle,this could be fixed by adding more support ACROSS the upper pvc track or just covering less plants at the same time. Mon likes covering 2 plants at a time, it is easiest for one person and mon does not have to walk back and forth to each side, just simply grab the "scroll" and walk thru the middle of the two plants while guiding the"scroll" over the pvc .

Uncovering is easy esp with a pvc track to guide it and keep the plastic off the plants. Simply grab the "scroll" from the middle and guide it up and over the pvc without shaking it too much and any dew on the inside of plastic will roll down the back off the plastic onto the ground thus not getting water/dew on the plants/buds. It took mon about 3-4 minutes to cover 5 plants and about 2 minutes to uncover, the more you do it the easier it gets.
not even close-


you're the one with the hoop house. buck stayed up all night for me, and then missed by fifteen minutes.

now i see. this is your lamo fan club.
if you seen what I had going on,you'd zip your lip, tuck your tail between your legs, and scurry the fuck outta here, mmmk?

so make like a ball and bounce
Rolling it up like a scroll is too much work and will shake off dew on the inside of the plastic onto the plants/buds. However mon used same concept and used pvc as a track. You attach the "scroll" to to bottom back so when you pull plastic over plants it does not go anywhere. Plants in pic on the smaller side you can cover 3 at a time but the more you cover the harder it gets to control plastic sag in the middle,this could be fixed by adding more support ACROSS the upper pvc track or just covering less plants at the same time. Mon likes covering 2 plants at a time, it is easiest for one person and mon does not have to walk back and forth to each side, just simply grab the "scroll" and walk thru the middle of the two plants while guiding the"scroll" over the pvc .

Uncovering is easy esp with a pvc track to guide it and keep the plastic off the plants. Simply grab the "scroll" from the middle and guide it up and over the pvc without shaking it too much and any dew on the inside of plastic will roll down the back off the plastic onto the ground thus not getting water/dew on the plants/buds. It took mon about 3-4 minutes to cover 5 plants and about 2 minutes to uncover, the more you do it the easier it gets.

the dark cover will be going on the outside of the greenhouse rather than the inside, so shaking off dew and condensation won't be a worry.

and for you, muffy:


try not to twist them so much!
Please Lord-

send understanding to our brothers buck and greenhorn. help them to learn simple farming techniques used for hundreds of years.

in Jesus' name . Amen.
Please Lord-

send understanding to our brothers buck and greenhorn. help them to learn simple farming techniques used for hundreds of years.

in Jesus' name . Amen.
go grab you some vagisil, sounds like you need it. it will help with all that itching and soothe the pain

Using a "Hoop" Green house, with both ends framed with 2x4s or equivalent, use black painters plastic/tarps
with either electronic winches (mounted to the 2x4 end frames) on a timer (12v DC if you want to power with Deep Cycle)
or even a hand crank (similar to a boat trailer style crank) - Run it on lines with cranks on both end frames.

That way you could cover/uncover the house on a timer or by hand.

Run two lines or cables across the top of the GHouse using pulleys, with (if its a black tarp) cables from each end
attached to the tarp loop holes one each corresponding end. I'm afraid I can't help with sourcing the tarps, or light blocking material
which would be based on the size of the green house.

Just a thought. Never tried such a project... yet...

Using a "Hoop" Green house, with both ends framed with 2x4s or equivalent, use black painters plastic/tarps
with either electronic winches (mounted to the 2x4 end frames) on a timer (12v DC if you want to power with Deep Cycle)
or even a hand crank (similar to a boat trailer style crank) - Run it on lines with cranks on both end frames.

That way you could cover/uncover the house on a timer or by hand.

Run two lines or cables across the top of the GHouse using pulleys, with (if its a black tarp) cables from each end
attached to the tarp loop holes one each corresponding end. I'm afraid I can't help with sourcing the tarps, or light blocking material
which would be based on the size of the green house.

Just a thought. Never tried such a project... yet...

the only thing i see that could go wrong with this is that the wires/cables that run over the top of the GH will rip holes in the clear plastic when pulling the darkness cover over.

in any case, i just got done scalping about half the 8'x16' area. tried to do a little tilling to level it all out and it appears that the clutch on my tiller is fucked. that's what i get for doing repairs i shouldn't.