List of Reasons You Don't Believe In God.

No. You don't. That's the entire point, to a schizophrenic their inner dialogue doesn't seem to be coming from "them". It's from elsewhere, outside their mind; when in all actuallity they've just lost the ability to discern what is reality and what is not.

No un-medicated schizophrenic knows for a fact that everything is in their head. I take it you've never done any psychology or worked with mentally challenged and disabled people?

Beefy, youre reaching quite far and wide to compare my experience with yours, or maybe I should say, if you're a psychologist, your clients. I would like to talk about the existence, or to some the non-existence of God, not about the inner workings of a schitz brother. Never seen one, don't know any, and if I did I'd stay the hell away. Although my human compassion runs deep for some, most others I can refrain from sir. And no, personally I have never delved into the social economics of a nut bro.
How do you know it's God?

Don't just say "once you hear it you'll know too". The state of knowledge requires proof, so how would you prove to someone the voices you attribute to God are actually that, difinitively? And if you can't prove it, what value does adding "god is real whether you believe it or not" to the conversation have?
How do you know it's God?

Don't just say "once you hear it you'll know too". The state of knowledge requires proof, so how would you prove to someone the voices you attribute to God are actually that, difinitively? And if you can't prove it, what value does adding "god is real whether you believe it or not" to the conversation have?

No proof whatsoever. Sorry to interrupt your party of reasons for no God. Please continue.
Bro, imagine you just heard God ask you to do something, you gonna twiddle your thumbs all day and think about it and pace the floor?

How does one determine a voice is god? Because it says so? Wouldn't a demon lie about it? Wouldn't a delusion like David Berkowitz had fall under the same category? If you would honestly kill someone because of a voice in your head, you are dangerous, period, no question.
Without question. Because I'm absolutely positive, that I can discern my own voice, compared to Gods'. I'd hope you could tell the difference too. And let me tell ya, it's not hard. Because if God ever spoke to you, you'd know it.
Lol, there are so many people in prison that have said that god told them to kill someone or do other horrible deeds. You think you're different? Fucking crazies.:-?
How does one determine a voice is god? Because it says so? Wouldn't a demon lie about it? Wouldn't a delusion like David Berkowitz had fall under the same category? If you would honestly kill someone because of a voice in your head, you are dangerous, period, no question.

Bro truthfully, I compounded and took Paddy's question in a general regard, "if god asked you to do this would you do it" not specifically to kill. So jeez... And ya, haha, a demon or ghost or thing talking to me, umm no there are no ghosts and such. I know and understand very clearly what I heard that day.

Really, it scared the shit out of me that morning. He didn't talk back, he didn't reply, that was it. I was mind fucked for more than 2 years. In a state of fear and numbness like I don't care. Life, still naturally goes on, I still get up in the morning, put on my clothes, go to work, lead the same life, do the same old shit. I think you guys are giving me way to much shit. Well fine then, see if I care. I'm telling ya there is a God.
Lol, there are so many people in prison that have said that god told them to kill someone or do other horrible deeds. You think you're different? Fucking crazies.:-?

Yes, I'm alot different, I've got meh freedom! Well, maybe until God says to go kill someone I guess hmmm.

People think they're experts on the mind because they have one. My goal was to show how little you know (or me for that matter) about the mind. Just hearing a voice in your head is not sufficient enough evidence to proclaim god exists. There are any number of non-supernatural explanations that are infinitely more likely to happen than a deity whispering into your ear...

You claim to be able to "know" gods voice in contrast to your own, but that's the exact same claim someone who is mentally ill would make. No one that's crazy thinks they're crazy...

I worked in a center for the mentally challenged and mentally disabled, no one checks themselves in bud....

Hey, just tellin' you God is real, not trying to make garbage jokes and questions unrelated. I feel more than comfortable in saying there is a god surely by the voice I heard that day. Just saying, for a fact, there is a God. That's all. Seems to me, you would like to think there IS a God even by being in this thread in the first place. Okay, if your listing your reasons not for God, I would just like to express my reasons for God, thank you.
Beefy, youre reaching quite far and wide to compare my experience with yours, or maybe I should say, if you're a psychologist, your clients. I would like to talk about the existence, or to some the non-existence of God, not about the inner workings of a schitz brother. Never seen one, don't know any, and if I did I'd stay the hell away. Although my human compassion runs deep for some, most others I can refrain from sir. And no, personally I have never delved into the social economics of a nut bro.

People think they're experts on the mind because they have one. My goal was to show how little you know (or me for that matter) about the mind. Just hearing a voice in your head is not sufficient enough evidence to proclaim god exists. There are any number of non-supernatural explanations that are infinitely more likely to happen than a deity whispering into your ear...

You claim to be able to "know" gods voice in contrast to your own, but that's the exact same claim someone who is mentally ill would make. No one that's crazy thinks they're crazy...

