Well-Known Member
Impeding growth my ass.. my pruned tomato plants were 15 feet tall and 5 plants produced enough bushels of tomatoes to can and last me 2 years.
Your a book smart imbecile.
Your a book smart imbecile.
...every leaf that grows contributes to photosynthesis
Impeding growth my ass.. my pruned tomato plants were 15 feet tall and 5 plants produced enough bushels of tomatoes to can and last me 2 years.
Your a book smart imbecile.
What about those which receive zero direct light? Are they "contributing to" photosynthesis? Without receiving sufficient light? Seems like that would be impossible, since photosynthesis is the conversion of light energy to plant energy.
my pruned tomato plants were 15 feet tall and 5 plants produced enough bushels of tomatoes to can and last me 2 years.
*Excess red and far red, penetrate.Can you guys READ and do some research? For the tenth fuckin' time, red and far red light penetrates the canopy.
See my red sig line.
Not bad for a mutt. So easy even a cave man can do it.
Bullshit? I can backup my Bullshit with pics.. can you?Bullshit....
If cannabis could read, they'd probably deliberately hermie and thoroughly self-pollinate. I doubt any sentient creature with enough intellectual capacity to understand english, would approve of being grown purely for consumption by another type of creature.1. Glad my plants can't read,
2. Popcorn buds is NOT about light.
Thanks old man. Let's see some of your work. Being the expert that you are, I'm assuming it's going to blow everyone away......
If cannabis could read, they'd probably deliberately hermie and thoroughly self-pollinate. I doubt any sentient creature with enough intellectual capacity to understand english, would approve of being grown purely for consumption by another type of creature.
I'd like to hear more about how tiny popcorn buds has nothing to do with light... but while also having nothing to do with that whole plant-energy-distribution thing.
I won't complain if i learn something new today.
May I suggest you start by finding all posts in the many defoi threads I've posted to. I really get tired of repeating myself with every new crop of noobs.
Hey Uncle Ben I do appreciate your wisdom, I do also understand how you go from super nice to cut throat lickidy split. It is frustrating trying to teach others when they already refuse to accept what they are trying to learn.
it is like going into a politics class dead set on your party and anything the teacher says good bad or indifferent about the other party your like yeahhh fuck those guys they don't know shit.. even if they do have valid points.
I don't know if that makes sense but its a compliment to you as well as I think I understand now your frustration and I apologize for calling you Uncle Bucks boyfriend.. Buck is an asshole just to be an asshole your just frustrated with the stupidity of mankind.
<3 thanks for the knowledge, I will continue to let them have their leaves.
Thanks for the post. Yeah, I get grumpy with fools...don't take them lightly. One thing that's a given, they all have to learn the hard way.
BTW, love Dave Chappelle! The village race baiter needs to watch this one, hah!
Early in the season before they even started fruiting.. my wife is 6 feet.. they grew up 6 feet then over back down to the ground and out another 3 feet. After we harvested and pulled the vines we measured them.
Sounds like a lot of unnecessary leaf and stem to me.
We can maters, okra, cuke pickles, beans, etc. Maters are about done for this year, been bearing for months. I grow them in 5' tall X 3'D cages made out of concrete mesh. Garden produces like a mofo this year and will soon get my second crop of taters. BHN 589 maters in greenhouse are loaded. That's my winter crop until next June.
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....everything's honky dory until this happens!
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Unnecessary leaf and stem? Unnecessary leaf you said lmao..
They were tomatoes top to bottom. They served their purpose.