List of clubs that rip off vendors in Cali

If the dispensary can't pay cash - that should sound off a red light. These places are cash cows. If they don't have cash;
what the hell are they doing?

Places that can't pay cash - what a joke.

places that cant pay cash-ran by drunks, tweakers, addicts, or a combo of those or they have baby mama drama=unreliable fucks
actually yes i am the highest ranking official from stationed here on RIU

thanks for asking

back to the topic this thread hasnt had any (relevant) posts in awhile so i hope nobodys got ripped off latley

No you're not you are the "Genital wart of all threads on RIU"
Anybody sign up and vend to Harborside lately? I hear their 'contract' can be pretty other words, you are theirs only. It is clone season, and they are buying everything they can, so we will be selling to them for the next 6 weeks. Don't think I want to sign anything I might regret. Have been avoiding the clubs for the last six months on the open market for flowers, but there isn't much of an open market for clones. What should I beware of?
Anybody sign up and vend to Harborside lately? I hear their 'contract' can be pretty other words, you are theirs only. It is clone season, and they are buying everything they can, so we will be selling to them for the next 6 weeks. Don't think I want to sign anything I might regret. Have been avoiding the clubs for the last six months on the open market for flowers, but there isn't much of an open market for clones. What should I beware of?

r they going to pay someone to follow u around and make sure u dont go elsewhere? i quit fucking with harborside for the opposite reason- no loyalty they can tell me how great my product is or that they haven't seen me in a long time miss my meds etc. Then pick up the fucking phone and call me tell me to stop by for a visit. but no that doesnt happen other places call so they get the meds. also not cool with thr payment schedule one time i went in they paid me COD. next time i went in they told me how great my meds were and they were gone in 2 days then they say some bullshit about they had no money (with a lobby full of patients in the afternoon but no money) and i would have to wait over until the following month to get paid. If my meds r gone in days but i have to wait weeks for my money u r selling my goods and using the money to pay off past debts = bad business practice
Anybody sign up and vend to Harborside lately? I hear their 'contract' can be pretty other words, you are theirs only.

That's not true. Even if it was that would be completely unenforceable.

Harborside can be a pain in the ass to deal with. They will sweat your products more than any other dispensary and reject products over very minor details. But they pay well so it's worth it.
That's not true. Even if it was that would be completely unenforceable.

Harborside can be a pain in the ass to deal with. They will sweat your products more than any other dispensary and reject products over very minor details. But they pay well so it's worth it.

i just wish they werent so paranoid and made me drive all the way thr just to b told they r stocked on certain products just tell me that on the fucking phone
i just wish they werent so paranoid and made me drive all the way thr just to b told they r stocked on certain products just tell me that on the fucking phone

Yeah. It's annoying, but their paranoia is justified. The feds want them bad.
Treehouse collective
San Jose, ca

Dealt with a character by the name of Zane. Signed a contract to do consignment. Told me to check back in, in three weeks. I check in three weeks later and they tell me they are in between locations. Now two months later they are still doing deliveries and not paying. I call the shop which they say is closed (land line) and in the morning a guy tells me Zane is sleeping. I call back two hours later and the character told me there's no Zane and they just got the phone number two days ago. I might take legal action.
Treehouse collective
San Jose, ca

Dealt with a character by the name of Zane. Signed a contract to do consignment. Told me to check back in, in three weeks. I check in three weeks later and they tell me they are in between locations. Now two months later they are still doing deliveries and not paying. I call the shop which they say is closed (land line) and in the morning a guy tells me Zane is sleeping. I call back two hours later and the character told me there's no Zane and they just got the phone number two days ago. Ill be taking them to court.

Careful. Those dudes struck me as the incredibly shady type. If you're going to go after them in court, watch your ass.
Treehouse collective San Jose, ca Dealt with a character by the name of Zane. Signed a contract to do consignment. Told me to check back in, in three weeks. I check in three weeks later and they tell me they are in between locations. Now two months later they are still doing deliveries and not paying. I call the shop which they say is closed (land line) and in the morning a guy tells me Zane is sleeping. I call back two hours later and the character told me there's no Zane and they just got the phone number two days ago. I might take legal action.
Wow, so they use the he's asleep excuse on other people besides me. I never dealt with nor know who Zane is though. The dude I dealt with was a fat Hispanic name Juan I believe. I wouldn't piss on fire to put him out. OP sorry you didn't see this thread before dealing with them.
People in Cali must be getting soft. In Mexico, a roll of duct tape and a sharp knife solve all problems. Steal 3000 from someone and that is your ass...or your wife's ass....or your children's need to tighten up the reins. Start cutting heads off and you won't have this problem. It isn't personal, it's only business. Get used to it OR leave the business OR quit complaining about being played for a bitch.
People in Cali must be getting soft. In Mexico, a roll of duct tape and a sharp knife solve all problems. Steal 3000 from someone and that is your ass...or your wife's ass....or your children's need to tighten up the reins. Start cutting heads off and you won't have this problem. It isn't personal, it's only business.

Sure, it's a trade off. You have a more effective way to get your money back, but we typically live past 25. Personally I like not being dead or in jail. But hey, if your pride is more important than that to each their own.

Get used to it OR leave the business OR quit complaining about being played for a bitch.

Or you can put the word out to others that they are stealing and ruin their rep so the next guy won't get ripped off.

I'm not a gangster or a cartel member. I don't want to act like one. You think that might make be a "bitch", but I think it makes you a scumbag and not terribly bright to think murdering someone's children over a marijuana dispute is a viable option.
People in Cali must be getting soft. In Mexico, a roll of duct tape and a sharp knife solve all problems. Steal 3000 from someone and that is your ass...or your wife's ass....or your children's need to tighten up the reins. Start cutting heads off and you won't have this problem. It isn't personal, it's only business. Get used to it OR leave the business OR quit complaining about being played for a bitch.
no one is chopping any heads off since when have you heard of cartels shooting up dispensarys or choppin off there heads lol? cocaine market is irrelevnt to this thread go read a book.
People in Cali must be getting soft. In Mexico, a roll of duct tape and a sharp knife solve all problems. Steal 3000 from someone and that is your ass...or your wife's ass....or your children's need to tighten up the reins. Start cutting heads off and you won't have this problem. It isn't personal, it's only business. Get used to it OR leave the business OR quit complaining about being played for a bitch.

There's a reason why most of us born and raised in So Cal take pride in NOT being like mexico.

(Your trolling skills suck, BTW ET.)