List of Things Christianity Has Made Worse


Well-Known Member
not really cause its simple domed ceilins in churches...mud huts in a dome shape. i think they just understood the strength of the arch/dome and used it alot no matter what the material is. i doubt the concrete in that dome ceilin isnt hundreds of tons either. its beautiful architecture tho


Well-Known Member
not really cause its simple domed ceilins in churches...mud huts in a dome shape. i think they just understood the strength of the arch/dome and used it alot no matter what the material is. i doubt the concrete in that dome ceilin isnt hundreds of tons either. its beautiful architecture tho
You're right it's thousands of tons, 4,535 metric tons and it has lasted for 2000 years. The point is that you have no problems thinking this is man made and designed when in fact its much more complicated than the structures you are attributing to aliens.


Well-Known Member
You're right it's thousands of tons, 4,535 metric tons and it has lasted for 2000 years. The point is that you have no problems thinking this is man made and designed when in fact its much more complicated than the structures you are attributing to aliens.
have you looked at puma punku? a dome has nothin on that place. im sure total it weighs that much, but not thousands a piece.

Shannon Alexander

Well-Known Member
Okay so to be on point with the original topic, I do not know if it has come up yet as I skipped a few pages but sexual relationships have been ruined by Christianity..!

I wish I could remember the exact verse but reading in the old testament it speaks out against sexual immorality... which many people have lumped premarital sex in with sexual immorality... which in the bible that is not so, as the term fornication originally was a reference to sex with a prostitute. it states somewhere in the old testament to that if a man is to have sex with a virgin that he must pay her father the wedding dowry as an other man may not want her if she is no longer a virgin...

Sooo Christianity ruined consensual sex between willing people of consenting age...

Shannon Alexander

Well-Known Member
And also they have ruined the 10 commandments by replacing "Thou shalt not murder" with "Thou shalt not kill" which are two very different things as to murder someone is to kill someone without proper cause...


Well-Known Member
have you looked at puma punku? a dome has nothin on that place. im sure total it weighs that much, but not thousands a piece.
So you're amazed by a temple that was built 500 years AFTER the Pantheon and the Coliseum? The largest block was only 130 tons. That pales in comparison with the size and scope of the Coliseum. Sorry but "I don't know how they did something" is not strong evidence for aliens or miracles.


Well-Known Member
So you're amazed by a temple that was built 500 years AFTER the Pantheon and the Coliseum? The largest block was only 130 tons. That pales in comparison with the size and scope of the Coliseum. Sorry but "I don't know how they did something" is not strong evidence for aliens or miracles.
yea im amazed by a temple that has intricate/perfect cuts varyin in size, depth and quality, perfect engraved patters that are like a millimeter deep, and the fact that there really isnt anywhere around that area to get that kinda material that they used to make it...yea im amazed by that and no i dont think they did that shit on their own.


Well-Known Member
yea im amazed by a temple that has intricate/perfect cuts varyin in size, depth and quality, perfect engraved patters that are like a millimeter deep, and the fact that there really isnt anywhere around that area to get that kinda material that they used to make it...yea im amazed by that and no i dont think they did that shit on their own.
Quit getting your facts from a stupid TV show.

"archaeologists concluded that these and other red sandstone blocks were transported up a steep incline from a quarry near Lake Titicaca roughly 10 km away. Smaller andesite blocks that were used for stone facing and carvings came from quarries within the Copacabana Peninsula about 90 km away from and across Lake Titicaca from the Pumapunka and the rest of the Tiwanaku Site."


Active Member
Plain and simple the human species is quite resourceful indeed. Just look at the leaps and bounds we have moved forward in the last 10 years, in comparison it is light years ahead of how things progressed back then. It is proof indeed that man is quite resourceful when it comes down to it.


Well-Known Member
yea im amazed by a temple that has intricate/perfect cuts varyin in size, depth and quality, perfect engraved patters that are like a millimeter deep, and the fact that there really isnt anywhere around that area to get that kinda material that they used to make it...yea im amazed by that and no i dont think they did that shit on their own.
yeah man that stufs crazy no way in hell we did that stuff, we cant do that stuff now without huge machines and machine made blades and sand/water blasting type sht

Quit getting your facts from a stupid TV show.

