Lockdowns work.

No, I meant that out of the 88,000 cases that got sick, about 1000 of those died. I was talking ratio, not lives. They want to stress the fact that 1000s have died, but out of the many, many people that actually got sick, a small fraction actually died. When you read more deeply about this, you find that most, if not all, of those 1000 had preexisting conditions that Covid-19 exacerbated and caused their deaths.
Why are you lying? What purpose does it serve? Oh yes right, lying is the new truth. Lying fucking heartless moron. Trump supporter I presume?
Why are you lying? What purpose does it serve? Oh yes right, lying is the new truth. Lying fucking heartless moron. Trump supporter I presume?
It's a fucking death cult. Guns, violence, "prior conditions", suppress test results to make the numbers look low, "Floyd was on drugs". Fucking heartless morons is an understatement. Cannibals is more like it.
Between this and the flu, why not now learn as a society not to bask in each others potentially lethal viral shedding?

It is this millennium's version of learning not to build a area to live without first having a plan on how to safely deal with human sewage.

What is the point of trying to stop this kind of protective measure for us all? The 'old days' of employers forcing sick people to work needs to stop, and the public snotting over everything does too.
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Things like curbside/parking lot pick up for grocery stores and even things like temp cameras would be a good thing to minimize peoples exposure to sick people.

old days? we had one Covid employee at work and the others that were sick might've been infected..they ordered to come in.
Why are you lying? What purpose does it serve? Oh yes right, lying is the new truth. Lying fucking heartless moron. Trump supporter I presume?

'what is the cost of lies? it's not that we'll mistake them for the truth; the real danger is if we hear enough lies, then we no longer recognize the truth at all..what do we do then? what else is left?'
old days? we had one Covid employee at work and the others that were sick might've been infected..they ordered to come in.
I worked a lot with the public in restaurants and retail stores. It is amazing how often we just expect people to work sick, especially when they have to interact with the people for the business to earn their money. We need to employ far more people and have far larger breaks between their shifts. And when people get sick they get covered pay-wise.

We would be far more efficient if we reduced the exposure of our customer base and work forces if we did this as a society, the money spent when people do become exposed would be worth comparing to the money saved by minimizing illness in our society.
I worked a lot with the public in restaurants and retail stores. It is amazing how often we just expect people to work sick, especially when they have to interact with the people for the business to earn their money. We need to employ far more people and have far larger breaks between their shifts. And when people get sick they get covered pay-wise.

We would be far more efficient if we reduced the exposure of our customer base and work forces if we did this as a society, the money spent when people do become exposed would be worth comparing to the money saved by minimizing illness in our society.

work sick
three jobs okay (because why should we pay a living wage)
corporate expect is 24/7

if any good came from this, it is that we can work from home easily (not stealing time from our masters like they think you would proven); thereby relieving big corporate of those expensive russian leases in corporate parks and that we've dramatically reduced carbon foot print that can be seen from space.
The "news" sells papers. The more the drama, the more they sell. Yes, we in Texas have had 1000 or so people die from Covid-19, but that's out of 88,000-they don't tell you that. They also don't tell you that those 1000 ppl were old or newborns with no antibodies or had pre-existing conditions, like COPD, etc. that made them more vulnerable.
those people had a heartbeat though!
since when have politics and cannabis not teen entwined?
Proof you're correct.
Record deaths in my state, rural county here 432 cases so far.
We've got over 500 cases in a small county (about 15K population) way out in the sticks. From 5-10 new cases a day. I'm trying to stay home, but I had to go into town to get gas in the truck Sunday about dark. Heard they shut down the store at 1600 Monday afternoon due to a clerk having Covid. Too damn close.
. . . . . . .176,000 dead Americans is serious shit. . . . . . .
I live with MAGA folks all around me, so I can't talk openly about how badly 45 has fucked everything up. But when the opportunity presents it's self, I slip in a little brag about what a good job he has done in reducing the back log for nursing homes. To date his leadership has opened up as many as 70K beds in long term care. Now we just have to wait a couple years until it's safe to use them.

All joking aside, I feel the fact our parents and grandparents are dying alone and afraid isn't getting the traction it deserves.