Little LED grow experiment

Sub'd can't wait for harvest day!!
So I'm not alone! Hahah. Thank you!

I hope you guys had a good 4/20! Mine ended not too long ago. It was a solid 24 hours of talking and smoking. Just how I like it.

I still have not managed to get my friend to take some nice pictures. We would've had the chance to do so last night but once midnight hit we had other things in mind!

In any case, I uploaded this small album of pictures I took just now, about 20 minutes ago.

They're not very good, I'm pretty tired and shaky at the moment. The flash is also a bit too powerful.

Here is the album. Enjoy!


Well-Known Member
Hoooly shit guys. I used a mixture of Hydrogen Peroxide and water to kill the fungus gnats in 3 pots. Blue Rhino, Cherry Kush and Jock Horror. The leaves tripled in size in one night. I knew they were stunted somehow but I had no idea these fucking gnat larvae would do so much damage.

I honestly think this may partially explain why Martha is growing so slowly and airy. I will have to pick up some more peroxide and prepare a second solution for her. When I transplanted her into her final pot, I used the same gnat ridden MG soil.

I asked my mother for advice on this and she said you should never use cheap soil without heating it first. I wish I had more options for organic soil. I will start making my own soon but for now I'm stuck with this crap.
how hot does your box run ?
spring time is when i have a problem with gnats more then ever i have noticed if i let my soil dry out and dont over water they go away also you could scrounge up a couple little house spiders and stick them in your grow when the food goes away so do the spiders

you do have infared on those panels ? if not then wheres your heat come from cold soil holds water in that small a pot you should have to water twice a day if not more auto's get extremely thirsty
The temperature in the room is around 22-23 degrees Celcius when the lights are on. When they are off, it goes down to 16 degrees Celcius. A bit cold but they don't seem to mind. I'm not heating the room. The only source of heat are the lights. It'll get warmer this summer.

I water my largest one once every day or 2 and just lightly water her. It seems to be doing fine for now but I do notice that she is drinking faster and faster. I did have to water her yesterday night and the day before that so it does seem like I may need to water her tonight again. I wouldn't say she needs 2 waterings a day just yet though. Keep in mind she is only around a foot high, the pot is taller than the plant.


I just went to my growroom to take another quick look at Martha and it seems she may actually need to be watered twice a day soon. I did water her about 11-12 hours ago and it seems like she's already dry.

I seriously should've taken pictures of the new Jock Horror baby and her growth. Every morning is like a kick in the face, she's growing very fast. I guess this is what it's like to have no stunting. This one is going to be gorgeous. Martha will have nothing on this one if all goes well.

Screw it! I'm going to take pictures of the baby, might as well start at some point..

Now here is the baby Jock Horror Auto last night, around 12 hours ago.

Here she is today.

And again.



Well-Known Member
The temperature in the room is around 22-23 degrees Celcius when the lights are on. When they are off, it goes down to 16 degrees Celcius. A bit cold but they don't seem to mind. I'm not heating the room. The only source of heat are the lights. It'll get warmer this summer.
wow thats chilly.
wow thats chilly.
I am aware. It's getting warmer and warmer though. Soon enough it will be too warm in there but I've got ways to cool it down. I could warm it up by heating the room from which it intakes but that's just extra electricity costs. I'll see the difference the temperature makes very soon and I'll be able to judge myself how much they like the extra heat. I am sure you're right about the room being chilly, don't take it as if I'm ignoring your advice. I'm just the type of person who needs to know by first-hand experience.

I think the cherry kush I'm growing may be a little bit more sensitive to the temperature than the Jock Horror because it certainly is not growing as fast. I've also been wondering if the Blue Rhino I'm growing is not alot more sensitive to temperature than the Jock Horror as well.

Honestly I think the Jock Horror Auto is also just a very rugged plant. In any case. The temperatures should rise up considerably in the next 2 weeks. I'll do some tests then with some new seedlings and compare.


Well-Known Member
Easy on your watering habits......their is no way a plant that size and in those containers needs to be watered daily, just be careful! if root rot sets in , it's game over.......good luck grower
Easy on your watering habits......their is no way a plant that size and in those containers needs to be watered daily, just be careful! if root rot sets in , it's game over.......good luck grower
Well, actually I came back to say that she is one thirsty girl. I watered her last night before going to bed and today I picked her up and she was as light as a feather, I could tell it was almost time for a watering. I do not water her much though. I only give her about half a litre of water when I do.

I think I may have a nice example of root rot with my blue rhino. We'll see, those shitty pots I was using have horrible drainage and I fear it may suffer from root rot. I'm just going to let it be for now and see if it dies, if it doesn't it'll be a guinea pig.


Well-Known Member
i know this would affect your experiment but you could add like a 13 watt 6000k cfl and that would warm it up they run a little warm


Well-Known Member
and i just noticed i said water twice a day in that previous post i meant a week
you gotta forgive my stonerness that sweet tooth auto runs 22% lol i was baked when i posted last time
It's all good. I water her more than twice a week though. more around 4 times a week but as I stated earlier I do not give her that much water when I do. She seems to be doing great.

I'll try to upload some pictures tomorrow.
Hey guys. Quick picture update.

This is Day 61, Flowering Day 35. She is looking so tasty, I just want to take a bite out of her. I wish I had a better camera to show you guys.