"archaeologists concluded that these and other red sandstone blocks were transported up a steep incline from a quarry near Lake Titicaca roughly 10 km away. Smaller andesite blocks that were used for stone facing and carvings came from quarries within the Copacabana Peninsula about 90 km away from and across Lake Titicaca from the Pumapunka and the rest of the Tiwanaku Site."
so you found out where it came from. now for the real money question, how do they propose they put them together where rocks have less tan 1mm between them, we make bricks, becasue we dont have the technology to presision cut a mountain in half anymore.


Well-Known Member
yeah man that stufs crazy no way in hell we did that stuff, we cant do that stuff now without huge machines and machine made blades and sand/water blasting type sht

so you found out where it came from. now for the real money question, how do they propose they put them together where rocks have less tan 1mm between them, we make bricks, becasue we dont have the technology to presision cut a mountain in half anymore.
All of the finishing work is done by hand. Not saying it isn't labor intensive. Remember, these people could spend generations building these things. The bottom of the structure dates much earlier than later additions. The Coliseum was built in a fraction of the time and that mortar-less construction has massive amounts of force bearing down on the arches. Not to mention the mass of the crowd that it has to support which is a dynamic load as people are moving and jumping around in their seats during events. I think anyone that automatically thinks aliens is discounting the ingenuity of humans. Our intelligence is essentially the same as it was 5,000 years ago, only our available tools have changed. Quit trying to apply modern technology to buildings that weren't built that way. A massive crane might have a hard time lifting a 100 ton block but using ramps made from dirt, wood and stone will get the block up there as well, it just takes longer.


Well-Known Member
All of the finishing work is done by hand. Not saying it isn't labor intensive. Remember, these people could spend generations building these things. The bottom of the structure dates much earlier than later additions. The Coliseum was built in a fraction of the time and that mortar-less construction has massive amounts of force bearing down on the arches. Not to mention the mass of the crowd that it has to support which is a dynamic load as people are moving and jumping around in their seats during events. I think anyone that automatically thinks aliens is discounting the ingenuity of humans. Our intelligence is essentially the same as it was 5,000 years ago, only our available tools have changed. Quit trying to apply modern technology to buildings that weren't built that way. A massive crane might have a hard time lifting a 100 ton block but using ramps made from dirt, wood and stone will get the block up there as well, it just takes longer.
do you have proof all that work was done by hand?


Well-Known Member
do you have proof all that work was done by hand?
Proof? You want proof that ancient people did their stone work with metal hand tools by hand but you are willing to accept the idea that aliens helped because of mere speculation? I can see this discussion is a waste of time.


Ursus marijanus
do you have proof all that work was done by hand?
This can rightly be turned around.

The idea that this was done by people (brilliantly) using simple and known technologies is very plausible.
The idea that it was done with the assistance of a nonhuman agency for which no other plausible support exists is ... nothing short of fantastic.
So ...
can you prove, or point to internally and externally consistent proof, that it wasn't done the likely way? cn


Well-Known Member
you can look back at all my posts because i never once said what im sayin is right or aliens doin it is fact. his statement was "they did it by hand."


Well-Known Member
you can look back at all my posts because i never once said what im sayin is right or aliens doin it is fact. his statement was "they did it by hand."
That's the only thing we have evidence for... There's tools, and labour camps where the workers lived, dated at the time of the Egyptians; how much more evidence do you need?



Well-Known Member
That's the only thing we have evidence for... There's tools, and labour camps where the workers lived, dated at the time of the Egyptians; how much more evidence do you need?
Great video, BB. I love Shermer and have seen him lecture several times. Nice clear, concise explanation of the scientific method...


Well-Known Member
Proof? You want proof that ancient people did their stone work with metal hand tools by hand but you are willing to accept the idea that aliens helped because of mere speculation? I can see this discussion is a waste of time.

Yeah, cause believing in aliens makes much more sense than maybe something like documentation being lost during a war/riot that told exactly how it was done by human hands alone, it's not like those people kept track of everything and tell the world every fucking move they made on facebook or that everything they wrote down was preserved.

Some people need proof, some people only need believe, and the rest just make shit up.