Lockdowns work.


Well-Known Member
No, obesity isn't contagious. But preventing obesity could save lives. Isn't the premise of forcing a person to wear a mask, also based in the idea that it has the potential to save lives ?

Your comment, while accurate. amounts to saying "water is wet" and doesn't address my question about whether the government should "take action" to "fight obesity".

So, would you be okay with government forced edicts, ("to save lives") concerning obesity and decreeing how much a person
can eat or weigh etc. ? It's a simple question, Simpleton.

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you racist retards cried when michelle Obama told you to eat vegetables

Budley Doright

Well-Known Member
Yes the situation south of here is frightening! Yet your leader and minions take no responsibility, “it is what it is”, the death toll and infection rate Is horrible but the lack of empathy is/should be criminal, yet the fuckers still got a shot at doing it all again......... please get out/mail in your vote so we can hopefully get back to a semblance of normalcy if that is ever possible. Yes I’m Canadian @Fogdog but what happens with you guys has profound and far reaching effects on us as well :(. The back to school thing is going to (IMO) going to spike infection rates for both our countries, this thing is far from over......too bad a minority, both here and there, think it’s not :(.


Well-Known Member
Looks like Trump is just figuring out there is a thing called drop boxes. He is such a piece of shit, and a idiot.

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The Trump reelection campaign sued Pennsylvania state and county elections officials Monday, saying mail ballot drop boxes were unconstitutional in the way they were used in the June 2 primary electionand asking a federal court to bar them in November.

“Defendants have sacrificed the sanctity of in-person voting at the altar of unmonitored mail-in voting and have exponentially enhanced the threat that fraudulent or otherwise ineligible ballots will be cast and counted in the forthcoming general election,” says the suit, filed in the U.S. District Court for the Western District of Pennsylvania.

Instances of voter fraud are rare, and there is virtually no evidence of successful widespread conspiracy to commit fraud via mail ballots. (An alleged effort in Paterson, N.J., last month quickly raised flags, and last week the state attorney general charged four men in the scheme.)

The lawsuit says mail ballot drop boxes violate the state and federal constitutions because elections officials are making decisions outside of what the law allows, taking the power to make law away from the legislature. The suit also argues that state and county elections officials set up different rules and policies across the state, creating a patchwork system that violates constitutional guarantees of equal protection.

The Republican lawsuit comes as President Donald Trump has escalated his attacks on voting by mail, raising unfounded claims of voter fraud and invoking conspiracy theories about foreign interference in mail voting. While voting by mail generally has not been shown to benefit one party over the other, the issue has become partisan. In Pennsylvania most Democrats voted by mail in the primary, while most Republicans voted in person.

Joining the Trump campaign in the lawsuit are the Republican National Committee; Republican U.S. Reps. Glenn Thompson, Mike Kelly, John Joyce, and Guy Reschenthaler, all from Pennsylvania; and two Republican voters who want to serve as poll watchers in November. The defendants are Kathy Boockvar, Pennsylvania’s secretary of state, and all 67 counties’ boards of elections.

The Pennsylvania Department of State, which oversees elections, declined to comment.

Democrats immediately accused Republicans of attempting to suppress votes.

”Donald Trump and Washington Republicans are trying to suppress the voices of Pennsylvanians because they know the easier it is for everyday people to vote, the more likely it is that they will lose,” Sinceré Harris, executive director of the state Democratic Party, said in a statement.

Mail ballot drop boxes are largely new to the state. Pennsylvania long had a restrictive absentee ballot system in which only about 5% of votes were cast by mail. But a new law allowed any voter to request a mail ballot beginning with this year’s primary. The coronavirus pandemic then fueled a massive surge in mail voting.

But it soon became clear that county elections offices were struggling to keep up with voter demand for mail ballots, and counties scrambled to set up drop box locations. Because Pennsylvania law requires mail ballots to be received by county elections officials by 8 p.m. on an election day, the idea behind the drop boxes was to allow voters to hand-deliver their ballots and know they had been received on time.

The lawsuit says this violates state law because ballots are supposed to be directly delivered to county elections offices.

“Permitting absentee and mail-in ballots of nondisabled electors to be collected at locations other than the offices of the county boards of elections and/or through ‘drop boxes’ and other unmonitored and/or unsecured means and to be counted when not cast in the manner mandated by the Election Code allows illegal absent and mail-in voting, ballot harvesting, and other fraud to occur and/or go undetected, and will result in dilution of validly cast ballots,” the suit says.

It also says some counties violated state election law by counting mail ballots that were sent without secrecy envelopes, which are placed inside mailing envelopes and help keep ballots anonymous. In addition, the lawsuit argues the state should allow voters to serve as poll watchers in counties other than where they live.

The lawsuit is the latest in a series of legal challenges to electoral systems in Pennsylvania and elsewhere, as Democrats and Republicans try to change the rules before November. Democrats and liberal-leaning groups have sought to extend mail ballot deadlines in Pennsylvania, for example, as well as other voting expansions in other states.

While all elections are messy, complicated affairs, administering them this year has proven to be a monumental task, with Pennsylvania officials contending with new voting machines, high-interest presidential election turnout, the coronavirus, and the most significant election law changes in decades. The ongoing litigation means some details of how the November election is run may yet change in the four months before Election Day.

That could have a significant impact on how votes are cast and counted. Even small differences matter. In 2016, Trump won the state by 44,000 votes, or less than 1% of the votes cast.