I worked in a center for the mentally challenged and mentally disabled, no one checks themselves in bud....
Bro truthfully, I compounded and took Paddy's question in a general regard, "if god asked you to do this would you do it" not specifically to kill.

Yet that was the crux of the entire question now wasn't it?

Just saying, for a fact, there is a God.
Yet you cannot make that claim. The most you can say is that you heard something that YOU believe was god. That it was an independent event and no one, sane or otherwise, can tell for sure that a particular voice in their head is god. The Koren helmet has reproduced similar results experimentally. Individual revelation never can be used as proof there is a god for anyone but the individual.
Hey, just tellin' you God is real, not trying to make garbage jokes and questions unrelated. I feel more than comfortable in saying there is a god surely by the voice I heard that day. Just saying, for a fact, there is a God. That's all. Seems to me, you would like to think there IS a God even by being in this thread in the first place. Okay, if your listing your reasons not for God, I would just like to express my reasons for God, thank you.

Your personal experience may be enough for you, but surely you don't expect us to give it any weight. If I were to have a vision in my mind that clearly and without question proved to me that gremlins were real, you wouldn't give it any real consideration either. That is because we live in a world where we all agree that statements which represent a state of reality require evidential rationale. It is not enough to simply say "I saw a dragon in my dream, therefore they are real". For us to really believe in dragons we need bones, scales, lairs, pictures, ect. Something more than just reassurance from someones imagination. You should see how God is no exception. While we can not conclusively say to you that your experience was not divine, we have no obligation to consider it anything other than a story. So, quit saying God exists for a fact, unless you are also willing to say the same about succubi, mermaids, genies and ghosts.
My experience absolutely was individual, and I wanted to come in here and say, from my own account, if I could add an argument for God instead of against him, especially from my experience, I would and will. And like I said, I didn't believe one nasty bit. There is no god, I'd mumble, and continue on my day. Especially when Im making an argument for my life over some bad shit, like theft, or lying. I've stolen, I've lied. I'm not perfect. But that's how I'd relate my experiences because I am one to commit god into my habits of what is good and bad...such as "sin". I'm not trying to be a jerk, a high handed preacher or to try and rub God in anyone's face. I'm telling you my experience and damn me to hell if I'm lying. I can't prove it but, I'd like to tell you about it.

My rhetoric stems absolutely from the thread itself. As in, I hope I'm talking to the people in this thread as well as outside of it too. "Whats so hard to comprehend about that" I wrapped in the end because of the natural denial of god to me now is hard to comprehend from my experience that day. Sorry to be rude.

Its not the context I'd like to dissect, moreover, the denial of God himself, and that I would like to say, he does infact, exist. What he wants, and seemingly what I want, seem to be very different things sometimes.
The bolded part is gracious, snowmanexpress - thanks!

The last sentence intrigues me. How can you tell what God wants?

When i was much younger I had a God-experience that was specific and, for a while, quite compelling. However as time has gone by I have concluded that its source was internal after all ... a rarely-played trick of my human neuroanatomy. I am NOT saying this to rebut your certainty that God is real, but imo someone saying "God is real" and leaving it at that is essentially harmless; it's without consequence beyond the experiencer. It's the second message, "God has something to say, and I have some insight into it" where the trouble begins imo. Since that message (which you don't specify, and that earns you some respect from me!) would have an effect on me, my ideals and behaviors, I'd need to see some way to test the verity andor utility of the statement. Thousands of years of human religious history strongly suggest to me that that is difficult. cn
The bolded part is gracious, snowmanexpress - thanks!

The last sentence intrigues me. How can you tell what God wants?

When i was much younger I had a God-experience that was specific and, for a while, quite compelling. However as time has gone by I have concluded that its source was internal after all ... a rarely-played trick of my human neuroanatomy. I am NOT saying this to rebut your certainty that God is real, but imo someone saying "God is real" and leaving it at that is essentially harmless; it's without consequence beyond the experiencer. It's the second message, "God has something to say, and I have some insight into it" where the trouble begins imo. Since that message (which you don't specify, and that earns you some respect from me!) would have an effect on me, my ideals and behaviors, I'd need to see some way to test the verity andor utility of the statement. Thousands of years of human religious history strongly suggest to me that that is difficult. cn

