Lime green?

This was this morning and I watered last night. Slight run off, but I haven't given them anything since. Just got home from work. Bout to check in on the ladies.

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Actually my temp is up. I moved the thermometer/barometer to the plant level under the light and I'm at 90F with a humidity of 45. Poor gals. I'm seeing evidence of heat stress on leaves. What to do? I turned off my dr humidifyer last night...

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I'm going to get a small oscillating fan. I moved them away from the light some. Opened the lid and turned on a humidifier. I'll check them again in a few hours. Soil on a few is dry again down to my first knuckle.

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Okay so I just added some distiller water and baking soda to a few tbsp of soil from the lime green lady's pot and it fizzed and bubbled like crazy. Deff too acidic. Going to add some powdered egg shells and seek how she fairs out

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Okay so I just added some distiller water and baking soda to a few tbsp of soil from the lime green lady's pot and it fizzed and bubbled like crazy. Deff too acidic. Going to add some powdered egg shells and seek how she fairs out

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So your acidic test is baking soda and soil?
I can't see how you can read ph like that. Considering that plant nutrient uptake is optimal on the meduim to slightly acidic side of the of the ph scale.

Did you know that wet soil has a lower ph than dry soil?

I'm afraid that you going to need proper test equipment to determine soil pH. And even the slurry test has been shown to be highly inaccurate.

For the last time. Let the soil dry out and watch the improvement.

I bet those pots are HEAVY with water.

I would also recommend reading as many more grow journals as you can.

Good luck.
Okay so I just added some distiller water and baking soda to a few tbsp of soil from the lime green lady's pot and it fizzed and bubbled like crazy. Deff too acidic. Going to add some powdered egg shells and seek how she fairs out

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I Hope your not going to WATER in the eggshells before you soil is dry.

Best of luck.
I'll get one today, it was 10 pm. By the time I got home. It will do for now. I just powdered the eggshells and stirred them into the soil a bit, watered only the plants that needed it. Going to check them now.

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They weren't heavy at all, the only two that I didn't water didn't need it, still moist underneath, I left them alone.

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I tested both my damp soil from the plant in question as well as the dry. Two tests. Added vinegar to one, and baking soda and distiller water to the other. Gave me a ph window.

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Her new growth looks great. My third node has leaves with 7 digits, 4th node starting is a slightly deeper green and perky. Hoping in the next few days she totally recovers and perks up. I'm going to grab a ph test today but I still prefer natural methods of up and down where I can instead of chemicals. Tap water left at room temp for 24 hours and then ph'd is good to water yes? I don't like the inconstancy and acidity of rain water.

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