Well-Known Member
No. You don't. That's the entire point, to a schizophrenic their inner dialogue doesn't seem to be coming from "them". It's from elsewhere, outside their mind; when in all actuallity they've just lost the ability to discern what is reality and what is not.
No un-medicated schizophrenic knows for a fact that everything is in their head. I take it you've never done any psychology or worked with mentally challenged and disabled people?
Beefy, youre reaching quite far and wide to compare my experience with yours, or maybe I should say, if you're a psychologist, your clients. I would like to talk about the existence, or to some the non-existence of God, not about the inner workings of a schitz brother. Never seen one, don't know any, and if I did I'd stay the hell away. Although my human compassion runs deep for some, most others I can refrain from sir. And no, personally I have never delved into the social economics of a nut bro.