Lighting & Lumens

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So all that means is keep the light at a safe distance away. Having done that the grow is going to grow for a while on its own, however if you were using flouros, it would need daily attention to properly place the lights where they need to be every single day.

How many more times do I have to say the same fucking thing before you intellectually challenged morons understand it? LOL

Yes they do give out the same amount of heat watt for watt, but HPS systems give out a lot more infra-red heat due to the large amounts of red and far infra-red heat they emit at that end of the spectrum

How many more times do I have to say the same fucking thing before you intellectually challenged morons understand it?
If you want anyone to take you seriously, can you please post some reasoning for all this, apart from just your 'personal experience'?
I am not an experienced grower by any means, but i would like to know what is the best lighting and most efficient lighting for me.
So since you seem to know so much, please enlighten me on why an MH is better for veg than a similar wattage fluorescent or CFL? What about the PAR lumens, what light puts out more PAR lumens per watt?
Is it not true that fluorescents and CFL's don't put out far more lumens that are actually in the PAR spectrum? Is that just BS? please educate us novices? Seriously...
yeah, this thread is too intense for me, or Im too of the 2. I got my lights, they work-everyone else you are happy with your lights, let it be, its just a simple case of "to each, their own"


As usual, someone comes on, says they're getting better results with HID's than they did with CFL's and then buggers off, without giving any information at all as to what cfl's they used.

This simply reinforces in many inexperienced growers minds that cfl's are not very good and that HIDS are the way to go.

I'm willing to bet a lot of money, your cfl's were small, low output and in the wrong spectrum.

You got poor results using them because of your ignorance about plant lighting needs and selected the wrong cfls - that's your fault and no fault of the type of lighting you used.
If you want anyone to take you seriously, can you please post some reasoning for all this, apart from just your 'personal experience'?
I am not an experienced grower by any means, but i would like to know what is the best lighting and most efficient lighting for me.
So since you seem to know so much, please enlighten me on why an MH is better for veg than a similar wattage fluorescent or CFL? What about the PAR lumens, what light puts out more PAR lumens per watt?
Is it not true that fluorescents and CFL's don't put out far more lumens that are actually in the PAR spectrum? Is that just BS? please educate us novices? Seriously...

I'd be happy to answer your questions spliff, but I rather suspect that it's being directed at Chinga_2_Madre, so as I'm talking a 'load of bullshit' I shall await his reply with interest.
Chinga 2 Madre, you need to smoke more of that herb you're growin and not be such a "hablador de cagado," if you know what that means...
And for the record. It doesnt matter what it means its still in bad taste and shows everyone your intelligence level before they read your post.

Spanish profanity - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia (ctrl+f "Chinga tu madre") "Fuck your mother!"

(Thinking a native South Texan doesnt know Spanish is foolish.)

Edit: ( Where I come from mexicans get the shit beat out of them for saying that. We honor our mothers greatly. )

Otro pendejo. A "chingar a su madre" quere dicir que lo vas a pegar.
Yo tengo familia in San Antonio Y entiendo la idioma de tejas. No soy pendejo.

Wikipedia....hahahahha.....It was a white boy that put the translation in seas pendejo.....hhahahaha

I am also versed in German, Italian, Portguese, French, Greek and Russian.
So all that means is keep the light at a safe distance away. Having done that the grow is going to grow for a while on its own, however if you were using flouros, it would need daily attention to properly place the lights where they need to be every single day.

I dispair, I truly dispair.

So folks, ignore all the IR radiation coming out of your HIDS, it doesn't produce heat build up at all as long as you have it at a safe distance away from your plants all that nasty IR heat will magically disappear in a puff of the fairy godmothers wand!

Chinga 2 Madre, you need to smoke more of that herb you're growin and not be such a "hablador de cagado," if you know what that means...

I have been smoking since we landed on the moon (that is 1969 for you history mental defectives) :weed: :leaf:

PS...... Hey it would be "halador de cagada"

"Cagado" is not the correct conjugation or tense.

Only someone really really sharp would catch that so what does that tell you ? The mother fugger is on it.
The next bit of advise is when you graduate to HID and take off your training wheels of CFL's, get into CO2.

Save you money for LED technology because its coming.

Do not waste your money on some of the shit I see you guys doing with sugar and bottles and brewing beer (which gives off CO2 as a by-product) or dry ice or carbonated water. That is all bullshiit propagated by posters like babyshit or whatever their name or the CFL hugger who is full of shit.

You do realize brewing beer is almost free right? water + sugar + champagne yeast = vinegar (and a buttload more yeast) its a veritable CO2 factory.

Oh and CO2 will kill your stupid stoned asss by displacing oxygen so heads up.

Way to increase your credability. Attacking the reader.
I'd be happy to answer your questions spliff, but I rather suspect that it's being directed at Chinga_2_Madre, so as I'm talking a 'load of bullshit' I shall await his reply with interest.

Yes, that was definitely directed at Chinga 2 Madre.
Why I think it is funny when baby gro says this shit, I have no idea... Every time I laugh. I read this thread for the pure humor.

Do you mean, why do I waste my time trying to educate people about plant lighting when the vast majority of what I say either isn't understood or simply ignored by those determined to use their HPS systems come what may?

I don't know either and yes it is rather laughable.
Otro pendejo. A "chingar a su madre" quere dicir que lo vas a pegar.
Yo tengo familia in San Antonio Y entiendo la idioma de tejas. No soy pendejo.

Wikipedia....hahahahha.....It was a white boy that put the translation in seas pendejo.....hhahahaha

I am also versed in German, Italian, Portguese, French, Greek and Russian.

If you had said what you just did to my face I would break your spine and make you skull fuck yourself. Go swim home.
I used Flouro Grow Tubes (cheap $10 wal*mart Lights) I had about 15 of the mounted on a board that I raised up and down appropriately.

Still no closer to knowing what fluorescent lights you used.

Cheap 10 buck wallmart lights, no wonder you didn't get a good result.

Never mind, you can chuck your 30-50% additional power consumption wastage of your wonderful 400W HPS after the 150 bucks you wasted on the wrong fluoro lights.

A fool and his money soon part is a saying that rather springs to mind.
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