List of Things Christianity Has Made Worse

and another thing...... how would jebus feel about ur drug use let alone the other members of ur churrch?????? cough cough hypocrit after all isnt ur body a insterment of jesus and how can u correctly spread the "scripture of christ" on a head full of mushrooms....... seems more like a scape goat and a convenient way to attemp to make ur life have some sort of meaning thru out ur boring menial life of judging and hating oh yeah and i love the fact that when u get into a argument about how ridiculous Christianity is and how there beliefs are so misconstrued 99% of them react with anger tisk tisk jesus frowns upon that
ur just like every other christian with verbal diarrhea im not a atheist in fact i was raised catholic lol im a Buddhist and i do believe there is a battle between good and evil but do i think ur christianity is the way to go most deffanatly not in fact i believe its a joke and guess what the joke is on you for following the cult of Christians who cant even have a original idea and its funny u say pick and choose after all isnt it u christians who pick and choose the most if u have money and are a complete moron and fit into our criteria we will accept you into our cult but if ur not like the rrest off us we will banish you to the great depths of hell.... lol what a joke!!!!!!!!!
Well ... way to pop my bubble. I thought Buddhists preached Nice. cn
very christian like huh......Beware for I am the shroom fiend.
dude, why does it bother you so much if heph has done nothing you all claim we believers do to you all that gets you so butt hurt?

no one is perfect and to say you are or to claim someone is a hypocrite cause they are not perfect is a big foul on your part dude... claiming he is not christ like is retarded... '

thats not childish at all infact im simply trying to show him the error of his ways if he truely wants to be close to his so called god
dude, why does it bother you so much if heph has done nothing you all claim we believers do to you all that gets you so butt hurt?

no one is perfect and to say you are or to claim someone is a hypocrite cause they are not perfect is a big foul on your part dude... claiming he is not christ like is retarded... '
i dont know if its because im high or you just have really horrible grammatical skills but what u said makes no scence to me what so ever rofl!!!
Lol skunkpunk you are the hypocrite. You're a budhist? Fuck no you're not, well at least you don't act the part.

What would Jesus care about my drug use? He wouldn't lol. I mean his father created them.

Where's the harm in trying to better yourself?
Haha that's great. You're not trying to better yourself. If you have bettered yourself, then your previous self must have been the biggest dick in the world.

Camping? Do you think all Christians followed him? You're an Ignorant fuck.

How about instead of trying to fix my ways, you fix your own fucked up ways. I take care of myself and you take care of yourself.

And again, where have I banished anyone to hell?

Man you are the complete opposite of what I perceived budhists as. Maybe you're the anti-budhist lol.

Fuck off buddy.
i dont know if its because im high or you just have really horrible grammatical skills but what u said makes no scence to me what so ever rofl!!!

He has really bad grammar? The only time you used periods in any of these posts is where you type "...........", or the one you copy and pasted from Heph's sig by accident.

Go through your posts from #98 to #111, you didn't use one period (on purpose) to end a sentence. :blsmoke:

Just thought it was funny you commented on his grammar.
If you look at all the christian based wars right up until now and listen to what a lot of christians are saying right now about how their war is rightous and the jews should kill the arabs kind of stuff thats being talked about check it out if you havent , it's messed up . Maybe you are not like all that and your not gonna judge me and then condescend upon me which is cool and I take no issue with that , however collectively as a group of people who are supposed to be the light of the world I personally have been exposed to what I call christian fascism far too much and personally I am really sick of it . I never said that every christian was like that , it would be ridiculous to stereotype everyone , however here in the bible belt what I see is a far cry from what christianity claims to be . Too many preachers want to preach people into hell instead of preaching them out of it . I am out in it every day dude and it is just messed up . Christianity is to me something that should be so wonderful but for some reason it , at the hands of those who profess to be christians has in far too many cases become something else . So much so that people feel the need to post threads like this . I been going to church all my life and I have met some cool people . But I met a bunch more of other shit in there that really doesnt jive with the teachings bro . As a christian mayby you could take issue with that , so many people don't feel yhe same way as I do because people claiming to be christians have been so nice to us . It is not my intent to insult anyones religeous beliefs , but the title of this thread should let people know there is something about what I'm saying that is true and certainly others feel that way too.
I would not come on here and say this stuff if the title was like - How Wonderful It Is To Be A Christian . The golden rule is the most kick ass teaching I ever heard of in regards to how we could be toward each other .Anyone could benefit from that. The throwing away of good stuff like that and replacing it with condescention and fascism by those claiming to be christians is what bothers me . I you are a christian and not like that then maybe it bothers you too ? I just had a whole huge battle with a preacher who threatened my life , tried to steal my bussiness and did a whole bunch of dirty shit to quite a few people besides me . Now my wife lives with him and his wife and she gives them all her money , I mean all of it dude . But what the fuck do I know . He tells them all what God needs them to do (mostly do for him so he can sleep fom midnight till 3 in the afternoon and get all his bills paid and have money to gamble with). Any way Heph I hope you arent like that , have a great day !
dude, you dont appreciate it when people try and communicate with you in your own special language.. I thought maybe communicating with you in the way you communicate with others would show you something, goes to show that you yourself do not understand yourself

i dont know if its because im high or you just have really horrible grammatical skills but what u said makes no scence to me what so ever rofl!!!
angry christians ranting as usual ,........a few hundred years ago people like ollylifter would slice your throat whilst you slept, for not believing in there imaginary god .
and i dont really care about the periods in a sentance or in this case one big run on sentance...... silly christians

I'm an atheist lol - you can look at any of my other many, many, posts regarding the topic.

I just think it's funny that you chose that specific thing to criticize someone on, when your grammar is just as bad, if not worse.