Little (very tiny) hard shelled thing inside each individual calyx.. what are these?


Well-Known Member
Yep, I'm an experienced grower.. not a professional though.. so yeah, I'm wanting to know what are these tiny little things that reside inside each little individual calyx. It almost looks like a seed.. but its nowhere near the size of a seed... nowhere near it.

If I had to compare it to something to give you an idea of how small these things are.. I would have to say that they're not bigger than the tip of a ballpoint pen. Actually, they're a little smaller than that even.

I looked at one underneath my microscope.. magnified it at 50x and it almost looks like a seed.. but like I said.. the size is throwing me off because they're so freaking small!! I tried taking a picture of one.. but they're just too small to focus on with my current camera.

Are these terpenes?? Or.. what?



Well-Known Member
ahhhh alrighty then. Thanks for that.. I was really thinking that it HAD to be a seed.. I just didn't realize how small they were when they're that premature.

Thats what was throwing me off.. making me second guess as to what they were. Even though I knew it was a seed.. the rediculus small size just threw me off as I've never seen a seed that small before.. wow.

Learned something new today! ;)


thanks for the help ppl.


benny blanco

Active Member
Does it look like a tiny lima bean? Smaller than an ant? I had those and I was trippin out but it wasn't a seed. I only had one or two though


I just chopped a Dinafem Roadrunner an hour ago, and had the same dang thing. I feel like an idiot b/c I didn't notice. It looked like all the fem plants I have grown before. I had a scrog in a PC case (about 6 inches tall, but growing about 18 inches sideways), so it was hard to see under the canopy.

Fuck, is this going to really hurt the potency? I could really use a pick me up. I feel awful -- like I want to puke.

I grow only 2-3 plants per year for personal consumption and I have really learned a lot over the past two years. Except for the tiny white seeds, this was by far the healthiest, frostiest, possibly highest yielding grow I have done (first time I scrogged).

Is all the frosty resin going to be downgraded b/c of the herm?

Other notes: I grow organic hydro, hempy style in perlite. The grow went 65 days from seed to chop. I chopped when all the hairs turned red. 24/7 light schedule.


Well-Known Member
No joke, that's what it is. A plants uterus so to speak. If fertilized with pollen, it will develop into a seed. If not, it gets smoked.

It is not an immature seed. Not till it gets fertilized anyway.



Well-Known Member
How quickly can a pollen turn the ovary into a full-blown seed?
If I'm making seeds, I allow at least 4 weeks for seeds to develop.

The actual pollination takes less than 1 hour, usually less than 1/2 hour.

Actually, not an ovary, but an ovule. That's what will become a seed if fertilized and is inside the ovary.



Active Member
I was searching and came across this thread and I made the same discovery as well. I was worried I had seeds so I tore open a few calyx's to find this tiny seed-like thing attached to the white hairs of the buds but it's very tiny. I checked them week after week to see if they would turn into seeds but they always stayed the same so I knew they weren't. I just wanted to put this out there so people wouldn't automatically think they have seeds when they see this.


Well-Known Member
ahhhh alrighty then. Thanks for that.. I was really thinking that it HAD to be a seed.. I just didn't realize how small they were when they're that premature.

Thats what was throwing me off.. making me second guess as to what they were. Even though I knew it was a seed.. the rediculus small size just threw me off as I've never seen a seed that small before.. wow.

Learned something new today! ;)


thanks for the help ppl.

the overy of the plant is in the calyx. looks like immature seeds but its just the overy. unless pollinated


Ok Just a quick question please. Why are some calyx barely seeable and others big as hell. What is in them other than the Pre-seed. Is bigger better and if so what's to be added to increase size. I know there suppose to swell as they mature if so what's it filled with. THC or some kind of amniotic fluid or Is it a solid plant mater. Just trying to learn something here. This was actually a question a friend asked me. He's using fox farm/big calyx and I'm on Canna/small calyx. Somewhere I've read that molasses would help increase there size just still not sure if bigger is better and if so what does it. Nutes/Temps/Air circulation/Co2.... What could it be. Thanks a lot any info would be greatly appreciated. Or a link would be great... Thanks Mase...


Active Member
Ok Just a quick question please. Why are some calyx barely seeable and others big as hell. What is in them other than the Pre-seed. Is bigger better and if so what's to be added to increase size. I know there suppose to swell as they mature if so what's it filled with. THC or some kind of amniotic fluid or Is it a solid plant mater. Just trying to learn something here. This was actually a question a friend asked me. He's using fox farm/big calyx and I'm on Canna/small calyx. Somewhere I've read that molasses would help increase there size just still not sure if bigger is better and if so what does it. Nutes/Temps/Air circulation/Co2.... What could it be. Thanks a lot any info would be greatly appreciated. Or a link would be great... Thanks Mase...

Diff strains varying


Well-Known Member
Yep, I'm an experienced grower.. not a professional though.. so yeah, I'm wanting to know what are these tiny little things that reside inside each little individual calyx. It almost looks like a seed.. but its nowhere near the size of a seed... nowhere near it.

If I had to compare it to something to give you an idea of how small these things are.. I would have to say that they're not bigger than the tip of a ballpoint pen. Actually, they're a little smaller than that even.

I looked at one underneath my microscope.. magnified it at 50x and it almost looks like a seed.. but like I said.. the size is throwing me off because they're so freaking small!! I tried taking a picture of one.. but they're just too small to focus on with my current camera.

Are these terpenes?? Or.. what?

I find these every once ina while. only on really killer smoke which confused me.


Well-Known Member
it's completely normal for this to happen, I've seen it many, many times. Quite documented as well. It's sorta like the plants, um, menstrual cycle (forgive the analogy), it's an un-pollinated seed.
I think there is a technical term/name for it, but it escapes me at the moment
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