Hey guys, I've been browsing this website for quite some time reading up on how to grow and such, planning to move from the Marijuana hating state that I live in out to Colorado to start growing. I've just gotten sick of the whole going to the office every day grinding out work for nothing but a pay check, I've seen too many people I know suffer with prescription medicines for cancer (my family has a long history of it) and I want to have a job that I enjoy and help people around me.
Long story short, what I'm looking for is either A) a company who specializes in setting up complete grow houses or B) a good website to get everything from tables to lights to fertilizers and everything else I can need at a reasonable price. I've been looking at
Stealthhydroponics.com but I really havent had much luck finding other sites, and I'm not exactly sure what these things should cost so I don't want to get ripped off and end up spending ridiculous amounts of money.
Long story short, what I'm looking for is either A) a company who specializes in setting up complete grow houses or B) a good website to get everything from tables to lights to fertilizers and everything else I can need at a reasonable price. I've been looking at
Stealthhydroponics.com but I really havent had much luck finding other sites, and I'm not exactly sure what these things should cost so I don't want to get ripped off and end up spending ridiculous amounts of money.