Lockdowns work.

That quote is absolutely true, but not in this case. How patriotic are you if you're not willing to sacrifice for the common good? Again, real or not, why risk it?

I'm not patriotic at all.

I'm not willing to sacrifice others freedom, because I don't have any right to do that. Nobody does.
If you want to wear a mask and obey politicians orders to lockdown on demand, I'm not going to stop you, but I might feel bad for you.

How is a "common good" being served by locking down for a virus that may or may not exist, and possibly kills less than 1% of those infected ? Do you understand what unintended consequences are?

I'm not patriotic at all.

I'm not willing to sacrifice others freedom, because I don't have any right to do that. Nobody does.
If you want to wear a mask and obey politicians orders to lockdown on demand, I'm not going to stop you, but I might feel bad for you.

How is a "common good" being served by locking down for a virus that may or may not exist, and possibly kills less than 1% of those infected ? Do you understand what unintended consequences are?

What about peoples freedom to life? The only sacrifice your making is to help the people of whatever community you reside in. Whether or not the virus exists, I'm not an expert, I don't claim to be, nor do I want to be, but I'm thinking you are not either, so I won't take your word for it. I've never had a problem trusting my dr. in the past. Why should I or anybody else for that matter take your word for it? I do understand unintended consequences, but the preservation of human life is more important to me than those"unintended consequences". I'm still doing the same thing I was doing before, still move about the country. haven't seen "muh freedoms" infringed on yet.
What about peoples freedom to life?

Without individual choice there isn't freedom to life.

If you want to stay home or establish a policy that people have to wear a mask on your property and / or at your business do it. That will preserve your freedom. If another person wants to go maskless and patronize a business that doesn't require masks etc. that should be their choice.
You get what you want, I get what I want. Choice.

You should take my word because it is founded in reason and respects others rights to choice. Masks aren't safe for me to wear and and I wouldn't wear one anyway, especially if somebody ordered me too. In fact just the other day I told ANOTHER person to pound sand when they tried to tell me "it's the law" !!! I will refuse an order to "lockdown". I'm not a slave, Governors can blow me. (figure of speech...lol)

The fact you are a subject within a political structure is evidence "muh (your) freedoms" have been abridged.
Yes, the preservation of human life is important, which is why I am a Voluntaryist and not government property.
Without individual choice there isn't freedom to life.

If you want to stay home or establish a policy that people have to wear a mask on your property and / or at your business do it. That will preserve your freedom. If another person wants to go maskless and patronize a business that doesn't require masks etc. that should be their choice.
You get what you want, I get what I want. Choice.

You should take my word because it is founded in reason and respects others rights to choice. Masks aren't safe for me to wear and and I wouldn't wear one anyway, especially if somebody ordered me too. In fact just the other day I told ANOTHER person to pound sand when they tried to tell me "it's the law" !!! I will refuse an order to "lockdown". I'm not a slave, Governors can blow me. (figure of speech...lol)

The fact you are a subject within a political structure is evidence "muh (your) freedoms" have been abridged.
Yes, the preservation of human life is important, which is why I am a Voluntaryist and not government property.
You're right. They're should be freedom of choice. I 100% agree with that, but then you should agree, that if you, and the people you surround yourself with don't wanna wear masks, if and when you get sick you give up your right to go to the hospital, dying or not. Sounds fair, no?
You're right. They're should be freedom of choice. I 100% agree with that, but then you should agree, that if you, and the people you surround yourself with don't wanna wear masks, if and when you get sick you give up your right to go to the hospital, dying or not. Sounds fair, no?

It would not be difficult for some medical facilities to offer services that cater to mask wearers and some to offer services that cater to non mask wearers. Restaurants and grocery stores etc. could do the same things.

Thank you for understanding that freedom of choice is important.
You're right. They're should be freedom of choice. I 100% agree with that, but then you should agree, that if you, and the people you surround yourself with don't wanna wear masks, if and when you get sick you give up your right to go to the hospital, dying or not. Sounds fair, no?
I'm not trying to be a dick. It's not my nature. You have your right and freedom to your opinion as well as I. I just feel there is something to this virus and I don't feel it's fair for people to go around maskless, spreading the virus, and or getting it spread to them, but then wanting to overwhelm the hospitals out of their own selfishness.
It would not be difficult for some medical facilities to offer services that cater to mask wearers and some to offer services that cater to non mask wearers. Restaurants and grocery stores etc. could do the same things.

