lolollipoping my big bud plants **<<PICS>>**

Green Cross

Well-Known Member
I lolliop...

I do single cola SOG, Al B. Fuct style...

Here is his comparison on lollipoping vs not on a SOG Clone...:razz:

Side by side proof

Nice work gypsybush

Tahoe, that's a sexy plant you have there, the top must be the size of a beer can


Well-Known Member
ok so say i top to get 2 main colas and i want to lollipop to have 2 huge main colas and lets say 2 other good sized colas from lower branches and everything else get cuts, is this still lollipoping and would that be better then just having 2 enourmous main colas and nothing else or what, when it comes to topping and lollipoping a plant what do you recomend doing for max yeild
That is just something you have to play around with a bit. Lots of factors like lights, soil, nutes ect..... I know it can a bit nerve racking the first time, but its hard to just totally fuck up. Give it shot, you will find the style that best suits your needs and grow method.


Well-Known Member
good points all made .... and in my view even the phenotype of the individual plant has some bearing on it .. what are its natural tendencies from a plant structure perspective? .... but yea ... try something asnd see what works ... Walk On!!~~ :peace:
That is just something you have to play around with a bit. Lots of factors like lights, soil, nutes ect..... I know it can a bit nerve racking the first time, but its hard to just totally fuck up. Give it shot, you will find the style that best suits your needs and grow method.


Well-Known Member
when i start my monthly harvest grow i am going to be lolly popping clones. hopefully they will be able to yield an oz or more per plant that way.


Well-Known Member
yes lets get back to my topic of lollipoping not topping,
lollipop lollipooooooooooop lol
whos had success with it, more yield?


Well-Known Member
so im now into week 4 of flowering...
the buds are developing nicely but still have a way to go...
tell me what you think...


Well-Known Member
buds seem to be developing nicely now on day 32...
hopefully ill get about 3 oz per plant


Well-Known Member
just received my earthworms!
not gonna use nutes at all because iv heard that worms shit out nutrients so im goin for the organic option!