long running problem

Roger A. Shrubber

Well-Known Member
this plant is 60 days old, it should be twice the size it is, and i can't figure out the problem.
it looks like a phosphorous problem, but i'm giving it more than i'm giving any of my other plants.
i grow in 2/3 miraclegrow potting soil and 1/3 coco. i use vegamatrix nutes, have been following the standard veg schedule. for microbes i use a spoon full of SCD Bioag, a spoon full of Buffaloam, and a spoon full of molasses in each gallon of water, added a day before i water so it can steep and culture overnight.
started this plant with 4 others (different strains) and they're all doing well, one is actually 3 weeks into flowering. use tap water, but i let it sit for about 3 days before i use it, and by then it tests as having NO chlorine in it.i ph correct to 6.0, check the runoff, and its never been way off. i'm trying not to kill it with phos because that can cause other lockouts. this one threw single bladed leaves for a long time, well past when the others had started to develop normal healthy growth.
part of me just wants to throw it out and give its space to a productive plant, but another part of me doesn't want to give up on a wayward child.
i've flushed this plant twice and tweaked its feeding schedule to give it all the phosphorous i can without causing a zinc or iron deficiency.
any suggestions would be appreciated. i've read all the forums about sick plants, and have tried all the reasonable suggestions i've found, with no results
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Well-Known Member
I would give it nothing but water until you figure it out and only so when it's noticably lighter.

Did the perlite come with the potting soil? Seems as though it could use more.

Are you over watering? That's what it looks like to me.

Roger A. Shrubber

Well-Known Member
i water twice a week, usually, sunday and wednesday, but i will give them more or less if they seem to need it. i stick my finger in up to the second knuckle, and if its still wet i wait another day, if its dry i go ahead and water, not very scientific, but its been working for all the other plants

the perlite comes in the miraclegrow, could add some more i guess, but like i said, this is the only plant that seems to be having an issue with it.

i flushed this plant the day before i took these pics, may be makin it look over watered
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Well-Known Member
I abandoned the knuckle technique when I found I was doing damage to newly formed roots. I can only gauge the uptake by the weight of the pot.

I didn't see you mention clones or seed.

I suspect some sort of root pathogen if not just a dud seed.

For it to right itself will take quite a bit of time .

Roger A. Shrubber

Well-Known Member
this was a clone a friend gave me, i know the mother plant it came from and its produced many healthy clones, guess i just got a dud
I abandoned the knuckle technique when I found I was doing damage to newly formed roots. I can only gauge the uptake by the weight of the pot.

I didn't see you mention clones or seed.

I suspect some sort of root pathogen if not just a dud seed.

For it to right itself will take quite a bit of time .
I agree, this looks like it could be a root issue, and further other issues expressing due to the roots being in distress


Well-Known Member
i would have added something other than coco to the soil. coco you treat like hydro, soil you treat like soil.

looks like lack of N to me.

coco is bad about salt buildups.

Roger A. Shrubber

Well-Known Member
i use vegamatrix nutrients, the whole line. i also use scd bioag, whcih is basically a microchorrizae culture, and buffaloam compost tea. its odd though that i started 5 plants at the same time, been feeding them essentially the same thing at the same time, and the other 4 are doing well.

Roger A. Shrubber

Well-Known Member
i know what EC is but have never paid any attention to it, thought that was more a hydroponic thing, is it important for soil grows? guess i could get a meter if i need to.


Well-Known Member
i know what EC is but have never paid any attention to it, thought that was more a hydroponic thing, is it important for soil grows? guess i could get a meter if i need to.
EC is like ppm. are you feeding full strength?

it seems like you are double feeding if you are giving them nutes and tea. i'm not a dirt grower so i'm not positive on that. and probably the soil had nutes in it too. maybe they are used up by now?

Roger A. Shrubber

Well-Known Member
the chart that comes with the products has pretty high numbers, and says "designed for use at every feeding". i think as much as they say twice a week would be too much, so what i've done is added 50% to their numbers, then divided it by half, which may still be too much.

http://purelifeveganix.com/feeding-chart/ this is their chart. where it says add 8, i've made it 12 and cut it in half, so they get 6 twice a week......
again, maybe not the best idea, but it seems to work for all the other plants.
i looked on their website and kushman himself responded to someones post asking about tea, saying it was fine to add the nutes to it, so i have been


Well-Known Member
hmm. maybe a soil grower could chime in if feeding with tea and nutes is overfeeding?

i know i hated coco when i tried it. had problems with nute buildup. with coco, you need to flush it not with plain water but with a very light nute solution.

maybe try to hold off on nutes for a few days and just use the tea? just a guess.


Well-Known Member
EC is like ppm. are you feeding full strength?

it seems like you are double feeding if you are giving them nutes and tea. i'm not a dirt grower so i'm not positive on that. and probably the soil had nutes in it too. maybe they are used up by now?
Yes, the buffalo composts npk is robust. Not sure if you are aerating it or not.

gives some pics of the healthy ones. So I can sleep better tonight.

Simplify your regimen, you can look and smell,soil and tell when to apply teas.
Start with a better soil mix and follow the best practices.

I would not use the resilience of your healthy plants as an indication of the soundness of your methods without a long track record.
this was a clone a friend gave me, i know the mother plant it came from and its produced many healthy clones, guess i just got a dud
best to mimic that soil mix the mom was in. That has a proven record of sucess.

Dealing with a temperamental plant myself, very sensitive to nutrients and is underperforming. Gave up flowering dogs long ago, this was bag seed and curiosity has gotten the best of me.

What you have to be weary of is pests nesting on her. Culling as was mentioned is what's best for your healthy plants.

Jimmy Sparkle

Well-Known Member
Going back and re reading this all very carefully, I think it's safe to say that I have no idea what the hell I'm talking about on this one. Lol. Peace

Roger A. Shrubber

Well-Known Member
this plant is 2 weeks younger than the problem child, otherwise has had identical conditions, sits 6 inches away, gets the same nutes, only reason this isnt in the flower room yet is i dont have room for it for another couple weeks
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maybe not the healthiest plant ever grown, but miles above and beyond the other.

p.s. just posting this so Slab can get some rest