Light Movers

i just purchased a light mover. im using a 6 ft rail. It takes 1min and 30 seconds for it to travel one end to the other end .how long should i set it to pause at each end to get even light distrubution through out the garden. my friend keep saying i shouldnt let it pause ,but im thinking if i dont let it pause at each end the middle will get more light. im thinking i should let it pause for 30 seconds on each end ,what do you guys think ?
Well if you think about it in term of where it sits for one sweep, if you pause it on each end for 30 minutes it would take 63 minutes to completely go back and forth with 30 of those minutes on either end so I would say no pause.


Well-Known Member
hey man i got a light mover a while back and had a 600w hps and only had the light mover move about 4 in a half to 5 feet of the 6 foot rail and i started to notice that the the plants under my 600w light that just stayed still had the bigger and better buds . The ones under the mover were not shit by any means they were still good quality just not as big . The light mover is ok if your short a light and you just want some plants to get light it will help cause i used my mover cause i was short 1 light cause i have a 600w over each of my flood tables and i have them in rows of two and in one of my rows i only had one 600 so i put it on the mover thinking that one 600 would light 2 tables no problem and i had the mover pause at each end for about 30 secondets and in the end the plants under the mover were not as good as the other ones that werent under it so all and all i think there only good if you have more then one light on it . But if you ask me i would just by a other light cause i have always thought that stationary lighting is the best but like i said if you have more then one light on it cause then when it moves to the right the plants on the left and still getting light so i hope this helps a little . good luck and let me know how it works out for you


Well-Known Member
ya bro, i did the pause before and the sides get taller!! NO pause NO pause i run mine between 10-15 inches off the plants depending temps in the garage, and iv had the light waaay up on the ceiling for better coverage too and it worked good its a 1k and i like bein able to keep it really close.