Little shit trick or treater....

So we aren't giving out candy this year; no porch light on. Had one kid about 14 or 15 years old come knock on the door before sunset, "trick or treat."

"Cmon on man, you don't even have a costume on and you're getting a little old for this. In fact, I think you should give me some candy, cuz ya know my ol' lady could use some."

And sure enough he walked away from my house with less candy than he walked up with.
Because she's a woman it's sass? Come on dog you know I can't tolerate that subtle sexism.
You the one takin it in a sexist way, what happend to equal rights n what not they should be subject to the same terms as anyone els, so you are the sexist one here....boom, your mind, blown
did she have a neckbeard?
We only had the military kids so hubby stayed
Home I walked around with 10 kidlets their parents some sangria LOL and Renly
It was fun and very warm for Halloween
We have an excellent time

I don't see why peoole dislike teenagers coming I think 14,15 is perfectly acceptable to trick or treat
I'd rather a 14 year old trick or treating than running round busting up pumpkins

Halloween is fun I dunno maybe it's just
I had a really fun time reliving my youth I was a kitty cat
Teenagers must think its "not kool" or "stupid" to trick or treat, well when i was a kid we HAD to take the youngin's(chaperone) around the neighborhood cause there was always the candy bullies trying to steal everyones kit-kats! even before ya got home! Trick or treatin is more like a job once ya get your stash man whoa!!~
Teenagers must think its "not kool" or "stupid" to trick or treat, well when i was a kid we HAD to take the youngin's(chaperone) around the neighborhood cause there was always the candy bullies trying to steal everyones kit-kats! even before ya got home! Trick or treatin is more like a job once ya get your stash man whoa!!~
I saw a few older kids last night not many but I don't mind them
Jee ya know they could be out doing worse things
Let em have candy I say