List of Things Christianity Has Made Worse

does anyone think this whole dyin for out sins is a crock of horse shit? what happened to all the people before jesus came down and after eve's dumb ass ate the apple? did they just all go straight to hell cause he hadnt died for them yet? lol sayin jesus was the son of god is just as bad as sayin santas fat ass came down my chimney every year to give me presents when i was young

..."after eve's dumb ass ate the apple" - funny as hell :)
what i really like is when atheists use "oh my God" or when they use hell ie., it hurt like hell...

it is so ironic that these people who dont believe in it and all they do in their life is criticize and belittle peoples beliefs and giving them hell, no pun, for what they believe in is super funny,

oh well, shows true colors
heph and olly are just trolls these days , they know they have been shown up on here and all that is left for them to do is troll .

Ya, that's why I pretty much walked away from this and some other threads. Too bad people like this ruin the potential for discussion. There are some theists on here who are reasonable and willing to discuss things without being assholes (eye exagerate comes to mind), but when those two come along they just flood the thread with hate and stupidity.

Such a shame.
wow. I'm new here, but this is the only thread that I have read all 15 consecutive pages of. I suppose I would call myself an atheist, but I am an atheist that searches for reasons to NOT be atheist. I would LOVE to believe in Heaven and Hell and God and the Devil. I just have not yet found ANY evidence that such exists. It IS absurd. I have a good friend who has literally broken down into tears and cried SEVERAL times because he is just so sad that I am "going to hell" and he is not. My own mother is the same way. She cries every time I say "the lord's name in vain". However, my mother has not always had christian views. She is actually Wiccan. To this day she literally casts spells and shit that she believes work. That is also absurd. Regardless, she has spent alot of time working with recovering alcoholics and drug addicts and we all know what goes on in those meetings. They shove GOD down your throat and tell you that you will NEVER recover until you accept Jesus. So by simply being around these people for so long she actually bought into that garbage and swears her life by it now. Somewhere in this thread I read Revelation 21:8. Those who practice magical arts will be consigned to the fiery lake of burning sulfur. I wonder what this means for my Wiccan/Christian mother. Even though she preaches Christianity religiously, she is still going to hell for being a witch. No matter what. Hearing that would probably make her reconsider her faith. Just like Heph has been reconsidering his. This shit is ABSURD people. Fucking nuts.
yeah im pretty sick of religious people on here , dishing out hatred towards people who happen not to believe in there god , but what should i expect really , its gone on throughout history .
the main problem is mostly with christians on here , they expect , absolute resect for there beliefs and if anyone points out massive flaws in there belief they go off on one .
I like Eye and Heph both...

They're both crazy and believe in some wacky stuff IMO, (lol) but they're good people open to some debate.

As an atheist, I don't really understand what it's like to have my faith attacked and dismantled by other people. So, I can kind of understand why they're defensive... it probably doesn't help with people constantly calling them names either, and accusing them of being unintelligent.

I don't think either Eye, nor Heph want to change social policy based on their religious beliefs and so if they want to practice whatever it is they practice, then fine. I want to see religious influence taken out of government, not religious influence vanquished like some sort of atheist totalitarian hammer.

We have to remember as much as we may disagree with people's beliefs, we must uphold their right to have them. That's what a secular government is all about.

Edit: If Christians want to protest things like abortion, that's awesome! They should exercise their right to protest things they don't agree with; but, if one of those Christians decides to run for office in any capacity, those views must take a back burner to what's best for a secular nation, and too often they don't.
I like Eye and Heph both...

They're both crazy and believe in some wacky stuff IMO, (lol) but they're good people open to some debate.

As an atheist, I don't really understand what it's like to have my faith attacked and dismantled by other people. So, I can kind of understand why they're defensive... it probably doesn't help with people constantly calling them names either, and accusing them of being unintelligent.

I don't think either Eye, nor Heph want to change social policy based on their religious beliefs and so if they want to practice whatever it is they practice, then fine. I want to see religious influence taken out of government, not religious influence vanquished like some sort of atheist totalitarian hammer.

