Little shit trick or treater....

We got maybe 40 kids..mostly in groups. .I think the oldest was maybe 10...I don't understand what happened to Halloween? ? When I was a kid the streets would be packed at 5pm...I couldn't bring my kid out because it was freezing ...Meh she's only 8 months so not a big deal...but I still dressed her up like a sweet little strawberry! ! 2016-11-01 06.08.24.jpg
We got maybe 10 kids total. The wife and I were wondering what the hell happened to Halloween?

It was madness when we were kids. I walked out into the neighborhood and the street was desolate. Kind of sad.

My wife thinks the chomos ruined it.

Oh and to the kids that did come I gave them: cans of tuna, sardines, ramen packets, oatmeal, lemons and tomato paste. (Candy too. But I snuck in the weird stuff. Just want them to be like WTF? When they count their haul).

Oh. Around 4:00 two half assed costumed dudes in their early 20's rang the bell. I looked at them for a sec and just said "nahhh" and closed the door.
Oh and to the kids that did come I gave them: cans of tuna, sardines, ramen packets, oatmeal, lemons and tomato paste. (Candy too. But I snuck in the weird stuff. Just want them to be like WTF? When they count their haul).

I used to do this too. LOL I remember sneaking a can opener in one frenzied kid's bag (back when they traveled in eager packs) and he/she squealed with the weight of "something good" in the pillow case LOL. Wish I could've seen the face when they dumped out all their hard work.

We got maybe 10 kids total. The wife and I were wondering what the hell happened to Halloween?

It was madness when we were kids. I walked out into the neighborhood and the street was desolate. Kind of sad.

My wife thinks the chomos ruined it.

Oh. Around 4:00 two half assed costumed dudes in their early 20's rang the bell. I looked at them for a sec and just said "nahhh" and closed the door.

Out here in the woods that would have scared the SHIT out of me. Actually anywhere that would've scared me.

*also, what's chomos?
We got maybe 40 kids..mostly in groups. .I think the oldest was maybe 10...I don't understand what happened to Halloween? ? When I was a kid the streets would be packed at 5pm...I couldn't bring my kid out because it was freezing ...Meh she's only 8 months so not a big deal...but I still dressed her up like a sweet little strawberry! ! View attachment 3820004

OMG how precious! Her smiling face peeking out is priceless!
We got maybe 10 kids total. The wife and I were wondering what the hell happened to Halloween?

It was madness when we were kids. I walked out into the neighborhood and the street was desolate. Kind of sad.

My wife thinks the chomos ruined it.

Oh and to the kids that did come I gave them: cans of tuna, sardines, ramen packets, oatmeal, lemons and tomato paste. (Candy too. But I snuck in the weird stuff. Just want them to be like WTF? When they count their haul).

Oh. Around 4:00 two half assed costumed dudes in their early 20's rang the bell. I looked at them for a sec and just said "nahhh" and closed the door.

You should have given them ramen packets and told them they'll come in handy for barter where they're going, lmao!
I hooked up my neighbor's kids with big tootsie rolls, they were stoked! Them and one other group is all I got tho.
Now that I think about it it was pretty dead this year..I remember when I would go the streets would be filled with kids,and I mean cars couldn't even drive down the street...maybe people arnt comfortable with theyr kids being out at night anymore
With all the led tech you'd think the parents would have flashlights! I almost hit like 12 kids, ended up only getting one.. But I couldn't see them it was hard
if you walk around dressed like a ghost or a zombie or a clown in the middle of the street.. expect to get hit
I used to do this too. LOL I remember sneaking a can opener in one frenzied kid's bag (back when they traveled in eager packs) and he/she squealed with the weight of "something good" in the pillow case LOL. Wish I could've seen the face when they dumped out all their hard work.

Out here in the woods that would have scared the SHIT out of me. Actually anywhere that would've scared me.

*also, what's chomos?
See big Lou's post a few down. He is correct.

About the scum part as well.
Now that I think about it it was pretty dead this year..I remember when I would go the streets would be filled with kids,and I mean cars couldn't even drive down the street...maybe people arnt comfortable with theyr kids being out at night anymore
That's what I was saying! It was an all out mob of kids in the streets. Hundreds. Could not drive the streets when I was a kid.

I remember in SD 1987 (I was 6)
It was absolutely pouring. Hardest I've ever seen in SoCal. The streets were still so full you could barely walk.

What happened!?
Got 310 this year 80 more than last year but now I'm out of peanut butter cups glad all the candy is on sale now