List of clubs that rip off vendors in Cali

There's a reason why most of us born and raised in So Cal take pride in NOT being like mexico.

(Your trolling skills suck, BTW ET.)

So you are proud of being made out to be a bunch of bitches who get their shit taken from them and do nothing to recover it? This is why you are here complaining like bitches. It is all you are willing to do. WHHHHAAAAAAAA, he stole my weed and won't give me my money. Fuck him. Plato o Plano. Give him the option and then follow through with it.
So you are proud of being made out to be a bunch of bitches who get their shit taken from them and do nothing to recover it? This is why you are here complaining like bitches. It is all you are willing to do. WHHHHAAAAAAAA, he stole my weed and won't give me my money. Fuck him. Plato o Plano. Give him the option and then follow through with it.

That's it? At least step it up after it was pointed out to you that your troll skills suck. Ignore list time for you, buddy.
So you are proud of being made out to be a bunch of bitches who get their shit taken from them and do nothing to recover it? This is why you are here complaining like bitches. It is all you are willing to do. WHHHHAAAAAAAA, he stole my weed and won't give me my money. Fuck him. Plato o Plano. Give him the option and then follow through with it.

It wasn't the only thing I did. I did end up recovering money and/or product in both instances. But I didn't have to kidnap and/or murder anyone's children to do so, because I have critical thinking skills and I'm not a total scumbag.

But GL being dead or in jail. I'm sure that's way better than losing a bit of bud.
this thread isnt about whos a bigger gangster (IDK any gangsters who post on internet forums) its to warn ppl about shady places to avoid
People in Cali must be getting soft. In Mexico, a roll of duct tape and a sharp knife solve all problems. Steal 3000 from someone and that is your ass...or your wife's ass....or your children's need to tighten up the reins. Start cutting heads off and you won't have this problem. It isn't personal, it's only business. Get used to it OR leave the business OR quit complaining about being played for a bitch.

Most people who sell to dispensaries do so to stay as close to legal as possible... the pigs tend to frown on offing people and it kind of draws attention. The whole purpose of this is to make it a legal system and show people marijuana doesn't cause a bunch of crime, so I'm not sure how offing people for debts is going to show people they should allow medical/legal marijuana.
We need to all ask Rollitup/Potroast to give Dan Kone mod powers so he can clean up this thread and get rid of all the off topic posts. This thread is still a really good idea.
We need to all ask Rollitup/Potroast to give Dan Kone mod powers so he can clean up this thread and get rid of all the off topic posts. This thread is still a really good idea.

couldnt agree more the title is pretty specific if u want to complain or review make a new thread
Forget about the clubs. get it from the street. it's useless to have a patient's id in cali anyways. the charge still infraction/misdemeanor even with an 420 ID suck.
Forget about the clubs. get it from the street. it's useless to have a patient's id in cali anyways. the charge still infraction/misdemeanor even with an 420 ID suck.

If you have your rec and still got a ticket then you or the cop did something wrong.

Get it wherever you can. The clubs and the dealers both server their purposes.
How about a simple "feedback" system like ebay utilizes? Positive / negative feedback and the delivery service / dispensary has to carry their rating around with them.
Well Hercules Health Center went under so that one is no longer on the list.

Straight up lowlifes. I guess the business model for some of these clowns is to open a dispensary,rip off as many people as fast as you can, and then go dark while still owing thousands of dollars.

Those assclowns offered me top dollar for my stuff, said cash up front, had me drive all the way to their shitty club, then when I got there (after being stuck in traffic for 3 hours) they lowballed me and told me 2 months on consignment. Glad they went under.
Haha, I edited the post to take out the second part cause I felt like I showed my contempt a little too vividly but then you quoted it. :) Fuck it, yeah theyre assholes..good riddance.
Haha, I edited the post to take out the second part cause I felt like I showed my contempt a little too vividly but then you quoted it. :) Fuck it, yeah theyre assholes..good riddance.

This stuff is so fucking stupid. Do you know how easy it is to make money selling weed in a freaking store? Really fucking easy. It's simple. You buy for a dollar sell for two. That's it. No need to rip anyone off. You just buy the products, sell them, then make money. Easiest thing ever.

You actually make LESS money when you rip people off because you lose all your good vendors and can only get bad product. If you just pay people what you say you will pay them, when you say you will pay them, you'll make tons of money. But people still insist on being total scumbags for no good reason at all. I don't get it...
This stuff is so fucking stupid. Do you know how easy it is to make money selling weed in a freaking store? Really fucking easy. It's simple. You buy for a dollar sell for two. That's it. No need to rip anyone off. You just buy the products, sell them, then make money. Easiest thing ever.

You actually make LESS money when you rip people off because you lose all your good vendors and can only get bad product. If you just pay people what you say you will pay them, when you say you will pay them, you'll make tons of money. But people still insist on being total scumbags for no good reason at all. I don't get it...

Thats pretty much how it went down. They had decent stuff at first,but then as I was going in to pick up the little measly 400/500$ payments, I noticed their weed starting to look worse and worse, and the selection was shrinking. The prices always stayed the same. I thought "shit, this stuff looks bad, no one is going to wanna buy it when they can go down the street to another club and get quality for the same price". And sure enough, people quit they just never had money to pay people back or buy new weed with.
This stuff is so fucking stupid. Do you know how easy it is to make money selling weed in a freaking store? Really fucking easy. It's simple. You buy for a dollar sell for two. That's it. No need to rip anyone off. You just buy the products, sell them, then make money. Easiest thing ever.

You actually make LESS money when you rip people off because you lose all your good vendors and can only get bad product. If you just pay people what you say you will pay them, when you say you will pay them, you'll make tons of money. But people still insist on being total scumbags for no good reason at all. I don't get it...

Some people don't think long term, they would much rather bang out a few extra bucks at that second. Being a man of your word is rare with people these days.
Its the industry. Most that are in this business have no knowledge or business sense. Large untaxed cash income fueled by stoners who jump from one boiler room scam to another. Not many honest clubs out there. Quite honestly I'm glad garden grove got shut down. Only a handful of legit shops that got muscled by the bigger ones.

No one should ever have to leave product on consignment unless you own the damn place.

Bottom line, don't consign. Never. You are better off taking a point for cash in hand. If you have quality shit, you have MORE leverage. If you don't, grow quality shit or pack it up. There's already too many mediocre growers feeding the greedy dispensaries with free herb.
You know i wonder would a safe estimate of the amount of product moved in an average dispensary in one day would be? Half lb? Full lb? More?

Even if they sold each ounce breaking it down for roughly 300 bucks an O and were paying 2600 a lb they would still bring in 2500 a day for just moving one lb a day. Okay so their overhead in any given day cant be more then like 700 bucks....and thats a high number. If you're paying out 500 a day for employees and figure another 200 a day to cover rent, electricity, phone, some small form of're still making a pretty damn penny. And these bastards have the balls to rip people off?
You know i wonder would a safe estimate of the amount of product moved in an average dispensary in one day would be? Half lb? Full lb? More?

Even if they sold each ounce breaking it down for roughly 300 bucks an O and were paying 2600 a lb they would still bring in 2500 a day for just moving one lb a day. Okay so their overhead in any given day cant be more then like 700 bucks....and thats a high number. If you're paying out 500 a day for employees and figure another 200 a day to cover rent, electricity, phone, some small form of're still making a pretty damn penny. And these bastards have the balls to rip people off?

The old black market looks better and better every day, doesn't it. :)