Lockdowns work.

Suggest eh?

Suggestions are acceptable ways to interact with other humans.

Forcible politician edicts, like masks etc. , are unacceptable ways to interact with other humans.
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Kind of like those pesky edicts about driving on the right side of the road.... Freedom does not include a right to kill other people. You are free to believe Russian propaganda. But the rest of us don't have to sit still while you infect the rest of us. As a matter of personal freedom, suicide is free. Negligent or reckless homicide will always be regulated and always has.
Kind of like those pesky edicts about driving on the right side of the road.... Freedom does not include a right to kill other people. You are free to believe Russian propaganda. But the rest of us don't have to sit still while you infect the rest of us. As a matter of personal freedom, suicide is free. Negligent or reckless homicide will always be regulated and always has.

That was a decent answer in some respects. You're right freedom does not include the right to kill other people.

So would you be okay with the government killing people who disobey their orders to lockdown ? Ultimately EVERY government edict carries a potential death sentence for disobedience.

If a very very very small percent of people die from covid 1984 (see what I did there?) wouldn't it make more sense for the highly susceptible people to self quarantine and "allow" others to live their lives as they chose?
Freedom does not include a right to kill other people.

One more thought on this.

If you or I don't have the right to kill other people, you'd agree we couldn't possibly delegate that nonexistent right to other people, even if those other people call themselves government, right?
Why is limiting the spread important? Don't you trust your immune system ?

Also, sorry to hear you guys over there in Platypus land and neighboring New Zealand don't have any guns to defend yourselves from the coming mandatory vaccines.

Your government had no problem getting rid of the native population, what makes you think they value YOUR life ?
Because limiting the spread limits the spread. Not 100% no. People die from Viruses. Plus of cause we just dont know the lasting effects this one has on our bodies. Research so far seems to indicate some pretty bad stuff.

Most my mates have guns...
What mandatory vaccines?

That was the English govt.

Because i pay tax.
Your state will have more people die from obesity related issues this year than the hyped up virus.

In order to save those people are you okay with mandatory dietary restrictions and fat caliper measurements ? Maybe some kind of mandatory exercise program ?

The new normal ? "Get down and give me 20 tubbie" !!
obesity isnt contagious
If a very very very small percent of people die from covid 1984 (see what I did there?) wouldn't it make more sense for the highly susceptible people to self quarantine and "allow" others to live their lives as they chose?
Not really. If everyone does the right thing for a very short period of time then everybody can then do as they choose. If everybody is doing as they choose then the economy does well to. I admit its going to be a longer lock down for placers that have mishandled the pandemic from the get go where it was and is shorter for the placers that handled it better from the start.
Its called a society and looking after the young, the old and the frail is for the benefit of the tribe.
It's the best and only option we have thanks to Trump's incompetence.

100%!!!! It’s funny how the simplest concepts can become the most complicated.

I don’t even think it has to be a lockdown, just mandatory maks in public and social distancing.
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obesity isnt contagious

No, obesity isn't contagious. But preventing obesity could save lives. Isn't the premise of forcing a person to wear a mask, also based in the idea that it has the potential to save lives ?

Your comment, while accurate. amounts to saying "water is wet" and doesn't address my question about whether the government should "take action" to "fight obesity".

So, would you be okay with government forced edicts, ("to save lives") concerning obesity and decreeing how much a person
can eat or weigh etc. ? It's a simple question, Simpleton.

Victoria is a State in Australia, Melbourne is the capital. Lock down worked earlier in the graph. Life went back to normal ish. Bang, 2nd wave hit silly hard and again u can see the lockdown just bring it back under control fast.