List of Reasons You Don't Believe In God.

did you know, that baal, one of the devils of christianity (and judaism)

well, Baal, means "the lord"

infact , thats often how devils came to be, some yokels conquered another civilization and made their god into a devil.

(not much difference between a god of stoning someone to death (regardless of age) and burning babies alive (it was a sacrifice thing (baal) but perhaps it can be seen as a step up)

religions change.

and die out.

looks like the age of religion (organized crime?)

is over.


just another obnoxious fart in the wind

in the story of man.
in a simple explanation, there is nothing to make me believe in god, infact, the stories that are made up about them are clearly proven false especially the ones written down by a bunch or iron age desert folk who were deluded by mysticism while their greek and roman counterparts were progressing toward a scientific society. it was christianity that made rome crumble and it was religion that caused the dark ages. all are creations of men, religion and god are just bad ideas and concepts.
I do not understand the enigmatic explanations of God or his existence.

I just cannot fathom a logical explanation for the existence of God; therefore, he does not exist to me.
I do not understand the enigmatic explanations of God or his existence.

I just cannot fathom a logical explanation for the existence of God; therefore, he does not exist to me.
That pretty much sums it for me and probably most Atheists. Then again, I am Agnostic, and believe it is the only truly logical choice. It's just open minded skepticism. I can't say there is a God, nor can I say there isn't. It's yet to be proven, but also yet to be disproved. I welcome the possibility of God, but I'll be damned If I surrender my soul to it/him/her. If I were to believe in God, it would not whatsoever be in a biblical/religious sense. They are just bullshit, fairytale, fictional, stories as far as I'm concerned and merely used as scare tactics to convert people, but I'm not so easily shook. In the end, I really don't give a fuck whether god exists or not. I'm just living life :joint:
That pretty much sums it for me and probably most Atheists. Then again, I am Agnostic, and believe it is the only truly logical choice. It's just open minded skepticism. I can't say there is a God, nor can I say there isn't. It's yet to be proven, but also yet to be disproved. I welcome the possibility of God, but I'll be damned If I surrender my soul to it/him/her. If I were to believe in God, it would not whatsoever be in a biblical/religious sense. They are just bullshit, fairytale, fictional, stories as far as I'm concerned and merely used as scare tactics to convert people, but I'm not so easily shook. In the end, I really don't give a fuck whether god exists or not. I'm just living life :joint:

...I'll go back to my inverted virtues post. What would inverted love be? What would inverted hate be? etc...etc... Surrender comes before the soul. You can't light up a place so full of its own (false) light, eh? We all have that false light to a degree. They say "empty the vessel" to fill it. All religions seek to help others empty the egoic self.

And, I spoke with a catholic priest once who said "catholicism and science are like this" (meaning, working together). This is why it baffles me that some say the 'religious' are foolish simpletons. Couldn't be further from the truth in a lot of cases.
ok ill open with this I believe in god
i understand why alot dont, christanity is its own enemy the ideal of use getting it right is impossible
everything is seen threw our own eyes so we see things in away that benifits our selfs
i understand why one would not believe, especially when believers are quick to condem when there knowledge on the subject is at its limits
by there own bief they are rong
but cant see it
weither there is or is not a god is a personal choice
and if you are told something to believe and not question what you are told is foolish
i believe that my salvation is based on how i forgive
to condem one is to condem my self
to keep an open mind and try to find understanding and know that im not that person and i cant possibly
know what was going on with them when they did what they did means that i cant possibly judge them
and with the same open mind i will be judge so in a sence nothing can judge me harshly
even if you dont believe in god you can see that this is a decent way to live :)
ok ill open with this I believe in god
i understand why alot dont, christanity is its own enemy the ideal of use getting it right is impossible
everything is seen threw our own eyes so we see things in away that benifits our selfs
i understand why one would not believe, especially when believers are quick to condem when there knowledge on the subject is at its limits
by there own bief they are rong
but cant see it
weither there is or is not a god is a personal choice
and if you are told something to believe and not question what you are told is foolish
i believe that my salvation is based on how i forgive
to condem one is to condem my self

to keep an open mind and try to find understanding and know that im not that person and i cant possibly
know what was going on with them when they did what they did means that i cant possibly judge them
and with the same open mind i will be judge so in a sence nothing can judge me harshly
even if you dont believe in god you can see that this is a decent way to live :)

Bro truthfully, I compounded and took Paddy's question in a general regard, "if god asked you to do this would you do it" not specifically to kill. So jeez... And ya, haha, a demon or ghost or thing talking to me, umm no there are no ghosts and such. I know and understand very clearly what I heard that day.

