Lockdowns work.

Remember when you use to fight your brother for the rear glass above the rear car seat because your parents were ignorant?

Be better then your Parents.
Good point, by the idiotic logic provided a couple posts ago.

Why would we need safety belts if we are supposed to drive a car length away from another car for every 10 mph(or whatever it is)? If that was so safe then why would we need laws for the road? And if that was so safe why would we need auto insurance.
Good point, by the idiotic logic provided a couple posts ago.

Why would we need safety belts if we are supposed to drive a car length away from another car for every 10 mph(or whatever it is)? If that was so safe then why would we need laws for the road? And if that was so safe why would we need auto insurance.

Why would we need any freedom of choice when we have masters to force their choices on us ?
I agree, but I don’t think Australia is a good example at the moment, cause it’s summer. We had barely any case during the summer too.
OK. Did you know that most States and territories in Australia were Covid transmission free in winter? My Sate is the closet to Antarctica, so the coldest state and we have been covid transmission free for majority of the year due to a 3 week lock down back in March. Lock downs work.

By barley you mean thousands per day transmission and we are 0 per week?
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I’m not saying lockdowns don’t work, just saying Australia being in summer should be taken into account. And sorry, I meant “here” as in my country the Netherlands where we had zero or just a couple of cases for months during spring/summer.

Did you know that most States and territories in Australia were Covid transmission free in winter?
No, but I was all over NSW last summer and kept up with the situation and friends there since. Although I think Australians themselves handle it much better, they did have their biggest wave last winter (our summer), just as countries on the northern hemisphere have now.

I’m not saying lockdowns don’t work, just saying Australia being in summer should be taken into account. And sorry, I meant “here” as in my country the Netherlands where we had zero or just a couple of cases for months during spring/summer.

No, but I was all over NSW last summer and kept up with the situation and friends there since. Although I think Australians themselves handle it much better, they did have their biggest wave last winter (our summer), just as countries on the northern hemisphere have now.

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that wave u posted was mainly Victoria. You can do the math on population differences..... allot less than a thousand a day and back down to Zero all in bout 5 to 6 weeks after a lock down. The infection came from Hotel Quarantine of international arrivals. The State was Covid transmission free before the jump out.
Lock downs work. Victoria is again transmission free. Has been for over a month.

Australia has 3 new transmission cases today. (yep 3 and thats a HUGE number for us) All in NSW. One was from a driver of Aircrew staff and the other two look to be unrelated. Its headline news as its the first transmissions in over 7 days (maybe 14) in Australia.
Our last case a week or two ago was also a contact from airline crew if you remember. I would say that airline crew will now be targeted with more intense public protection.

as ive said a few times. Becoming covid transmission free is relatively easy its staying that way from countries who didnt fight at the start.
My state fought hard from day one. Must be up there with the best performing placers on earth. And it wasnt that hard as anyone following along can attest. In fact ive probably been less effected and put out than anyone reading this thread.

Lock downs work
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that wave u posted was mainly Victoria. You can do the math on population differences..... allot less than a thousand a day and back down to Zero all in bout 5 to 6 weeks after a lock down. The infection came from Hotel Quarantine of international arrivals. The State was Covid transmission free before the jump out.
Lock downs work. Victoria is again transmission free. Has been for over a month.

Australia has 3 new transmission cases today. (yep 3 and thats a HUGE number for us) All in NSW. One was from a driver of Aircrew staff and the other two look to be unrelated. Its headline news as its the first transmissions in over 7 days (maybe 14) in Australia.
Our last case a week or two ago was also a contact from airline crew if you remember. I would say that airline crew will now be targeted with more intense public protection.

as ive said a few times. Becoming covid transmission free is relatively easy its staying that way from countries who didnt fight at the start.
My state fought hard from day one. Must be up there with the best performing placers on earth. And it wasnt that hard as anyone following along can attest. In fact ive probably been less effected and put out than anyone reading this thread.

Lock downs work
Id like to give you shit, but it is very impressive how well your country has performed during this pandemic.
After an uncertain start, Australia ultimately made the right choices. Its leaders, yes, but also its people. The pandemic was a severe test of leadership, and of nation-state capability, but also of social cohesion and public culture. The whole of the people had to accept some personal inconvenience for the common good. In successful countries they did; in failed ones they did not.

After an uncertain start, Australia ultimately made the right choices. Its leaders, yes, but also its people. The pandemic was a severe test of leadership, and of nation-state capability, but also of social cohesion and public culture. The whole of the people had to accept some personal inconvenience for the common good. In successful countries they did; in failed ones they did not.

Too many snowflakes here in North America.
The masks are for when you can't maintain a 6 foot distance and vice versa. The lock down is to hopefully slow the spread so HealthCare systems aren't overwhelmed. Why the fuck would you wanna risk it anyways. Common sense tells me id rather be safe than sorry. Im believing you don't have common sense.... whispering in your ear.