Posted: June 29, 2020 - 1:27 PM
Jonathan Lai | @Elaijuh | [email protected]

Budley Doright

Well-Known Member


Well-Known Member
Yes the situation south of here is frightening! Yet your leader and minions take no responsibility, “it is what it is”, the death toll and infection rate Is horrible but the lack of empathy is/should be criminal, yet the fuckers still got a shot at doing it all again......... please get out/mail in your vote so we can hopefully get back to a semblance of normalcy if that is ever possible. Yes I’m Canadian @Fogdog but what happens with you guys has profound and far reaching effects on us as well :(. The back to school thing is going to (IMO) going to spike infection rates for both our countries, this thing is far from over......too bad a minority, both here and there, think it’s not :(.
The same problem here in Oregon. We are doing OK compared to the rest of the country. My area will not be opening schools even though we are not seeing anything like some of the states that insist upon opening them up. We could beat this thing and it wouldn't even take that long. I'm embarrassed by how undisciplined and selfish so many of the people in the US are.


Well-Known Member
The same problem here in Oregon. We are doing OK compared to the rest of the country. My area will not be opening schools even though we are not seeing anything like some of the states that insist upon opening them up. We could beat this thing and it wouldn't even take that long. I'm embarrassed by how undisciplined and selfish so many of the people in the US are.

Yeah, all of the fucking beach weasels are entitled to use the beach.

Many of the religious freaks are entitled to congregate to share their delusions.

Many young people are entitled to have house parties.

Many of these idiots also say that the virus is a hoax! :roll:

Just too many morons for us to flatten the curve.


Silky T

Well-Known Member
unless you have 'western spirit' and don't know anyone who's sick so therefore it's a hoax and fake news.

you do live in ColoraDUH right?
The "news" sells papers. The more the drama, the more they sell. Yes, we in Texas have had 1000 or so people die from Covid-19, but that's out of 88,000-they don't tell you that. They also don't tell you that those 1000 ppl were old or newborns with no antibodies or had pre-existing conditions, like COPD, etc. that made them more vulnerable.


Well-Known Member
The "news" sells papers. The more the drama, the more they sell. Yes, we in Texas have had 1000 or so people die from Covid-19, but that's out of 88,000-they don't tell you that. They also don't tell you that those 1000 ppl were old or newborns with no antibodies or had pre-existing conditions, like COPD, etc. that made them more vulnerable.
What you said made absolutely no sense. Did you really say that 88,000 dead for no good reason is acceptable to you?

Trumpers have become a death cult.


Well-Known Member
The "news" sells papers. The more the drama, the more they sell. Yes, we in Texas have had 1000 or so people die from Covid-19, but that's out of 88,000-they don't tell you that. They also don't tell you that those 1000 ppl were old or newborns with no antibodies or had pre-existing conditions, like COPD, etc. that made them more vulnerable.
does that make their lives worth less..?

curious why did Trumpy* cancel hospital orders for equipment in blue states?

stick with your FOX bubble, you're more relevant there.

Silky T

Well-Known Member
What you said made absolutely no sense. Did you really say that 88,000 dead for no good reason is acceptable to you?

Trumpers have become a death cult.
No, I meant that out of the 88,000 cases that got sick, about 1000 of those died. I was talking ratio, not lives. They want to stress the fact that 1000s have died, but out of the many, many people that actually got sick, a small fraction actually died. When you read more deeply about this, you find that most, if not all, of those 1000 had preexisting conditions that Covid-19 exacerbated and caused their deaths.


Well-Known Member
No, I meant that out of the 88,000 cases that got sick, about 1000 of those died. I was talking ratio, not lives. They want to stress the fact that 1000s have died, but out of the many, many people that actually got sick, a small fraction actually died. When you read more deeply about this, you find that most, if not all, of those 1000 had preexisting conditions that Covid-19 exacerbated and caused their deaths.
effing Trumpers.

You said: "1000 or so people die from Covid-19, but that's out of 88,000-they don't tell you that. "

OK, so what in hell are you talking about?

Texas has 600,000 cases and 12,000 dead due to Covid. That's just the ones who got tested. Twelve-thousand needless deaths. The very idea that you could excuse those deaths because of pre-existing conditions is another example of how your kind have morphed into a creepy death cult.

A person has diabetes and dies due to Covid is dead due to Covid. If not for Trump and Republican ineptitude, they would have been living life, loved, and still here with us. Fuck that "pre-existing conditions" bullshit.


Well-Known Member
No, I meant that out of the 88,000 cases that got sick, about 1000 of those died. I was talking ratio, not lives. They want to stress the fact that 1000s have died, but out of the many, many people that actually got sick, a small fraction actually died. When you read more deeply about this, you find that most, if not all, of those 1000 had preexisting conditions that Covid-19 exacerbated and caused their deaths.
Between this and the flu, why not now learn as a society not to bask in each others potentially lethal viral shedding?

It is this millennium's version of learning not to build a area to live without first having a plan on how to safely deal with human sewage.

What is the point of trying to stop this kind of protective measure for us all? The 'old days' of employers forcing sick people to work needs to stop, and the public snotting over everything does too.
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Things like curbside/parking lot pick up for grocery stores and even things like temp cameras would be a good thing to minimize peoples exposure to sick people.
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Budley Doright

Well-Known Member
effing Trumpers.

You said: "1000 or so people die from Covid-19, but that's out of 88,000-they don't tell you that. "

OK, so what in hell are you talking about?

Texas has 600,000 cases and 12,000 dead due to Covid. That's just the ones who got tested. Twelve-thousand needless deaths. The very idea that you could excuse those deaths because of pre-existing conditions is another example of how your kind have morphed into a creepy death cult.

A person has diabetes and dies due to Covid is dead due to Covid. If not for Trump and Republican ineptitude, they would have been living life, loved, and still here with us. Fuck that "pre-existing conditions" bullshit.
Heartless Lying fucking morons.