List of Reasons You Don't Believe In God.

ahhh religion, the last great legal cult..the greatest mind game ever.

Religion is not God's fault.. and in fact, religion has nothing to do with God. Its all man made (up) Religion was IMO created by out ancestors to help explain natural phenomenons.
to help explain natural phenomenons.


It's a practice in understanding cyclical processes, to some degree :) (to me) It's a personification of processes, which sounds a bit like 'us'. How would you explain 'us' in 2000 years? Is there a 'babylon' you could currently resonate with? The world's monetary structure? f.e. There is, for sure, an imbalance in 'currency'. 7 of out 10 american kids (I'm unsure of the age group) replied 'famous' when asked what they wanted to be when they grew up. Sorry for the tangent, but what? Nothing to believe in or to try to understand. imho

I'm not sure it makes you atheist or hypocritical, I think it means you are confused and unfocused about what you believe. Any sane person would question a command from God to kill, but not many have stopped to think about what this means. It means you feel that you may know better than God. It means you are not convinced of his glory. It means you do not take to heart most of what the bible says (which we already knew). It means, above all, that you trust in yourself. Perhaps the God standing behind you and guiding your intuition is actually you. Perhaps it is your mind, your being, which is worthy of worship and glory. That might explain why, when you try to apply your idea of God to a practical world, you run into problems such as this. The feeling you have of God is real, but the image you have is simply a distorted and unrecognized reflection of yourself.
On earth, I live my own life. If god came to me and asked me to kill someone my morals would jump in and I would disobey him. I'm sure it would be wrong to disobey him, but that's what I would do. If there is a god, then I'm sure he knows more than me. But that doesn't mean I'm gonna kill someone, I would rather take whatever punishment he would give me.

Also, if god asked me to kill someone for no reason, then I would not follow and worship him.

And god is not my image, I don't know what he is. I'm not sure if god is evil or good. But if he is evil, then I'm not gonna obey him.

So in conclusion, if god asked me to kill someone for no reason I would not do that because I would not follow him.

But so far, god has not asked me to kill anyone, so I do trust him.

All of this is like saying "if your loving and kind grandma tried to kill you, would you still love her?".... That loving grandma would never do that; but if she did, then she would no longer be a loving grandma.

take a look at this whole page. Do you see any of that going on?

Religious dogma and myth separate the waters... given the person devoted to it is capable, yes.
now im curious, what would be the list of "reasons to believe in god" ?


-following out of fear.
-to explain natural phenomenon.
- some honestly believe there is something more to life.
-I'm sure there's more, but this is off the top of my head.
following out of fear (Absolutely makes no sense, "its a great big invisible guy in the sky! run for your lives!")

to explain natural phenomon "yeah, it mustave been some guy that did it"

some honestly believe there is something more to life "yes, there is this huge guy and he mustave created everything"

yep, lots of "reasons"
following out of fear (Absolutely makes no sense, "its a great big invisible guy in the sky! run for your lives!")

to explain natural phenomon "yeah, it mustave been some guy that did it"

some honestly believe there is something more to life "yes, there is this huge guy and he mustave created everything"

yep, lots of "reasons"

So you ask a question to ridicule the answer? What a dick lol.

take a look at this whole page. Do you see any of that going on?

Religious dogma and myth separate the waters... given the person devoted to it is capable, yes.

Who said I posted that about the ranting and raving in this thread. What made you think that? I haven't responded to anything on this thread for weeks.

Those pictures depict what I have personally experienced in life not on a an internet forum. When I clicked on the link to this thread I'm pretty sure it said "List of Reasons You Don't Believe In God". I simply used cartoons to respond to the thread topic.
Who said I posted that about the ranting and raving in this thread. What made you think that? I haven't responded to anything on this thread for weeks.

Those pictures depict what I have personally experienced in life not on a an internet forum. When I clicked on the link to this thread I'm pretty sure it said "List of Reasons You Don't Believe In God". I simply used cartoons to respond to the thread topic.

Someone hit you with a giant crucifix?
Who said I posted that about the ranting and raving in this thread. What made you think that? I haven't responded to anything on this thread for weeks.

Those pictures depict what I have personally experienced in life not on a an internet forum. When I clicked on the link to this thread I'm pretty sure it said "List of Reasons You Don't Believe In God". I simply used cartoons to respond to the thread topic.

...the words were in the image. The dude hitting the other dude in the head with a cross seemed indicative somehow of that perspective. And, your lack of words to give context also lead me to this. :)

I would not have written about 'separating the waters' had your image not invoked that thought. I believe the intent of 'separating the waters' was initially to divide waters of passion from waters of creation.

Ugh sometimes I hate forums.

I meant to respond to the other thread about Christianity and ruining shit.

Obviously I'm not in the state of mind to type anything that would make any sense to anyone.
Ugh sometimes I hate forums.

I meant to respond to the other thread about Christianity and ruining shit.

Obviously I'm not in the state of mind to type anything that would make any sense to anyone.

A couple of posts ago you said you meant to post the picture in THIS thread because it served as your reason to not believe in god.

Alright well I'll get off your back lol, :). Skyrim is badass....
So you ask a question to ridicule the answer? What a dick lol.

well, i might have ridiculous answers to the answers, yes :)

depending on the answers ;)

though i thought of it more as humorous statements about a humorous situation.

how about fear of life? (needing some big daddy in the sky)

and on that note, it would perhaps be cruel to remove the teddybear.


the first thing you said, was "following out of fear"

and thats what many priests say "first you must learn to fear god"

and to that i say "whatever the fuck for?"

its obvious, god has nothing to do with anything that happens.

yes, shit happened and people believed it was because of god, lucky things happened and people associate it with god.

the world happened and people associate it with god.

yes, supposedly god himself appeared on earth and spoke through prophets.

yet, the one´s stating this are clad in gilt and drive benzes.

they have cults that are governmentally protected (how come the only things organized are crime and religion? lol)

and their message is one of fear (for the most part)

with the added subtext of "donate to the church to save your soul" (sometimes you can even buy papers stating this (catholic church did that once))


so (in your own words) you hold on to the idea of god.

just in case.


its bit difficult not to ridicule that (especially with all the foolish stuff people have done in the name of religion (though i could say the same about alot of "science"..)

you fear an invisible being

because charlatans and hucksters told you so..

but the thing of course that you fear, is death.
A couple of posts ago you said you meant to post the picture in THIS thread because it served as your reason to not believe in god.

Alright well I'll get off your back lol, :). Skyrim is badass....

The other day I called my boyfriend by MY name.

This kind of thing is very common for me.
they say god is love (yet fear him (him?))

yet, how then can i love when i dont care about god?

or even if he/she/it exists?

yet i love.

i dont fear death either. life after death has nothing to do with god.