List of Things Christianity Has Made Worse

who said, god is in the heart?

the heart is nothing without love, yes?

The heart is a vital organ dude.

If anything, "love" has to do more with the brain....

Do you believe in a greater power?
hmm, yes, you have not experienced love yet, but hey, you are young.

greater power?

meaning what?
hmm, yes, you have not experienced love yet, but hey, you are young.

greater power?

meaning what?

I have experienced love dude, ;). I've had love that literally drove me crazy.... are you familiar with this song?...
It's an overpowering emotion that feels like it means so much more, yet science says it's literally in our heads.

I meant deity....Do you believe in a deity?
well, i thought i had my heart broken a few times and experienced love, but i never did and love is in the heart dude, like a huge fucking glow in the heart and big feeling.

but yes, the feeling that i thought was love, was powerful inofitself. (and a big mindbender :))

but no, not even close.

but hey thats a good thing.

but yes i might be wrong, but ponder this line then "true love" and why it exists ;)


meaning what, define deity for me.
well, i thought i had my heart broken a few times and experienced love, but i never did and love is in the heart dude, like a huge fucking glow in the heart and big feeling.

but yes, the feeling that i thought was love, was powerful inofitself. (and a big mindbender :))

but no, not even close.

but hey thats a good thing.

but yes i might be wrong, but ponder this line then "true love" and why it exists ;)


meaning what, define deity for me.

It's an emotion dude, I may be wrong to though :).

A deity[1] is a recognized preternatural or supernatural immortal being, who may be thought of as holy, divine, or sacred, held in high regard, and respected by believers. - wiki.
yes, but what is emotion and why does it affect us so?

..well, i was more interested in your views on divinity but ok.

lets put it like this.

i have seen instant prayer miracles.

i have met god in a dream and spoken with him

and ive seen some shit.


im not entirely sure if god is a construct of the mind same as the devil (or even if the devil is real lol)

but if he exists, he is the loneliest fucker in the world.

loving everything but nothing truly loves him back.

but no, i dont believe in deities.

nor worship anything.

and i have no greater respect or regard for such than anything.

everything is holy or nothing is, thats my opinion.

and if there is a god, then we are his children and gods too.

if god is in the heart, then i am god

and so are you

and your petdog

rendering such terms, meaningless and pointless (similar disgusting shit as having kings and peasants)
yes, but what is emotion and why does it affect us so?

..well, i was more interested in your views on divinity but ok.

lets put it like this.

i have seen instant prayer miracles.

i have met god in a dream and spoken with him

and ive seen some shit.


im not entirely sure if god is a construct of the mind same as the devil (or even if the devil is real lol)

but if he exists, he is the loneliest fucker in the world.

loving everything but nothing truly loves him back.

but no, i dont believe in deities.

nor worship anything.

and i have no greater respect or regard for such than anything.

everything is holy or nothing is, thats my opinion.

and if there is a god, then we are his children and gods too.

if god is in the heart, then i am god

and so are you

and your petdog

rendering such terms, meaningless and pointless (similar disgusting shit as having kings and peasants)
I'm empirical-agnostic, that's all I can really say about my beliefs.

Honestly, I can get in-depth about the details of how our bodies feel emotions, but it would take way too long.

But I don't know why we even need emotions....
hehe i had to go look that up, yes, i kinda like that "empirical agnostic humanists" (though it only really gets good with the humanist part)

but yes.

if god exists and wants to know us, is it not his/hers/its to do so? as the older more experienced, wiser being? (its not like we can even see the bugger :) lol)

is it important, till then?

i was talking more on how emotions affect us and why they exist, but ok, yes.

why do we need emotions?

they do hurt.

but i dont think we could do anything without them.

hunger is an emotion, desire to create is an emotion..

horny is an emotion.. (desire to procreate (or to simply have pleasure)

i think without emotions, we would not even know how much it sucked.

curiosity is an emotion after all.

so is friendship and desire to communicate.

maybe without emotion we would still be single cell organism (and maybe even they have feelings ;))

they say all is one, after all :)
but if you really wanted to know about god, maybe you should try talking to god.

and maybe if you are really really quiet, you can hear god.

they say god´s voice is the smallest of the small.

or you can try meditating on the idea of infinite light, everywhere yet invisible.

see what happens.
to be exact, someone said, that god is the smallest (most quiet) voice in your own head. (and as someone said, god is everyone, so why should it not speak in your voice? in your head?)

forget who though...
I used to believe god would speak to us through DMT....IDK.

I mean it happens upon life, REM sleep, and death and theres many claims of people seeing and speaking to god during REM sleep and near-death experiences.

Also, during REM sleep I have spoken with some pretty crazy beings and have seen small things in the future that actually happened (for example, one night I had a dream that My bike would get stolen, well the next night it happened).
DMT occurs naturally in the brain, but yes, nature is helpful. :)

yes, apparantly people speak to god and deities alot :) (though interestingly people meet what they expect to meet, so it makes me wonder about god being a construct of the mind, but then again, there might be many gods ;) (some say, there are many gods, one maingod and then there is the "nothing yet everything" from which everything was born)

though frankly i think there might be infinite levels of "gods" (no end to enlightenment and no end to anything (except the body, for now..) (though the body is just a construct, nothing actually perishes as is well known today)

but yeah, ive also had dreams of the future that came true.

i can also do this in waking life, to a degree..

you can also,

for a simple start, try throwing a coin on the floor, without looking what it is (then think what it is, and i betcha the first thing that comes into mind, will be the side showing)

poorly worded perhaps but im bit tired and im sure you know what i mean.
Ehh, not really worded badly, :).

I guess we will find out when we die....

I just hope that if there is a god, he won't punish us for not following the directions that he himself didn't make clear.
well, he would be a bit of an retard then, wouldnt he? (and that would be bit of an understatement)

hard to imagine a total retard making all this?

"ok you lot, here are the rules "mumble, mumble"


"but why are you whispering in only that guys ear?!"


"yes, and anyone not paying attention or following these rules to the letter, will be punished, any questions?"




"ok, jollygood now fuckoff! :)"


but yes, live and live life , lol, live and be love, be love and beloved.

what greater heights might we shoot for?

and if we reach those heights, maybe god is there waiting for us..

they say you could look for god now,

but why sit and freeze your nuts off alone on a mountaintop when you could be having sex, or an icecream, or having an icecream while having sex? :)

i think being nice is more important than belief in god, much more important..

and the only sucky thing about death is goodbye.

but why waste time on thoughts of death? (lol when we have icecream and sex? :))

id rather have a walk in the park or play a good game, than think of god and death..

more rewarding and productive really..

though i cant say, that perhaps my time spent on such things was a complete waste of time, i think there might have been better things to do with my time..
but yes, live and live life , lol, live and be love, be love and beloved.

what greater heights might we shoot for?

and if we reach those heights, maybe god is there waiting for us..QUOTE]
No joke, greatest line ever.... I have to write that one down lol.... oh yeah I'm stealing this from you, :).