Gosh, this is fun - another asshole to slam dunk.
"CFL's are a half assed approach to growing and if you want the best results, you select HID."
CFL and fluorescents offer a cost effective way to produce buds that HID users pay up to 30-50% more to produce for a marginal increase in yield and quality. If you're happy wasting your money in that way - don't let me stop you.
"You can get HID's on E-Bay which are the same cost as CFL's and sometimes even cheaper. "
Purchase price is not where the extra cost is coming from - it's in the running costs, with HID systems costing up to 30-50% more in running costs than equivalent PAR rated CFL and fluorescent systems.
"CFL's give off heat contrary to what you read. "
I've never stated that CFLs and fluorescents don't give off any heat, I've stated that HPS systems produce a lot more heat due to the large amounts of infra-red heat they emit.
"HID's give off even more heat but here is the catch, heat is heat and a difference of 15-25 degrees does not mean shit when you have ventilation and yes you better have some type of ventilation."
Well that's where you've got your head very firmly shoved up your ass. Ventilation does NOT remove the potentially harmful infra-red heat radiation from HPS systems, because it's radiated heat NOT convected heat - aka
Now, also consider Infra Red heat is not effected by convection or conduction cooling technology, (electric fans and water cooled"cool tubes"

it is radiation, not conduction or convection. This is why the INTENSITY of the (poor light quality) HID lamp can be used to cover large areas, if you bring the lamp too close you will radiate your plants with horrid IR heat, HID lamps and all ballasts must be kept a safe distance away from the plants to avoid IR radiation damage.
end quote
PURple for the highest quality
"When you get to 1,000 watt HID's, think about sealed and air cooled hoods if you are in a grow room which gets hot (over 90+ degrees)."
See quote above.
"Adding CO2 allows you to operate at temps around 100 degrees but nute and water uptake is also accelerated so heads up."
I don't really see what the use of co2 has to do with comparisons beween CFL and fluarescent systems and HIDS. And 85 degress is the optimal temperature for co2 use, not 100.
Finally you may get marginally more yield with HPS systems, but that doesn't necessarily mean that the quality is better aka -
The difference between Fluorescent and High Intensity Discharge lamps, and it's significance in the application to plant growing seems rarely understood and/or explained honestly.
So, we've tried to do this, nurturelite manufacture and supply all types of lighting, so we do not have favorites, in our opinion, all photon generators (lamps) are are equal & beautiful.
Like people, some light types may be better at different applications to others.
Strictly nurturelite fluorescent only example: 10 x 200w (2000w) nurturelite PURple red lamps produced same yield as crop did with 3 x 600w (1800w) HPS, but the grower reported that although quantity/yield was fractionally down, the QUALITY was up massively, because there is so little heat, all of the "qualitative" characteristics of the plant tops are not "evaporated" by IR heat. this is especially relevant during the flowering stage when plant surfaces in the flower region are particularly photoponically sensitive and vulnerable to humidity and over-heating problems.
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PURple for the highest quality