
Sometimes I accidentally hit the 'like' button when I'm trying to quote a post and then hit 'unlike' immediately after. Then I feel bad for 'un-liking' and immediately 'like' again.

Do they get notifications for each?
Actually they do get a notification for both, but nothing shows up as an unlike, it appears as if you got another like but there's no like.
Sometimes I accidentally hit the 'like' button when I'm trying to quote a post and then hit 'unlike' immediately after. Then I feel bad for 'un-liking' and immediately 'like' again.

Do they get notifications for each?

That is a good question, but it would really inflate their ego to the point wherethe like has registered in the psyche and as there is no dislike feature they woulnt get that and therefore they would be living an unreal liked existence. this thread can get pretty heavy when you consider the connotations and the possible accidental sense of delusions of grandeur that the false like could cause to the life of such a once likeable individual.
this thread can get pretty heavy when you consider the connotations and the possible accidental sense of delusions of grandeur that the false like could cause to the life of such a once likeable individual.

You were doing so good until you fucked this part of your post up.
HOLY SHIT!! This thread just blew the Eff up!! HAHA!!

this thread, and the april thread are a blur to me.

I just remember posting random pictures for hours at a time.

I had nightmares

had to check them cause i stopped posting in here and they kept coming.

thats what she said!!

and i recieved somewhere around 225-255 likes from this thread alone, thanks for the pay back....

had to check them cause i stopped posting in here and they kept coming.

thats what she said!!
View attachment 1767276

and i recieved somewhere around 225-255 likes from this thread alone, thanks for the pay back....

HAAAHHH! So super lame, I shulda saved mine up! I want a Notification count like that! I prolly have, but everytime I got a batch of likes, I checked em! DAMN MY CURIOSITY!!!
Well like it or not! The liking has Rose to tremendous Heights! COME PEEPS! LETS GET TO 1000 LIKES!!!