well, he would be a bit of an retard then, wouldnt he? (and that would be bit of an understatement)
hard to imagine a total retard making all this?
"ok you lot, here are the rules "mumble, mumble"
"but why are you whispering in only that guys ear?!"
"yes, and anyone not paying attention or following these rules to the letter, will be punished, any questions?"
"ok, jollygood now fuckoff!

but yes, live and live life , lol, live and be love, be love and beloved.
what greater heights might we shoot for?
and if we reach those heights, maybe god is there waiting for us..
they say you could look for god now,
but why sit and freeze your nuts off alone on a mountaintop when you could be having sex, or an icecream, or having an icecream while having sex?
i think being nice is more important than belief in god, much more important..
and the only sucky thing about death is goodbye.
but why waste time on thoughts of death? (lol when we have icecream and sex?

id rather have a walk in the park or play a good game, than think of god and death..
more rewarding and productive really..
though i cant say, that perhaps my time spent on such things was a complete waste of time, i think there might have been better things to do with my time..