Really, it scared the shit out of me that morning. He didn't talk back, he didn't reply, that was it. I was mind fucked for more than 2 years. In a state of fear and numbness like I don't care. Life, still naturally goes on, I still get up in the morning, put on my clothes, go to work, lead the same life, do the same old shit. I think you guys are giving me way to much shit. Well fine then, see if I care. I'm telling ya there is a God.

o btw the bible speaks of ghost and demons so to believe in the word means there are ghost and demons and i was a hard core tweeker years ago and the voice you hear could be your friend or some voice you never heard before but it does seem to come from out side your head
...I'll go back to my inverted virtues post. What would inverted love be? What would inverted hate be? etc...etc... Surrender comes before the soul. You can't light up a place so full of its own (false) light, eh? We all have that false light to a degree. They say "empty the vessel" to fill it. All religions seek to help others empty the egoic self.

And, I spoke with a catholic priest once who said "catholicism and science are like this" (meaning, working together). This is why it baffles me that some say the 'religious' are foolish simpletons. Couldn't be further from the truth in a lot of cases.
How are they not foolish simpletons? The only thing they have to back up their religion is an old wise tale. Science is making big breakthroughs. Did you hear about the DNA on meteorites that suggests humans are in fact aliens to this planet? That would make everything about God completely false since we were supposedly created here on Earth.

The thoughts of a single priest don't outweigh the rest. Their book tells them otherwise, thus they won't believe in any scientific evidence disproving things that were said in their book. A priest that tells you otherwise isn't being true to his religion or God, which makes it very sketchy and hard to believe. For if they don't truly believe all that the book has to offer, what good is the book? Of course it's open to interpretation and not all to be taken literally (that's where the extremists come in). Stories to help you become better people, etc. etc. and so on. Then really it doesn't sound so bad. Sounds like a good book doesn't it? Sure, but that's all I'll accept it as; a book. Nothing less, nothing more.

I have nothing against people who believe in the stuff. I treat them no different than people who share my own beliefs. We simply disagree, and I don't give a fuck who's right. It's just interesting to think about.
How are they not foolish simpletons? The only thing they have to back up their religion is an old wise tale. Science is making big breakthroughs. Did you hear about the DNA on meteorites that suggests humans are in fact aliens to this planet? That would make everything about God completely false since we were supposedly created here on Earth.

The thoughts of a single priest don't outweigh the rest. Their book tells them otherwise, thus they won't believe in any scientific evidence disproving things that were said in their book. A priest that tells you otherwise isn't being true to his religion or God, which makes it very sketchy and hard to believe. For if they don't truly believe all that the book has to offer, what good is the book? Of course it's open to interpretation and not all to be taken literally (that's where the extremists come in). Stories to help you become better people, etc. etc. and so on. Then really it doesn't sound so bad. Sounds like a good book doesn't it? Sure, but that's all I'll accept it as; a book. Nothing less, nothing more.

I have nothing against people who believe in the stuff. I treat them no different than people who share my own beliefs. We simply disagree, and I don't give a fuck who's right. It's just interesting to think about.

...that's cool. At first I thought I screwed up and typed "troll it up", but it turned out ok :)
o btw the bible speaks of ghost and demons so to believe in the word means there are ghost and demons and i was a hard core tweeker years ago and the voice you hear could be your friend or some voice you never heard before but it does seem to come from out side your head

Yeah no I wasn't going on day 4 or anything like that but, yeah, I know what I heard. The Bible may speak of demons and ghosts, but I believe there are none, or I guess I should say, there should be no belief in ghosts and goblins. Deuteronomy 18-9? somewhere It says a soothsayer, diviner, or one who calls to spirits, enchanters or one who casts spells, or one who asks of a ghost or of a spirit of an acquaintance or inquiries of the dead. Because everyone who does these is an offensive thing of YHWH. And because of these offensive things, YHWH, your God, is dispossessing them from in front of you.... So, yeah, no ghosts or what.....or there are ghosts and demons and sprits? My interpretation is there are no ghosts and things cause I don't wanna be offensive or anything. SpOooOoooOokkyyyyyyy.....

See theres another spot where my christian buddy throws me off a little with that father son and the holy ghost thing......but it's all good yo hahah j/k.