We have to remember as much as we may disagree with people's beliefs, we must uphold their right to have them. That's what a secular government is all about.

Edit: If Christians want to protest things like abortion, that's awesome! They should exercise their right to protest things they don't agree with; but, if one of those Christians decides to run for office in any capacity, those views must take a back burner to what's best for a secular nation, and too often they don't.

.........:clap: Good call, I'm totally nuts. :) ...and Heph is a warrior.
You will see some of the same themes that I posted when I countered your bullshit in other threads.

You didn't counter crap my friend, all you ever do is call people idiots for not thinking the way you do. There is not a thing you can come up with that I can't counter as well that is why it is called belief.

yeah im pretty sick of religious people on here , dishing out hatred towards people who happen not to believe in there god , but what should i expect really , its gone on throughout history .
the main problem is mostly with christians on here , they expect , absolute resect for there beliefs and if anyone points out massive flaws in there belief they go off on one .

Always the crybaby, as usual. Last time I checked it was the non-christians that started all they drama on the last several threads. What makes your so called "hate" as you would put it any different than the other? You are doing the same thing are you not? I don't expect absolute respect from anyone, and I have yet to see any massive flaws in my belief system. I am a person just like you and deserve no more respect than you or anyone else for that matter. By the way what hatred has been dished out twoards you since your claiming this?

Just a note, if you feel hated it is probably a sign that you know you are doing things you shouldn't and you are just fighting it and trying to justify the reason you do it instead of addressing it. Justifying it is much easier than dealing with it in most cases.
You didn't counter crap my friend, all you ever do is call people idiots for not thinking the way you do. There is not a thing you can come up with that I can't counter as well that is why it is called belief.
i would say, not being able to come up with one single little scrap of evidence your god exists , is a massive flaw in your belief system .

Always the crybaby, as usual. Last time I checked it was the non-christians that started all they drama on the last several threads. What makes your so called "hate" as you would put it any different than the other? You are doing the same thing are you not? I don't expect absolute respect from anyone, and I have yet to see any massive flaws in my belief system. I am a person just like you and deserve no more respect than you or anyone else for that matter. By the way what hatred has been dished out twoards you since your claiming this?

i would say, not being able to come up with one single little scrap of evidence your god exists , is a massive flaw in your belief system .;-)
.........:clap: Good call, I'm totally nuts. :) ...and Heph is a warrior.

I enjoy the discussions I have on here. I've learned some very interesting things, from some very interesting people...


Check out my new strain reviews and grow in my sig! :D
I enjoy the discussions I have on here. I've learned some very interesting things, from some very interesting people...

...and that's the thing to me. I've stopped NOT talking to people 'just because of "X"' - and it's not that I did stop myself before. What I mean is that I am certain that random conversations with people tell us a bit about life as it goes along.

Anyway, yes, this is an eclectic group.
Heres one big problem I have...from memory, whats the name of this thread? Its ,"list of things christians have made worse"

what are we currently discussing? If the christians are right or the non belivers are right.

why are we discussing this? Well, firstly because the christians felt like it was their duty to come in and object to our feelings. But why? Obviously they cant change our mind and their "debating" only turn us off even more. Obviously they arent going to take what we say to heart (with the exception of heph seeing that only christians go to heaven) just like you cant convince a scared child that there is no monster in the closet or under the bed...even if you show them, they still cant shake the feeling.


You is not your right to go wherever you want and treat people however you want simply because you feel you are right. I dont walk into a church and start arguing with the congregation. Do you know why? Because that is a place christians have for themselves.

And if you feel it is your right because of american freedom, remember, our laws side with us in that we are not to be forced to listen to your.shit. Not vice versa. Dont your rules preach the same thing too? To leave us the fuck alone? To work on yourself, not others?
regardless, this wasn't supposed to be a thread about discussion or who is right or wrong. It was supposed to be a list of things Christianity has made worse. I still want to see that full list
Heres one big problem I have...from memory, whats the name of this thread? Its ,"list of things christians have made worse"

...well, I am adding to that list (and making sure that your thread is one of the things made worse), thus helping to prove your point - considering how right you are this should make perfect sense.