Thank you for understanding that freedom of choice is important.
Of course it's important.
I'm not trying to be a dick. It's not my nature. You have your right and freedom to your opinion as well as I. I just feel there is something to this virus and I don't feel it's fair for people to go around maskless, spreading the virus, and or getting it spread to them, but then wanting to overwhelm the hospitals out of their own selfishness.

I appreciate you being reasonable. I can be reasonable too, it's my nature to treat people politely until they deserve otherwise.

It's not safe for some people to wear a mask. It's also not safe for a single person to have the power to "lockdown" millions of people, many of whom don't want to be locked down. I say "have the power" because I know Governor's don't have the right to lock people down.

There might be something to this virus, bur even if you believe "their" numbers, it hasn't been an actual pandemic. It is undoubtedly being used to advance other agendas.
I appreciate you being reasonable. I can be reasonable too, it's my nature to treat people politely until they deserve otherwise.

It's not safe for some people to wear a mask. It's also not safe for a single person to have the power to "lockdown" millions of people, many of whom don't want to be locked down. I say "have the power" because I know Governor's don't have the right to lock people down.

There might be something to this virus, bur even if you believe "their" numbers, it hasn't been an actual pandemic. It is undoubtedly being used to advance other agendas.
What agenda is it serving? That's great if it hasn't yet become a pandemic. Why not keep it that way?
What agenda is it serving? That's great if it hasn't yet become a pandemic. Why not keep it that way?
Rob has oppositional defiant disorder (ODD) and he inflicts his mental health issue on others, Rob is fucked up in other ways, but that will do for now. Rob makes as much sense as Trump and he's got his nose shoved up his arse as well. Paradoxical I know, but like I said Rob is pretty fucked up. Someone will be hunting him down with a butterfly net as soon as they get decent mental health laws in America. Rob talks rights but not responsibilities a typical asshole who has trouble wearing a mask and is afraid of needles and Bill Gate's microchips in the tips of needles etc.
Rob has oppositional defiant disorder (ODD) and he inflicts his mental health issue on others, Rob is fucked up in other ways, but that will do for now. Rob makes as much sense as Trump and he's got his nose shoved up his arse as well. Paradoxical I know, but like I said Rob is pretty fucked up. Someone will be hunting him down with a butterfly net as soon as they get decent mental health laws in America. Rob talks rights but not responsibilities a typical asshole who has trouble wearing a mask and is afraid of needles and Bill Gate's microchips in the tips of needles etc.

I am not a typical asshole. :bigjoint:
Rob has oppositional defiant disorder (ODD) and he inflicts his mental health issue on others, Rob is fucked up in other ways, but that will do for now. Rob makes as much sense as Trump and he's got his nose shoved up his arse as well. Paradoxical I know, but like I said Rob is pretty fucked up. Someone will be hunting him down with a butterfly net as soon as they get decent mental health laws in America. Rob talks rights but not responsibilities a typical asshole who has trouble wearing a mask and is afraid of needles and Bill Gate's microchips in the tips of needles etc.
I tried to reason but I'm done. Some men you just can't reach.
Ok you're an atypical one, most don't wear monkey suits.

Which reminds me.

The sheep mask I bought is too hard for me to wear, can't see, can't breath, smells like latex. So, I'm going to make a scarecrow to ride in the passenger seat of my truck featuring the sheep head wearing a mask. Should be lots of fun at stop lights etc.

You're right, I am atypical. :lol:
I tried to reason but I'm done. Some men you just can't reach.

It's not reasonable to expect "freedom of choice" to be a thing and also to be okay with lockdowns. Holding two opposing beliefs at once might be a sign your mask is cutting off your oxygen. I'll pray to Odin for you.
It's not reasonable to expect "freedom of choice" to be a thing and also to be okay with lockdowns. Holding two opposing beliefs at once might be a sign your mask is cutting off your oxygen. I'll pray to Odin for you.
You have no freedom of choice, if you knew your own mind you would know this fundamental truth. Even if you are mindful you have little control, but with training you can discern your motives and intentions. Your unconscious controls your conscious mind and you can peek below the surface if you quiet your mind. Feelings drive emotions and emotions drive thoughts and set their priority. If two guys from the state hospital were chasing you with a butterfly net, your mind would be preoccupied with getting away and not much else, FREEDOM!
You have no freedom of choice, if you knew your own mind you would know this fundamental truth. Even if you are mindful you have little control, but with training you can discern your motives and intentions. Your unconscious controls your conscious mind and you can peek below the surface if you quiet your mind. Feelings drive emotions and emotions drive thoughts and set their priority. If two guys from the state hospital were chasing you with a butterfly net, your mind would be preoccupied with getting away and not much else, FREEDOM!

Well, okay then. :eyesmoke:
