List of Things Christianity Has Made Worse

Don't forget the historical context. Gandhi was talking about amd to the British power elite, whose actions in India in the 30s and 40s were indeed somewhat spotty. cn
He probably was, but since the quote survived stripped of context, and since I am not enough of a dedicated historian to seek it out ... we'll never know ...
most likely, but he was still too general.

perhaps, but whoever said ghandi was a perfectly good man?

(a dude that in old age commanded a young virgin to stay overnight in his room because he wanted to test himself (illegally young if i remember correctly (wasnt there at the time though)and the implication is that he was gonna fuck her if he failed.)

80 year old fart using his power to abuse a 14 year old girl.

divine fellah :)
perhaps, but whoever said ghandi was a perfectly good man?

(a dude that in old age commanded a young virgin to stay overnight in his room because he wanted to test himself (illegally young if i remember correctly (wasnt there at the time though)and the implication is that he was gonna fuck her if he failed.)

80 year old fart using his power to abuse a 14 year old girl.

divine fellah :)

Plus, he was a MAJOR racist, you should read some of his outrageous quotes about black people. He didn't want Westerners to confuse Indians with blacks. Penn & Teller did a major segment about him on their Bullshit show, it was hilarious...
perhaps, but whoever said ghandi was a perfectly good man?

(a dude that in old age commanded a young virgin to stay overnight in his room because he wanted to test himself (illegally young if i remember correctly (wasnt there at the time though)and the implication is that he was gonna fuck her if he failed.)

80 year old fart using his power to abuse a 14 year old girl.

divine fellah :)

This is why I said fuck him lol.

People make him out to be a god ha.
Penn&Teller crack me up.
"Our lawyers asvised us we can't call [such a person] a liar or a cheat. But we CAN call him a stupid fuck!"
This is why I said fuck him lol.

People make him out to be a god ha.

well, i wouldnt say fuck him.

dude made a fucking brilliant revolution without shedding nary a drop of blood.

maybe the dude wouldave deserved a bit of spanking,BUT he was more a rolemodel than most by far..

and in many ways, a greater man than any here. (moi included)

doesnt mean he wasnt entirely devoid of fucktardness (who is? we are barely shaved monkeys)
I think we are way more than shaved monkeys. That's like saying evolution changed nothing. When was the lay time you saw a monkey grow marijuana? Never, because they aren't as intelligent as us.
IMO, George Harrison was WAY better than ghandi.

Harrison wasn't some dick that tried to cover his flaws with dumbass quotes.
im not offended, i dont idolize anyone.

(myself included:))

its not really an insult calling us shaved apes :) lol, well, bit, but ..

we havent really come That far.

chimps make war, chimps use tools, ...

ever seen how a chimp leader acts and behaves? (exactly like our politicians (...the chimps even go around kissing babies for pussyvotes)

we still have not risen above monkey politics and stupidity.

Till we embrace love and one another,

we´ll still be just a bunch of stupid monkeys with too much power.
I think we are way more than shaved monkeys. That's like saying evolution changed nothing. When was the lay time you saw a monkey grow marijuana? Never, because they aren't as intelligent as us.
yes, maybe we are way more than shaved monkeys (..from a certain perspective)


we could be gods.
Who is ghandi to say all christians are so unlike than our christ? fuck ghandi.....

ok that was a little harsh....nah fuck him....maybe....
Here is the full quote,
I like your Christ. I do not like your Christians. Your Christians are so unlike your Christ. The materialism of affluent Christian countries appears to contradict the claims of Jesus Christ that says it's not possible to worship both Mammon and God at the same time.
Mammon = wealth. If Christian communities followed Christs teachings they wouldn't amass so much wealth, in fact they should practically be poor homeless people. But it's doubtful Gandhi said this.

As quoted by William Rees-Mogg in The Times [London] (4 April 2005) Gandhi here makes reference to a statement of Jesus: “No servant can serve two masters; for either he will hate the one and love the other, or else he will be loyal to the one and despise the other. You cannot serve God and mammon." (Luke 16:13); also partly quoted by Bill Wilson I have found no authoritative source for Ghandi saying this. The actual quote is attributed to Bara Dada, "Jesus is ideal and wonderful, but you Christians -- you are not like him." Source - Jones, E. Stanley. The Christ of the Indian Road, New York: The Abingdon Press,1925.