Lockdowns work.

Our numbers (Ontario) are doubling every 10 days. They’ve partially or fully shut down some business’s in 4 regions but bars are open (till 11) :(. Ya that makes complete sense ...... wow! Told not to allow anyone to visit my home over the holidays but I can go to a bar and get hammered with 100 strangers...... who the fuck comes up with this?
Stay safe Budley, it’s going to be a tough winter here in Southern Ontario.
Lots of bikers with “Sturgis 2020” shirts for the last month in nearby tourist town and lots of other tourist types. The next months look horrible.
Lots of bikers with “Sturgis 2020” shirts for the last month in nearby tourist town and lots of other tourist types. The next months look horrible.

just in time for the election..sadly this will drive home 'hoax'.


he's literally not doing anything and any programs that he was getting PPE and supplies out? are long gone along with the CARES Act cash..it's two and half weeks to election.
Amazing ...... ya most everyone seems to have blown it :(
The countries who did the most first have done better over all.
I've been saying for awhile that it will take awhile for us to learn how to contact trace better, better instant testing and the best way to adapt to spot fires. Its not even been a year yet so a long way to go. It could easily overwhelm us still. That 2nd wave in Melbourne Victoria was way worse than the 1st.
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The countries who did the most first have done better over all.
I've been saying for awhile that it will take awhile for us to learn how to contact trace better, better instant testing and the best way to adapt to spot fires. Its not even been a year yet so a long way to go. It could easily overwhelm us still. That 2nd wave in Melbourne Victoria was way worse than the 1st.
Unfortunately here we seem to be watching those spot fires spread into full blown inferno’s. We had a chance in the lull to plan and prepare ...... we did not :(.
The countries who did the most first have done better over all.
I've been saying for awhile that it will take awhile for us to learn how to contact trace better, better instant testing and the best way to adapt to spot fires. Its not even been a year yet so a long way to go. It could easily overwhelm us still. That 2nd wave in Melbourne Victoria was way worse than the 1st.
Here in the US, 8 of the last 8 pandemics (since 1880) have killed more in their 2nd wave.