These pictures are too large to just have them show up on the forum. I'll have to post them as links.

Here is Martha.

And now the baby. Not sure how old he/she is unfortunately I'll have to figure that out soon..
Quick update. The baby Jock Horror has showed sex. She is indeed a she! I've verified and it seems she is about 24 days old from seed. I found an old picture of her where she had just sprouted out of the soil on the 4th of April.

She had a bit of stunting in the first 2 weeks of her life but she is growing very fast and very strong now. The stem got so thick so quickly, she's an amazing girl.

Here are 2 pics I just took of her.

She is already almost as tall as Martha is, though Martha was tied down heavily and is now "growing shorter" due to the weight of the flowers piling on. Still, she's going to be pretty. I'm excited!


i did similar recently, the smoke was good, but light and airy, i bought some spotlights, 20w each, 1 per 2 plants and used the 4 panels i had, 1 per plant, made i difference, still light and airy though, so i now have added 1 50w spotlight per plant, have not finished the grow yet, still close to a month and a half left but the improvement this time is huge, they are already bigger than the last time and much more buds, this lot are cloned from the last lot too, i still think i will need more light, but not much, my meter shows over 5,000 lmns per 50w spotty, it peaks out at 5,000 so not sure how much more it is, using cool white LED spotlights, thought i better mention that, lol, roughly $1 per watt on ebay, the 20's cost me just over $19 each delivered and the 50's cost me $48 each delivered, i am on a pention, so money is a problem, they may end up light and airy again, but defiantly more buds and last time they were potent, so can only assume this time they will be too
i did similar recently, the smoke was good, but light and airy, i bought some spotlights, 20w each, 1 per 2 plants and used the 4 panels i had, 1 per plant, made i difference, still light and airy though, so i now have added 1 50w spotlight per plant, have not finished the grow yet, still close to a month and a half left but the improvement this time is huge, they are already bigger than the last time and much more buds, this lot are cloned from the last lot too, i still think i will need more light, but not much, my meter shows over 5,000 lmns per 50w spotty, it peaks out at 5,000 so not sure how much more it is, using cool white LED spotlights, thought i better mention that, lol, roughly $1 per watt on ebay, the 20's cost me just over $19 each delivered and the 50's cost me $48 each delivered, i am on a pention, so money is a problem, they may end up light and airy again, but defiantly more buds and last time they were potent, so can only assume this time they will be too
Yeah I think I'm going to go with T5HOs or I may just go buy more expensive LED panels with 3W LEDs. For now, honestly, I don't mind airy buds. Of course I'd like more volume but this will be enough for now. I plan on keeping a rotation of automatics going so I never run out. As long as the weed is tasty and offers a good quality high, I can't ask for much more.

I fed the baby jock horror last night. I saw major growth in the next 12 hours, 6 of those hours being darkness.

Here she is.

Here are 3 quick pics of Martha I took just about an hour ago. Crappy pics still but better than nothing.

Hey guys, quick update.

This is the new Jock Horror. I forget how old she is. She's growing along nicely, looking perfectly healthy.

The pics aren't great but they'll have to do for today.

Here is Martha at 72 days old. I believe she's been flowering for 46 days now. The leaves are starting to turn yellow. It looks like I'm going to get around 10 grams dry. I'm being conservative here, it might be more. Then again it might be less. We'll see, she's still got like 2-3 weeks to go I think.

Hey guys,

It's day 79 for my oldest girl. Flowering for around 53 days now. I trimmed a lot of yellow leaves today, I've never been sure if that was the right thing to do or not. It seems opinions are mixed on this subject. Anyhow, I decided to clear out the ones that were dying out and turning brown. I thought I'd stop giving her nutes a week ago but after close inspection with a magnifying glass, barely if any trichomes are amber yet and I'm looking to harvest around 70 to 80% amber.

Anyway, here are some shitty pictures of Martha.

And here is the younger Jock Horror at Day 41 I believe. I think it's been around 17 days since she's shown sex.

Apologies to any of you who may be viewing this on a slow computer and/or connection.
Ah yes, I forgot to ask.
It seems the lower leaves on the plant are yellowing already. I don't remember this happening on Martha. The yellowing is getting higher. I've fed her a good amount not too long ago of a high N solution. I don't mind giving her some more but at some point soon I will need to switch to bloom solution. Should I just feed her for bloom right away or give her some more veg nutes?
Hey guys,

no pictures today, everything is still going good though. I planted a third JH seed since I'll be harvesting Martha soon. She's sprouted out yesterday. It's a mutant, it sprouted out with 3 cotyledon leaves.

Also, I wanted to see for myself how true it is that smoking unripe weed can cause anxiety. Let me tell you, I think it's 100% true. All my trichome are still clear on Martha but I decided to try it out anyway, so I clipped a small branch and quick dried it using a microwave, wet towels and a tupperware container. I smoked 0.42 grams of it, immediately I felt a bit odd, I was "high" but it wasn't satisfying at all, it was a very odd feeling. This morning, I'm feeling extremely anxious for no reason. I had not had that feeling in a while but I know I've had it before. It must've come from smoking unripe weed as well.

I just thought I'd hijack my own post to mention this. It's been around 12 hours since I've smoked this and I still don't feel quite right.

Does anybody else have any anecdotal evidence to support this?