Well-Known Member
Yes, we understand you don't believe in logic. Anything new?A bunch of bullshit that some of us don't believe![]()
Yes, we understand you don't believe in logic. Anything new?A bunch of bullshit that some of us don't believe![]()
He didn't say that atheists believe in the big bang, but we get what he's getting at.
So IMO, he's saying atheists believe in the big bang.
Non believers don't sway believers because they can't accept the truth of reality and whatever personal implications that truth might hold.
Truth is only a matter of perspective. You believe only what you can see, and thats your choice to do so. I have faith that there is more to life and death than what I can see, and no amount of your logic or your truth can rattle that![]()
Truth is only a matter of perspective. You believe only what you can see, and thats your choice to do so. I have faith that there is more to life and death than what I can see, and no amount of your logic or your truth can rattle that
Nu uh
Uh huh
Nu uh
Uh huh
Nu uh
Uh huh
Nu uh
Uh huh
Why do you suppose we want to rattle your faith? We simply feel it necessary to point out that faith is a word you use when you have no other justification to cite. It is saying that you want to believe even when you can find no reason to. It provides a cradle for intellectual dishonesty. I have no problem with that as long as you understand your place. It's when you speak of matters that you haven't bothered to inform yourself about, such as the scientific method, that you will be corrected. When you make statements that are not well thought out, we will think them through for you. Most of us do not discount this forum simply because it's theme is cannabis. We like for our answers, our beliefs, to have some substance behind them. We like to feel tentative confidence which we gain by vetting our ideas and taking the time to explore the logic and implications. Why do not simply state what we believe, but why we believe it. When someone such as you comes along and supposes their speculative mussing deserves equal ground, we simply ask why. The answer always boils down to faith. All you seem to be able to do is state what you believe and reassure us that you believe it really hard. If that is your position then fine, but do not pretend that belief in a deity has any more validity than belief in werewolves.
If you have a few spare minutes, you should all watch this. its fun to learn.
I cannot imagine wanting to rattle your faith. What would be the point, other than victory in a sort of combat? In any case, actual faith cannot be rattled without some sort of personal cataclysm of cognition.
Imo the big problem occurs when people take their faith to a next level; deciding it is more than a personal vision of truth ... and then getting educational. Evangelism is the fruiting stage of a memetic pathogen - and unattractive no matter the source. cn
I cannot imagine wanting to rattle your faith. What would be the point, other than victory in a sort of combat? In any case, actual faith cannot be rattled without some sort of personal cataclysm of cognition.
Imo the big problem occurs when people take their faith to a next level; deciding it is more than a personal vision of truth ... and then getting educational. Evangelism is the fruiting stage of a memetic pathogen - and unattractive no matter the source. cn
You have a problem parsing the English language? No where did 'neer say he would try to stop you or force anyone to stop evangelizing. People find things distasteful all of the time but don't attempt to violate their right to do it. That tends to be the domain of the religionists that use the police power of government to make sure everyone is acting according to how they think their god wants us to.So what, you are telling me that you think I shouldn't be allowed to tell others about God? Wow, what country are we in again?
What does history tell you about people who say that others shouldn't be allowed to freely teach their religion? Well, it starts with someone saying it, then someone doing it, and then before you know it tens of thousands of people have been killed over words.
tell you what, I'll teach who ever wants to be taught, and if you have a problem with that, start a war and we can fight it out like they used to. But be warned, we are still talking about it so that should tell you who has won those wars. 2.5 billion strong, bring it
So what, you are telling me that you think I shouldn't be allowed to tell others about God? Wow, what country are we in again?
What does history tell you about people who say that others shouldn't be allowed to freely teach their religion? Well, it starts with someone saying it, then someone doing it, and then before you know it tens of thousands of people have been killed over words.
tell you what, I'll teach who ever wants to be taught, and if you have a problem with that, start a war and we can fight it out like they used to. But be warned, we are still talking about it so that should tell you who has won those wars. 2.5 billion strong, bring it
exactly if its open to intepratation i could literaly interpratate it to mean absolutely ANYTHING i like .
and btw untill recently they did , agree with everything of the bible , its only recently that they have changed there ideas and are dismisssing the bible.its a flawed tactic .
it isnt that i do not believe... it is that,
i do not know
There is a God, he is a man. God is not myth. I will tell anyone, for an absolute fact, there is a God. I'm not in any way a bible thumper, or very religious at all, or trying to preach, but there is a God, you may find him in death, or possibly within your lifetime.