List of Things Christianity Has Made Worse

Filthy Phil

Well-Known Member
Things christianity has made worse: Africa and south america and australia. (and for that matter north america, europe and asia) the vote is still out on antarctica. We are interviewing the penguins to see if they too had their culture converted away by the sword.


Active Member
Well, firstly because the christians felt like it was their duty to come in and object to our feelings. But why? Obviously they cant change our mind and their "debating" only turn us off even more. Obviously they arent going to take what we say to heart (with the exception of heph seeing that only christians go to heaven) just like you cant convince a scared child that there is no monster in the closet or under the bed...even if you show them, they still cant shake the feeling.
The subject at hand was just you being a tool, and out of spite starting a thread that would "bait" someone to jump in and defend their beliefs. No need to sugar coat it and try to not look like the tool you are, just saying own your BS if you are gonna post it be honest about it.

So back to the topic, first you need to know and understand what a true Christian is before you start saying what they have done wrong. Besides that I am sure that there is a much longer list of what non believers have ruined.

Filthy Phil

Well-Known Member solely atheistic or anti-religion?
Yes. Scien,e uses empirical data to enterpret information, there is no room in science, true science at least, for assumptions made and influenced by beliefs which exist without empirical data or proof. It is part of the inherrant paradigm of science.

Religion has inserted slivers of ass headedness into science and also has rebuked science on numerous occasions due to it being blasphemous. Think stem cell research, heliocentric universe theory, and biological evolution

Filthy Phil

Well-Known Member
The subject at hand was just you being a tool, and out of spite starting a thread that would "bait" someone to jump in and defend their beliefs. No need to sugar coat it and try to not look like the tool you are, just saying own your BS if you are gonna post it be honest about it.

So back to the topic, first you need to know and understand what a true Christian is before you start saying what they have done wrong. Besides that I am sure that there is a much longer list of what non believers have ruined.
Cool. Start a thread, thats a different list.

Filthy Phil

Well-Known Member
The subject at hand was just you being a tool, and out of spite starting a thread that would "bait" someone to jump in and defend their beliefs. No need to sugar coat it and try to not look like the tool you are, just saying own your BS if you are gonna post it be honest about it.

So back to the topic, first you need to know and understand what a true Christian is before you start saying what they have done wrong. Besides that I am sure that there is a much longer list of what non believers have ruined.
And it wasnt bait. You werent intended to chase it down, however, being the predator that you are, you just couldnt resist. Lets call it what it is as you say


Active Member
there is no room in science, true science at least, for assumptions made and influenced by beliefs which exist without empirical data or proof
Dude that statement just proves how much you really understand about it, truly amazing. What is funny is you consider us "ass headed" because we do exactly what science expects us to do and that is question the validity of a claim but it is not fair if we do it.

eye exaggerate

Well-Known Member
Yes. Scien,e uses empirical data to enterpret information, there is no room in science, true science at least, for assumptions made and influenced by beliefs which exist without empirical data or proof. It is part of the inherrant paradigm of science.

Religion has inserted slivers of ass headedness into science and also has rebuked science on numerous occasions due to it being blasphemous. Think stem cell research, heliocentric universe theory, and biological evolution
...ass-headedness in science has little to do with christians. You are apparently a scientist, yes? (sorry, couldn't help that one :) )

...christian scientists, the vatican, et al have the same equipment that 'other' scientists do. It's in perspective that we have differences. (At one time) the vatican had the largest telescope in operation. But why? Must be another one of those 'phallicies'.


Well-Known Member
very true brother, these tools on here are extremely stupid and ignorant. i would say the only atheist on here i respect is pimppot and mindphuk. the rest are fucking retards trying to prove what they have proved already, that they feel nothing but hate for people who believe in God.

they are fools and extremely funny...

non believers have ruined pretty much the most respectable thing, they go and post up at soldiers funerals and bash these brave soldiers for what they did for our country

The subject at hand was just you being a tool, and out of spite starting a thread that would "bait" someone to jump in and defend their beliefs. No need to sugar coat it and try to not look like the tool you are, just saying own your BS if you are gonna post it be honest about it.

So back to the topic, first you need to know and understand what a true Christian is before you start saying what they have done wrong. Besides that I am sure that there is a much longer list of what non believers have ruined.


Active Member
Yeah let's start a new list, What non-believers have ruined.

How about this country as a start.......

If you knew half of what you thought you might actually be dangerous. Christianity played a major role in the founding of this country. What do you have other than destroying what made this country great.

Filthy Phil

Well-Known Member
Dude that statement just proves how much you really understand about it, truly amazing. What is funny is you consider us "ass headed" because we do exactly what science expects us to do and that is question the validity of a claim but it is not fair if we do it.
No, science asks you to use testing methods which can be replicateed, observable and measureable phenomino and methods, and find causal information, not corrolary evidence

Filthy Phil

Well-Known Member
...ass-headedness in science has little to do with christians. You are apparently a scientist, yes? (sorry, couldn't help that one :) )

...christian scientists, the vatican, et al have the same equipment that 'other' scientists do. It's in perspective that we have differences. (At one time) the vatican had the largest telescope in operation. But why? Must be another one of those 'phallicies'.
Interesting then that they threatened to burn galeleo for inventing and promoting them as a charge of blasphemy


Well-Known Member
...ass-headedness in science has little to do with christians. You are apparently a scientist, yes? (sorry, couldn't help that one :) )

...christian scientists, the vatican, et al have the same equipment that 'other' scientists do. It's in perspective that we have differences. (At one time) the vatican had the largest telescope in operation. But why? Must be another one of those 'phallicies'.
christian scientists is an oxymoron...this will tell you how your bible and your "faith" was created. watch this:

eye exaggerate

Well-Known Member
christian scientists is an oxymoron...this will tell you how your bible and your "faith" was created. watch this:
...dude, I've seen this and other docs like it... You think you're smart posting it. Do you think the sheeple don't know where their faith comes from? But I do have to admit, there are some dickheads that talk about it, still.


Well-Known Member
atheists also caused the abuse of children by priests by influencing these priests thinking and making them think their beliefs were all lies, and in attempt to get back God they did those nasty acts

I thought the gays did that....oh wait no that was some earthquake....


Well-Known Member
atheists also caused the abuse of children by priests by influencing these priests thinking and making them think their beliefs were all lies, and in attempt to get back God they did those nasty acts cannot seriously believe this...that HAS to be a troll...


Well-Known Member
You didn't counter crap my friend, all you ever do is call people idiots for not thinking the way you do. There is not a thing you can come up with that I can't counter as well that is why it is called belief.
So you lie in order to support your position...very Xian of you.

You cannot point to one post where I call anyone an idiot for not thinking the way I do, I don't do that. Argumentation is not accusation or belittlement or trying to force a viewpoint as potpimp and other theists seems to think. Argumentation and debate are ways to persuade and change minds voluntarily. It can expose sloppy thinking and cause some people to re-examine their own beliefs.

When I spoke of things I countered, I am talking about facts not beliefs. Such as the fact that the gospel writers were not witnesses to what they wrote about and there are clear embellishments and liberties taken with their writings, including mistranslating OT verses and trying to make them fit as a messianic prophecy where no single Hebrew reading individual would have made that mistake. You can pretend you countered those facts but you would be wrong.