Lockdowns work.

That’s what I’m pissed about. I’ve done my part and isolated in good faith only to have imbeciles out and about making my effort a waste of fucking time. Yes lockdowns work if an actual fucking lockdown.
You seem upset.
And if tested positive do we get to put a bullet between their eyes if they step outside their door?
Nobody is saying that you have to go outside.
Is the climate denier's handbook to demand proof or to patiently stick to the same argument that has not been addressed while more than a dozen people heckle and try to provoke and even make mock threads while politicizing a pandemic in the hopes that it will somehow help their candidate win an election?

Human caused climate change is very real. I have spent the last several years in ocean conservation, cultivating coral to address it.

Were you going to point us toward some actual proof that lockdowns have been successful in keeping the number of new cases under control such that the healthcare system is not overloaded?

You use the same tactics that climate science deniers use and you learned their tricks well.

There are other tactics that I've seen you borrow from the enemy but I'm not interested in writing an even longer reply that won't be read. A couple of tactics that are common between them and your medical science denying rants are:

Treating dynamic data as if it were static. For example:

It's snowing outside, so much for global warming
2000 people died of coronavirus yesterday. Lockdowns don't work.

Both of the above statements seem true but are false because climate and the epidemics are dynamic, with instantaneous readings changing all the time. Overall, the climate is warming, any individual temperature reading can be chosen to claim otherwise. Also, while the number of people recently dying is horrendous, we are relatively close to what was predicted would happen. Our medical experts repeatedly tell us that we have about another 3 or 4 weeks before the number of people who are dying drops down to the low double digits. Thus far, their predictions are within the estimated error they also provided. To both climate science deniers and you, I ask why we should listen to amateurs and not to people who have spent decades working on the subject as their profession?

Another tactic is to pose an alternative theory and then look for data to back it up.

"Satellite data shows the earth is cooling"
"Sweden isn't locked down and they aren't experiencing an epidemic"

either of these statements are not true but it puts the onus on your opponent to explain why.

or this one: Were you going to point us toward some actual proof that lockdowns have been successful in keeping the number of new cases under control such that the healthcare system is not overloaded?

Same problem. You conflate instantaneous results with longer term trends and analysis. The theory that lockdowns are needed and effective is not disproven by high death rates at hospitals at this instant. But here your tactic is effective because you've put me in the position of saying so. Deniers won't even understand what I just.

It's all just propaganda tricks that you've learned well from the enemy.

I'm not saying that you personally are a bad person, unlike what I say about assholes like @Bugeye who only care about themselves and promote policies that are intended to kill others. I'm just saying that you are using false debate tactics to win your argument.

We have a large and well educated medical science community who know tons more than you ever will on the subject. From what I've seen, their efforts at stopping the virus have been effective and I've shown their work in posts on this thread.

As with climate science denial, your argument doesn't hinge on data, it's sold with high volume rhetoric. The data shows you are wrong about lockdowns not working.
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A common trait in a women ;).
Quietly gathering evidence before springing the trap is smarter than most would do. Male or female, most just give away what they plan to do without gathering the material needed in order to be sure to win the fight before engaging.

I admire the way amber plans ahead and takes action before anybody else even suspects the plan. It's killer effective too.
Andrew Cuomo: Testing survey Finds 13.9 Percent Positive For COVID-19 Antibodies | MSNBC

During a press conference, Gov. Andrew Cuomo showed survey results that 13.9% of New York residents infected with COVID-19 have developed antibodies to fight the virus. Aired on 4/23/2020.
Quietly gathering evidence before springing the trap is smarter than most would do. Male or female, most just give away what they plan to do without gathering the material needed in order to be sure to win the fight before engaging.

I admire the way amber plans ahead and takes action before anybody else even suspects the plan. It's killer effective too.
Yup my ex kept it pretty quiet till the lawyers letter lol. I admire that as well :(.
Although your political class was a little slow. I am basing all my choices on what I see happening in the USA first... it normally just takes a few days before the same things play out here with a local slant. As an organism, your population is not against doing the right thing (while one doesn't know as much as one would like ideally)
A good article about the difficulty in modeling this epidemic. It's a good explanation why back of the envelope calculations are not worth discussing.

Here we are, in the middle of a pandemic, staring out our living room windows like aquarium fish. The question on everybody’s minds: How bad will this really get? Followed quickly by: Seriously, how long am I going to have to live cooped up like this?

We all want answers. And, given the volume of research and data being collected about the novel coronavirus, it seems like answers ought to exist.

There are certainly numbers out there. Trouble is, they’re kind of all over the place. For example, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention is using models that forecast a best-case scenario in which about 200,000 Americans die, according to reporting by The New York Times. Meanwhile, a report from Imperial College London that made headlines for its dire, modeling-based forecasts predicted about 2.2 million U.S. deaths from the coronavirus, if nobody changes their everyday behavior.

Main knobs in the model makes the effort look like a cakewalk:

Then again, just looking at one major variable, Infection rate, the model looks like this:


The other two variables are complex too.

So, the next time somebody talks about this as if it were a simple binomial expansion, laugh at them. They are either naive or trying to sell a bill of goods.
Quietly gathering evidence before springing the trap is smarter than most would do. Male or female, most just give away what they plan to do without gathering the material needed in order to be sure to win the fight before engaging.

I admire the way amber plans ahead and takes action before anybody else even suspects the plan. It's killer effective too.
It’s called the element of surprise .
Treating dynamic data as if it were static. For example:

It's snowing outside, so much for global warming
2000 people died of coronavirus yesterday. Lockdowns don't work.
I never argued that a single spike in the number of deaths represented anything. I have literally never made such an argument.
Another tactic is to pose an alternative theory and then look for data to back it up.

"Satellite data shows the earth is cooling"
"Sweden isn't locked down and they aren't experiencing an epidemic"
I never said Sweden wasn't experiencing an epidemic.
or this one: Were you going to point us toward some actual proof that lockdowns have been successful in keeping the number of new cases under control such that the healthcare system is not overloaded?

Same problem. You conflate instantaneous results with longer term trends and analysis.
I disagree that asking for proof conflates those two things. It's simply asking for proof.

None of the things you said are true. You just lured me into a thread that was made specifically to troll me with memes because you disagree with me in order to make an argument against things I never said.
I never argued that a single spike in the number of deaths represented anything. I have literally never made such an argument.

I never said Sweden wasn't experiencing an epidemic.

I disagree that asking for proof conflates those two things. It's simply asking for proof.

None of the things you said are true. You just lured me into a thread that was made specifically to troll me with memes because you disagree with me in order to make an argument against things I never said.

That's another tactic of the science denier. Demand absolute proof. Science isn't a branch of mathematics with certainty and absolute proof.

Here's your proof. I just checked and the lockdowns are still working.

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I never argued that a single spike in the number of deaths represented anything. I have literally never made such an argument.

I never said Sweden wasn't experiencing an epidemic.

I disagree that asking for proof conflates those two things. It's simply asking for proof.

None of the things you said are true. You just lured me into a thread that was made specifically to troll me with memes because you disagree with me in order to make an argument against things I never said.
Sure you do. You've done it many times.