Hey, thanks man. No, I have no idea what God "wants" but, ya any instance of god intermingling with human life is inspiring to me! I agree that it can also be not real, and simply not believable to a point or so mundane to not care in a way. I also bear the humility of sprawling my thoughts on you guys, and as I look back, don't think it's wrong of me to do that and explain myself a slightly, and to say I do not take medication, I don't have weird thoughts, and it was purely God's voice I indeed had heard that morning on that day in my life, with 100 percent certainty, not a mermaid, green alien, or a mindpuke demon haha. Sorry, I don't have a message from God himself, no, all I'm saying is God does exist because he spoke to me one day. It might be a joke to you but, if you can understand, it's a big deal to me. And, truthfully, in part I think i entered this thread not to say there is a God, but to look for help from you guys to help me out a little bit, I think I'm kinda reaching out in a way, and you all are kinda rippin me up slightly, that's to be expected but c'mon I think I'm human too last time I went to the doctor.
There is a God, he is a man. God is not myth. I will tell anyone, for an absolute fact, there is a God. I'm not in any way a bible thumper, or very religious at all, or trying to preach, but there is a God, you may find him in death, or possibly within your lifetime.
Last time I checked, death is not a man that is god. Maybe I should just check again. Either way it's no fact buddy....
Hey, thanks man. No, I have no idea what God "wants" but, ya any instance of god intermingling with human life is inspiring to me! I agree that it can also be not real, and simply not believable to a point or so mundane to not care in a way. I also bear the humility of sprawling my thoughts on you guys, and as I look back, don't think it's wrong of me to do that and explain myself a slightly, and to say I do not take medication, I don't have weird thoughts, and it was purely God's voice I indeed had heard that morning on that day in my life, with 100 percent certainty, not a mermaid, green alien, or a mindpuke demon haha. Sorry, I don't have a message from God himself, no, all I'm saying is God does exist because he spoke to me one day. It might be a joke to you but, if you can understand, it's a big deal to me. And, truthfully, in part I think i entered this thread not to say there is a God, but to look for help from you guys to help me out a little bit, I think I'm kinda reaching out in a way, and you all are kinda rippin me up slightly, that's to be expected but c'mon I think I'm human too last time I went to the doctor.

I missed the request/question ... please repeat it?
I am not deliberately "rippin" on you, snowmanexpress. Although I am an agnostic, I am by no means the theological equivalent of an antismoker.
Many of the full atheists here aren't above a bit of "evangelizing" of their own however, so posting in a thread with this one's title should be approached with the same awareness as a surfer sharing the water with those annoying triangular fins sticling up ... cn
Last time I checked, death is not a man that is god. Maybe I should just check again. Either way it's no fact buddy....

Death is not a man called God. I never said that. And to put my quote along with that sentence is kinda stretching to slightly refute, and twist my experience I'd say. It's a fact to me, anyway. And I would like to tell you it's true, yes, there is a God.
I missed the request/question ... please repeat it?
I am not deliberately "rippin" on you, snowmanexpress. Although I am an agnostic, I am by no means the theological equivalent of an antismoker.
Many of the full atheists here aren't above a bit of "evangelizing" of their own however, so posting in a thread with this one's title should be approached with the same awareness as a surfer sharing the water with those annoying triangular fins sticling up ... cn

No, no I didn't mean specifically you, sorry to aim that at you or anybody for that matter in my quote. I'm just y'know, looking to rationalize my thoughts as well, and I got nothing much else to do on rollitup anymore. I'm done searching for how to's and stuff, now I'm a Pro, now I go around to the fun threads, no I'm just kidding heheh.
Death is not a man called God. I never said that. And to put my quote along with that sentence is kinda stretching to slightly refute, and twist my experience I'd say. It's a fact to me, anyway. And I would like to tell you it's true, yes, there is a God.

you said "there is a god, he is a man", then you said we may find him in death. How do you know he exists as a fact? It is not a fact to you, it is a belief (which is alright).
you said "there is a god, he is a man", then you said we may find him in death. How do you know he exists as a fact? It is not a fact to you, it is a belief (which is alright).

My mistake I misunderstood you, I meant we may find him in death, because after we die, I believe in heaven and hell, I believe after death everybody would find God. And in that way though death, I meant that we would eventually find God or like me, or many other people who have heard the voice of god, possibly within your lifetime. And yes, infact God did speak to me, it was a man's voice I heard, and spoke in english, it was in the morning, I woke up and put my feet on the floor, I remember clearly waking up that morning, and putting my feet on the floor and sitting up like I usually do. I cannot give you any concrete evidence at all, I know that and so do you. I'm not lying or in here to play the fool. All I can say, infact, there is a God.
My mistake I misunderstood you, I meant we may find him in death, because after we die, I believe in heaven and hell, I believe after death everybody would find God. And in that way though death, I meant that we would eventually find God or like me, or many other people who have heard the voice of god, possibly within your lifetime. And yes, infact God did speak to me, I cannot give you any concrete evidence at all, I know that and so do you. I'm not lying or in here to play the fool. All I can say, infact, there is a God.
It's all good man, :).

You're just gonna stick to your beliefs and call them facts, but don't expect people to really listen to you.

I'm not gonna call god a fact since I have no proof at all.
All I can say is I hope there is a loving god. If not, well that's fine with me. It's bittersweet.

What exactly did god say to you my friend?